Interesting thread.
OK, here is a tale of when I was younger.
Back from the ages of 5 to 16 yrs old I liked to stare at the sun once in a while when the days were clear and nice.
When I was young I used to spend hours laying on my back on the grass in the middle of summer looking directly at it, and the more you stare at it the
more it changed colors going from bright yellow, to violet, to green, to a kind of gray, to an opaque color and substance that is hard to describe,
and all kinds of mixes of colors in between those. Really it was a strain to keep your eyes open while it changed, but the sun sure is pretty and
beautiful and so I watched.
Though I did not have the best vision in the world, I did my sun staring so much so, that doing that destroyed my corneas somewhat and lead to
the my vision becoming blurry over time, at a to young age. And it is one of the bigger reasons for my poor vision latter in life as I grew up.
And so latter in life I had to get corrective eye surgery to fix my crappy vision since I hated wearing glasses especially since I couldn't stand
still for long, and hatted running around with them bouncing all over the place and contacts just sucked.
And now? It's to bright out in the sun every time I go out, and even at night I cant stand the lights or places were its dark and has all kinds of
lights flashing. I prefer no lights at and only the light of the moon and stars, things are so much more better and clearer that way.
And coincidentally now I know what a deer fells like when it is caught in the headlights, it literally blinds you and your body just reacts without
your consent. And I cant even look anywhere in the direction of the sky or sun in the hot summer months without the light making me squint like pop
eye, and so I stare at the ground mostly.
And the worst part is, I cant stare at the sun no more with my naked eyes to see it change colors right before my eyes.
Do you know that like all things in a hologram or pretty much anything else, a piece or part of a whole tells much of its entirety, so this little
piece of my story can and does say much about the entirety of my whole story. But it does not say it all, for there is much that I am not telling, or
will ever tell. You know wouldn't want to bore people with it.
And if you know were to look and the pattern of things, both of the high and low, you can tell anybody's or anythings story, even to the point of
knowing there beginning and there end, there alpha and omega and even there beta. From but a fraction of snip of there story, because in a fraction
is the entirety of the whole.
The end.
edit on 23-9-2011 by galadofwarthethird because: (no reason given)