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A list of 117 top scientists dead... "ahem"... assassinated so far (and rising).

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posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 02:22 AM
I aplogise if this has been mentioned before I have read the OP several repies but not every post.

In the Reaqgan era many British scientists died in very very odd circumstances , they all had one thing in common they worked on the star wars project.

Many of their deaths were presented as suicide, some were found to have had been killed by trademark mossad assassinations according to the books writtten on the subject.

A British government enquiry was launched under Thatcher, but the facts were buried, they had to launch an investigation a s so many scientists were killed.

Many of the killed were Brit scientists of middle eastern/pakistani background.

As far a sI know no Jewish Brit scientists were killed in this episode.

This should be a thread on ATS but as usual the real facts are never discussed.
edit on 24-9-2011 by Dr Expired because: added word

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 02:34 AM
Domestic Disputes:

(x)Number 025 - Dr. David Schwartz , age 57. Died: December 10, 2001. Murdered by stabbing with what appeared to be a sword in rural home Loudon County, Virginia. His daughter, who identifies herself as a pagan high priestess, and three of her fellow pagans have been charged. Three teens that were into the occult were charged with murder in the slashing death.
Clearly a CIA hit squad, not.

(x)Number 035, 036 - Tanya Holzmayer, age 46, Died: February 28, 2002: Two dead microbiologists in San Francisco. While taking delivery of a pizza, Tanya Holzmayer was shot and killed by a colleague, Guyang "Mathew" Huang, 38, who then apparently shot himself.One year earlier, Holzmayer obeyed senior management orders to fire Huang. Huang appeared from behind the deliveryman. He shot Holzmayer several times at close range in the chest and head. As Holzmayer fell in her doorway, Huang ran to a Ford Explorer and drove away. Less than an hour after the shooting, Huang called his wife, according to Foster City Police Capt. Craig Courtin. He told her about the shooting and that he was going to kill himself, then he hung up. Huang's wife called the emergency services and Foster City police used search dogs to comb the area. They ran into a jogger who had seen Huang's body lying off the walkway that locals call "The Levee." He had fired a single bullet into his head.
Again not a hit.

(x)Number 088 - Caroline Coffey, 28. Died June 3, from massive cuts to her throat. Hikers found the body of the Cornell Univ. post-doctoral bio-medicine researcher along a wooded trail in the park, just outside Ithaca, N.Y., where the Ivy League school is located. Her husband was hospitalized under guard after a police chase and their apartment set on fire.
Seems like the husband, scientists can have screwed up lives too and be a poor judge of character.

(x)Number 094 - Adriel D. Johnson Sr. 52. Died February 13 at the hand of neurobiologist Amy Bishop. His research involved aspects of gastrointestinal physiology specifically pancreatic function in vertebrates.
Shot by Amy Bishop, not a hit.

(x)Number 095 - Gopi K. Podila, 54. Died February 13 at the hand of neurobiologist Amy Bishop, Indian American biologist, noted academician, and faculty member at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. He listed his research interests as engineering tree biomass for bioenergy, functional genomics of plant-microbe interactions, plant molecular biology and biotechnology.
Shot by Amy Bishop, not a hit.

(x)Number 096 - Maria Ragland Davis, 52. Died February 13 at the hand of neurobiologist Amy Bishop. Her background was in chemical engineering and biochemistry, and she specialized in plant pathology and biotechnology applications. She had a doctorate in biochemistry and had worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Monsanto Company in St. Louis.
Shot by Amy Bishop, not a hit.

Scientists down to 86, from 117!

The rest of the cases died either very violent deaths at the hands of robbers or military forces, are missing, or death was not disclosed or is unknown. It would be pure speculation to offer an opinion on these cases.

The reason I made this list was simple, Mossad or the CIA does not kill 81 year old men on their second liver and 14 days away from death anyway. This list was unorganized, unresearched and at time completely wrong. While I do agree there seems to a high number of deaths among researchers and scientists in bioweapons backgrounds, I do not think they were all targeted by a single malevolent group seeking their destruction. Some of these people may well have been targeted but not by one group but by many and sometimes just by common street thugs, it happens even to our intellectual elite.

