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I had the most bizzare dream last night

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posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 03:50 PM
Ok. So I've already looked this up in numerous places. I looked up the key elements in the dream and nothing makes sense.

I had a dream that 2 pregnant women, one dressed in black, the other in white were chasing me. I was in this never ending house that had all these doors that lead to other rooms with doors. But it seemed no matter where I went, there they were. And they weren't running after me. They were just walking. I couldn't see their faces, just the fact they were pregnant. I was alone in my dream, but was talking to someone as if someone was trying to escape them with me. The house was khaki and white in color. Nothing was dark or scary about the house. Just the women.

I am not pregnant.
Don't have the desire to become pregnant. I have 2 kids.
I'm not in a relationship.

Those were the common ideas behind the dream decoding.

Usually I'm pretty good at figuring out what my dreams mean. This one has me baffled.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by PassedKarma

Are you running from love?

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 04:04 PM
I had a dream of exploding dogs.......i'm still trying to figure out where that came from....

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 04:08 PM
Are your two kids pregnant?

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by PassedKarma

Curiously, or maybe not... pregnancy often takes on abstract analogies. The concepts can run the gamut from great expectations to pain before a revelation to an idea/goal that is just out of reach.

Dreams are so random that it is really difficult to assign a lot of direct meaning to them. I have myself dreamed of some pretty odd things... some of them could be directly linked to massive Earth changes with weather and flooding and sudden freezes. Prior to 9.11, I had a regularly recurring dream of large military-like plane crashing around me. Following 9.11, they ceased.

But once looked at from a distance, there are those abstracts that can twist subject matter into anything from the random playground for the human psyche to subconscious worries or desires unmet.

It's your dream, of course, and what you take it to be is strictly up to you. I can't offer any advice except to try and look at it from a broad perspective and keep your (conscious) mind open to what that same mind may or may not be saying when the body sleeps.

edit on 22-9-2011 by redoubt because: typos

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by Traydor
I had a dream of exploding dogs.......i'm still trying to figure out where that came from....

Oh man. That's terrible and it made me crack up!!!!

To answer others questions.. no I have young boys who are most definitely not pregnant and hopefully I don't have to deal with any of THAT any time soon.

I'm not running from love. Although I do have a lot of dreams where I am running or trying to escape something. Mostly because I don't like to deal with issues at hand because I have a life to live. So I solve the problem and move on. But sometimes, emotions and miscellaneous things remain. So who knows. It could very well be random though. Crazy pregnant women....

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 04:47 PM
Sometimes, you will find the word 'pregnant' used in different ways...."the clouds were pregnant with rain" or " The system is pregnant, and will give out dividends"
Two women, one dressed dark and one dressed light, are choices that may come up, or in the back of your mind. Both choices are pregnant with possibility, and the ramifications will be long term, not unlike kids. The black and white part don't mean good or evil, so don't let others tell you otherwise... hell, one could be carrying a coke and the other a pepsi, doesn't make a bit of difference. A left path, a right path? Meh, who knows. Only you do, and don't worry, its not life and death. It may be huge though, and something to carefully consider. You won't be able to run away from this decision, your mind is telling you that. Just go ahead and face them both, and discover something new!

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by Jepic
Are your two kids pregnant?


2nd line

3rd line
edit on 9/22/2011 by AkumaStreak because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 08:15 PM
Perhaps the women represent a point in your life where you were "weighed down" or limited. The white and black are symbolic of two choices to make.

You are being chased by something, need to make a choice, and are feeling that you are limited or held back by something (hence the imagery of a pregnant women).

It's not a life or death type of choice (no danger or stress in the house) , but something that is causing your sub-conscious to try and figure it out.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by PassedKarma

Ok. So I've already looked this up in numerous places. I looked up the key elements in the dream and nothing makes sense.

Yes... let uz start vit ze basics.

I had a dream that 2 pregnant women, one dressed in black, the other in white were chasing me. I was in this never ending house that had all these doors that lead to other rooms with doors. But it seemed no matter where I went, there they were. And they weren't running after me. They were just walking. I couldn't see their faces, just the fact they were pregnant. I was alone in my dream, but was talking to someone as if someone was trying to escape them with me. The house was khaki and white in color. Nothing was dark or scary about the house. