posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 05:30 AM
As a species, i believe that we doing good. So we don't all know how to hunt, farm, and gather, or even go rambo style and kill everyone that
comes in our path. Progression is what we have done and will always do. First we we literally chased our food till it could go no farther (watch
how the bushman hunt on youtube). Then we gathered and hunted with better tools like the bow. After that we learned to farm and domesticated
animals. We started to build bigger towns and city's b/c we had more food from farming and domesticated animals to hold a population. When we
became for sophisticated we turned to iron tools, using ox, cows, horses, and other beasts of labor to plow the fields with plows.
We have always problem solved we will continue to do so. To say we will go back 5000 years is nonsense. We will continue to grow, problem solve,
develop, thrive, and succeed as a species. Just look at new technology coming out. If you don't know just look at i mean wtf.
Btw we look at war today as wtf. But yet when we read history we read about people or civilizations that were good at well war. Take Alexander the
great for instance how much did he conquer? Julius Cesare ? Empires like Egypt, Persia? We learn about Alexander the great like he was the fing at
the same time hate that we are doing the modern way what he did?