I am all for conspiracies, that's why I am a member of ATS, but this list is so poorly done it saps whoever wrote it of any credibility. Denying Ignorance doesn't start with reposting crap.
edit on 24-9-2011 by bphi1908 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 02:47 AM
reply to post by bphi1908

Admire your earnest passion, but if you looked into the deaths of the star wars Brit scientists you will find no trace of doubt that this was a conspiracy.
This thread argument is weak as the reported facts testify, but it doesn't mean there isn't a clever conspiracy going on, in the Brit Scientist deaths it was a clear execution progrom to mask Israeli acuisition of technology via western funded research.
The Islamists the non zionist Brits had to be silenced as their minds were full of the Israeli defense missile system blueprint.

This should be your minds target.

Not mars muddlings?

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 03:05 AM
reply to post by Dr Expired

I wasn't saying that there is no conspiracy there. I simply tried to narrow the focus of that list into the deaths that were more clearly defined as suspicious. That original list was muddied with a lot of very natural deaths, in order for any conspiracy to be taken seriously the person defining it has to have a clear message.

As you do with your conspiracy. You have the players, motive, and end result. The list is just a list, the scientists field of study vary wildly, there is no clear motive tying all their deaths together and nary a mention of what the purpose of killing these men and women would achieve. And be sure if the CIA or Mossad or MI6 kills someone they have a reason and objective they hope to achieve already formulated. I do believe many of these people were executed but by a single entity, doubtful.

And as far as the 1980's deaths you have given me something else to look into, thanks!

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 04:01 AM
"The university says 65-year-old Professor Michael Drake died Wednesday at the University of Arizona Medical Center in Tucson. "

He was 65. He had a demanding job and his body was probably tired.

It could just be that he died a normal death of deadness... R.I.P perhaps

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by CasiusIgnoranze

I agree with Misterlondon, you should compile a list of the ones that are actually mysterious deaths.

I remember a few years ago, Alex Jones used to rattle on about all the micro-biologists that had died under mysterious circumstances. I don't listen to Alex anymore but there might be some truth to what he was saying.

If you could compile a list of these then you would be on to something good.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 06:12 AM

Originally posted by CasiusIgnoranze
reply to post by judus

Naturally the family will be compensated with millions just so they don't go to court and make a big deal out of it.

Surely throwing money at their families would be an admission of guilt?

Don't you think?

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 06:16 AM
reply to post by bphi1908

Amy Bishop sounds like a right psychopath! Or a hired killer! Or a manchurian candidate, mind controlled type person!

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 06:47 AM
statistical analysis :

even if we accept that all these 117 scientists were murdered - the question is , is this fact statistically abnormal ?

to present a non-brased view [ excluding pre 2000 cases ]

the list reports 105 deaths over a 10.5 year period

that is conveniently - 10 deaths / year

now lets look at homicide rates / pupulation


as " top scientists " tend to inhabit higer demographics and have higher income levels - plus have low incidences of drug use , criminality / violent behavious

we will use the ` north / west europe ` rate of 1.5 / 100 000 pupulation and halve it

to 0.75 / 100 000

so for the 10 deathys / year to be statistically abnormal - the " scientist population " would have to be < 1.3 million world wide

that is assuming every death to be a murder - a patently absurd position

the list casts its net world wide - and scrapes the barrel with such entries as a county public health official in the US - there are 3143 counties in the usa and every one has public health officials

so - statistically - this list actually shows that scientists are less likley to be murdered than the general population

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by CasiusIgnoranze

he was 65....most scientists work pretty hard....making it to 65 and dying isnt all that mysterious. i think it would just be easier to give funding to scientists to disprove him or make up research against him if there was a case of not wanting to find certain info out.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 08:19 AM
Some days (like today) my cats act as if they have been heavily sedated. And then there are other days that they are literally bouncing off the walls with over-active vitality. Neither behavior being the norm. So I know... because of how and what I have personally experienced in the past... that what I am NOW experiencing/witnessing... is not imaginary.

