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The Feast of Trumpets approaches, shall Christ return?

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posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:38 PM
I started this thread to address the upcoming Feast of Trumpets and the whispers and feelings i get that the "rapture" soon approaches. I don't know if i would call it a prophecy per se, but since July 3rd when i recieved the Holy Spirit after 14 years of waiting, i was given the message that theres not much time left, and that the Lord is preparing His Host.

Has anyone had any prophecies that could be tied in with the upcoming events, either with the upcoming 28th or anything relative to the Feasts of Passover and the Feasts of the Tabernacle for 2014-2015?

I have the strangest feeling that something good is coming, and I am excited and i believe that many other christians have been getting that feeling of excitement within them as well. Almost like we can feel the Lord coming. I am happier than i have ever been in my entire life, theres a joy in me that i cannot describe with any known words.
edit on 22-9-2011 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:44 PM


posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Woo amen! I have literally been jumping around in excitement. I cannot wait for Jesus to come. Incredible feeling.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:47 PM
If you think Project Blue Beam is good, then yes I would agree.

Let's be honest, all the indications are that WWIII is around the corner. The rhetoric coming out of the U.N this very day points to an attack on Syria, which will bring in Iran, which ultimately will bring in China thus escalating to WWIII.

Best of luck with the whole Jesus will save us. I guess I'll be safe anyway, after all he will forgive me my sins, if I am wrong. Peace.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:53 PM


posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:53 PM
This is the danger.
People who are so angry that the world is not how they wish it to be.
Are pleased by the prospect of an apocalypse and no matter what causes it (my money is on humans) it will be interpreted by whatever religion geography has handed them as 'their time to shine'.

So much so.
They may actually cause it.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:56 PM


posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:57 PM
I am with you brother!

Mystery of Egyptian Pyraminds revealed!

Isaiah 28:16, Psalms 118:22, Matthew 21:42, Mark 12:10, Luke 20:17, Ephesians 2:20, 1 Corinthians 3:11 and 1 Peter 2:6-7

Jesus the Capstone is coming back!!!

Watch and be excited!!!

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by HumansEh

I don't want the world to end but if it does it does. I'm happy either way. Can't fight the inevitable

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by no special characters

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

1cor 1:8

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 06:02 PM


posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by HumansEh
This is the danger.
People who are so angry that the world is not how they wish it to be.
Are pleased by the prospect of an apocalypse and no matter what causes it (my money is on humans) it will be interpreted by whatever religion geography has handed them as 'their time to shine'.

So much so.
They may actually cause it.

My son who is turning 14 this weekend has asked me a couple of times after a few funerals..."WHY? Why do I love someone so deeply only for them to die and leave us....heart broken? It's not fair!!"

I am not so sure it is people are angry...some of just know there is more to "life" than this Planet we call home for only a period of time...then when the time has expired we literally move on.

For the ones of us who believe in another existence after this one....we become excited when we think of the love that never ends in that realm.

Look around is not only chaotic but the world is nothing like it should be in order to maintain a sense of peace and love and harmony. This place is down right evil. Only when you are constantly looking for the light in the midst of the storm do you find light. We are constantly searching for it like a little bug flying and hovering around a light.

This place is a craaaazy one...that is for sure!

Peace and love to you and yours!! xoxox


posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 06:03 PM


posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
I started this thread to address the upcoming Feast of Trumpets and the whispers and feelings i get that the "rapture" soon approaches. I don't know if i would call it a prophecy per se, but since July 3rd when i recieved the Holy Spirit after 14 years of waiting, i was given the message that theres not much time left, and that the Lord is preparing His Host.

Has anyone had any prophecies that could be tied in with the upcoming events, either with the upcoming 28th or anything relative to the Feasts of Passover and the Feasts of the Tabernacle for 2014-2015?

I have the strangest feeling that something good is coming, and I am excited and i believe that many other christians have been getting that feeling of excitement within them as well. Almost like we can feel the Lord coming. I am happier than i have ever been in my entire life, theres a joy in me that i cannot describe with any known words.
edit on 22-9-2011 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)

I feel the same way!!!! I feel excited like I'm waiting for Christmas.

The visuals made by the guy at the Sonoma site are interesting, if you haven't seen them. Let me know if you want me to try to dig up the link.
edit on 22-9-2011 by GeorgiaGirl because: typo

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Lonewolf, does the holy spirit tell you stuff?