There are definitely remote triggers being administered that are influencing our physical and behavioral responses. Incidently... a neighbor in close proximity recently passed away from heart failure (early 50s)... and his neighbor has also been experiencing "episodes." As for myself... I've been plagued with numerous health issues. I get one health issue solved/remedied and then another one steps in. As if each malady has it's own specific frequency that it responds to.

I know for a FACT... that all these issues with my cats, my neighbors, and myself are being triggered by outside (remote) influences. Which reminds me of the recent loss of the TWO 51 y/o Senator's daughters who lost their battle for life in sync... an event that reminded me of a DUO loss in my recent past that was also synchronized.

So I'm pretty sure your suspicions are probably correct. Our scientist friends are being remotely assisted with the dying process. No guess work here.
edit on 24-9-2011 by shushu because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by lkpuede

Originally posted by 2PLUS2IS22
how about the Airmen involved with teh n88kuluhr accident in t3h fariforce based in sloth derkato, ? se3vent33n or 18 othem deadered might seriously too


posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by shushu
Some days (like today) my cats act as if they have been heavily sedated. And then there are other days that they are literally bouncing off the walls with over-active vitality. Neither behavior being the norm. So I know... because of how and what I have personally experienced in the past... that what I am NOW experiencing... is not imaginary.

There are definitely remote triggers being administered that are influencing our physical and behavioral responses.Text Red.

Incidently... a neighbor in close proximity recently passed away from heart failure (early 50s)... and his neighbor has also been experiencing "episodes." As for myself... I've been plagued with numerous health issues. I get one health issue solved/remedied and then another one steps in. As if each malady has it's own specific frequency that it responds to.

I know for a FACT that all these issues with my cats, my neighbors, and myself are being tiggered by outside (remote) influences. Which reminds me of the recent loss of the TWO 51 y/o Senator's daughters who lost their battle for life in sync.

So I'm pretty sure your suspicions are probably correct.

remote triggers influencing behavior you say? ----->

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by 2PLUS2IS22

I have edited my post. You might want to reread your response... and catch up.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 09:10 AM

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 09:14 AM
There are some serious deaths on this list. But it doesn't go very far back. In my opinion Dr. Robert S. Harrington should be close to, if not on top of this list, especially in view of assassinations - dying of a very aggressive oesophageal cancer, as a healthy man, leaving him unable to speak his last few months on earth after a discovery of some astronomical anomalies, often considered "unsuccessful discoveries" because of his abrupt death. There are lots of threads on him on ATS.
To the point: people die all the time, and people get assassinated all the time, the CIA, MI6, KGB, etc. are almost notoriously romanticised for this.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by CasiusIgnoranze

I have a Similar Thread I posted but i did do so good Reason First Thread first use of a Forum had no Clue at the time of making one but made the Atempt

Dead Scientists DO Tell Tales

From My Thread ...

Quayle's Dead Scientist Section on his website

List of Dead Scientists

From My Failed thread ...
Hmm Interesting...

( RENSE.Com )
Dead Scientists And
Microbiologists - Master List
Compiled by Mark J. Harper

( RENSE.Com )
Other Mysterious Deaths...
Lest We Forget
By Prof. G. Cope Schellhorn
First Published 1997 By UFO Universe Magazine

And... Speaking of Silence ..

( )
Jack Ruby

Jack Ruby (Oswald's assassin) makes a statement to reporters after he has been permitted a new trial. He says : Everything pertaining to what's happening has never come to the surface.

The world will never know the true facts, of what occurred, my motives.
The people had , that had so much to gain and had such an ulterior motive for putting me in the position I'm in,

Will never let the true facts come above board to the world.

Reporter : Are these people in very high positions Jack ??

Jack : Yes.

"When I mentioned about Adlai Stevenson, if he was vice president there would never have been an assassination of our beloved President Kennedy

" Asked if he would explain it again Ruby continued "Well the answer is the man in office now"
- that man was Lyndon Johnson

We We All kNoW is this has been Recorded & Documented on Film of what Ruby has Said

From the Oliver Stone JFK Film .. ??? any Truth .. but it is Odd he Just got cancer and Died All of a Sudden !

Jack Ruby injected with cancer

CIA NSA Keeping The Silence From having the Word Spread to the Public ..
Since September 18, 1947;

Jack Ruby Speaks!

Ruby: Kennedy killed over preference for Johnson

Yes I Know ! A little Off Topic with Ruby !
Just Showing the Points about when Government Agency's Silence People From Letting the Truth Out !!
From Prosecuting To Jail Prison or Even Death !

I wonder if they Tried to with James Traficant !


Traficant also claimed, in the letter, that he knew facts about "Waco, Ruby Ridge, Pan Am Flight 103, Jimmy Hoffa and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy", which he may divulge in the future.

James Traficant

edit on 24-9-2011 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-9-2011 by Wolfenz because: no know lol ahh grammer

edit on 24-9-2011 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 10:04 AM

We We All No is this has been Recorded & Documented on Film of what Ruby has Said

From the Oliver Stone JFK Film .. ??? any Truth .. but it is Odd he Just god cancer and Died All of a Sudden !

Jack Ruby injected with cancer

CIA NSA Keeping The Silence From having the Word Spread to the Public ..
Since September 18, 1947;

Yes I Know ! A little Off Topic with Ruby !
Just Showing the Points about when Government Agency's Silence People From Letting the Truth Out !!
From Prosecuting To Jail Prison or Even Death !

I wonder if they Tried to with James Traficant !


Traficant also claimed, in the letter, that he knew facts about "Waco, Ruby Ridge, Pan Am Flight 103, Jimmy Hoffa and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy", which he may divulge in the future.

James Traficant

edit on 24-9-2011 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

JFK? Oliver Stone, you say? Interesting this theory never was mentioned in 07!V3r'z movie: (notice not a single flag) (notice only 2 flags, only one response) (notice only 7 flags, two pages) (notice zero flags, zero stars) (notice only 1 flag) (notice zero flags)

why no interest in the conspiracy that started it all when it comes know...

edit on 24-9-2011 by 2PLUS2IS22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by Wide-Eyes

Originally posted by Wide-Eyes
reply to post by bphi1908

Amy Bishop sounds like a right psychopath! Or a hired killer! Or a manchurian candidate, mind controlled type person!

Hired killer? Really? Wouldn't they typically do things in a manner that made detection of their involvement hard to track?
Manchurian Candidate doubtful given her history of manic behavior, wouldn't a history of run-ins with the law (to much exposure) make them a BAD candidate?

And another thing why these three? why then? I really don't like this idea "spitball conspiracy", the idea of throwing crap at a wall and seeing what sticks.

If you want me, or anyone, to buy this give me a solid reason why you think this way.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by Wide-Eyes

Originally posted by Wide-Eyes

Originally posted by CasiusIgnoranze
reply to post by judus

Naturally the family will be compensated with millions just so they don't go to court and make a big deal out of it.

Surely throwing money at their families would be an admission of guilt?

Don't you think?

Throwing money at families is an indication of something... Who in particular are you talking about? Who is supplying the money? Which family members received it? How much? Do you have any links?

Say we take "(√)Number 026 - Dr. Set Van Nguyen, age 44. Died: December 14, 2001. Found dead in the airlock entrance to the walk-in refrigerator in the laboratory he worked at in Victoria State, Australia."

If the lab paid out money to the family after a civil suit brought on by the family for wrongful death then there would be no conspiracy. And don't tell me the CIAKGBFSBMI6 have the judge in the case under mind control, because I will laugh my ass off and then ask for sources.

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