Anyway, what I've heard is that Jesus is coming to take the holy people only and that TPTB are gonna stage the UFO Deception at about the same time.

Another thing I heard is that they are gonna say that all the people who dissapeared got taken in the UFOs.

Who knows, but that day is gonna feel sad for the ones that do get taken, because a lot of the people that they knew are gonna perish and they are gonna wish that they had done more

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 06:07 PM
Enough with the off topic posts already.

Address the topic of the OP, not each other or whether Jesus exists or not.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 06:07 PM


posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 06:09 PM
No more All Caps posts either.


posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

I don't think the rapture is at hand,for one I don't really believe in the rapture,I do however think the tribulation is at hand.Israel is now surrounded by enemies on all sides and facing attack from the King of the North (Turkey) but too many signs are not here.When you see the temple rebuilt,and the 2 prophets that die and are reborn then you should probably start looking towards the sky.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 06:16 PM
Yes, I feel it too. Here is a post I made on a thread for "Something MAJOR is going down in Denver". I think the Rapture and Tribulation are soon approaching.

So here is what I think is going to happen:

I think there is going to be a worldwide earthquake. If you look at the site again for Operation Mountain,R Look at the logo in the upper left, it shows natural disasters. I think they know exactly what is coming and I will explain why a little further into this. When this hits they know that it will cause tsunamis and also set off the New Madrid fault. That is why the U.S. Navy map of the future looks like this.... When a major earthquake hits the New Madrid it will liquefy it with all the flooding there that has been happening and send it into the ocean, splitting the U.S. in two. If you look at that map again, most of Colorado is not going to be flooded. They know there is no place to go to avoid the worldwide earthquake but for the flooding Colorado is the perfect place. I also think there is going to be an EMP(electomagnetic pulse) (I will explain this further in) So with a worldwide earthquake, massive flooding, and no electricity, there will be chaos. An EMP will cause the loss of the magnetosphere and leave us open to threats from space(solar flares and asteroids). This will become evident and everyone is going to want to get underground and everyone knows about the Denver underground bunker, that is why they want to make sure they have the manpower there to protect it...operation mountain guardian.

I also think we are at Defcon1. This worldwide earthquake is going to disable the U.S. the supposed allies of Israel. It will be the perfect time for the enemies of Israel to attack. This will lead to the Ezekial war that the Bible tells us about. I always wondered why it said that they would be on horses and not be fighting with modern warfare. It is because the EMP is going to fry everything electrical. That is probably why they have battleships in their underground cities, hoping to protect them from the EMP.... This also makes sense why it say that Israel will burn the weapons for 7 years. They are not modern warfare weapons. If you look at this chart by Luis Vega from Sonoma State University... it shows a 7 year period blocked out. The Bible tells us there will be a 7 year tribulation and in order for them to burn the weapons for 7 years this war will have to start soon. The chart is quite amazing. The first of Av is know as a time of trouble for Israel also know as a time of Jacob's trouble(tribulation) There were solar eclipses on the first of Av in 2008, 2009, and 2010. Quite amazing that they would fall perfectly on the first of Av each year, but when you look at the chart the rest of the eclipses including the tetrad fall on Biblical feasts, marking out a 7 year time period is unheard of and never happened before.

So now lets look at those murals at the Denver International Airport... One of them shows a time that looks like happiness and peace. All the people of the world giving up their weapons. It also shows peace with Israel and Palestine(look at the flags). What would cause them to go from all out war to peace? I think it is going to get nuclear and make everyone think we are on the brink of destroying ourselves. Forcing people to look to the governments of the world or United Nations for safety. If you look at this paragraph from the book “The Armageddon Script”....

"A hair-raising confrontation in Korea may, towards the end of the period, threaten man's very survival." [Peter Lemesurier, "The Armageddon Script", p. 223]

and the book “Behold A Pale Horse”...

"Can you imagine what will happen if Los Angeles is hit with a 9.0 quake, New York City is destroyed by a terrorist-planted atomic bomb, World War III breaks out in the Middle East, the banks and stock markets collapse, Extraterrestrials land on the White House lawn, food disappears from the markets, some people disappear, the Messiah presents himself to the world, and all in a very short period of time? Can you imagine? The world power structure can, and will if necessary, make some or all of these things happen to bring about the New World Order." ["Behold A Pale Horse"., p. 177-8]


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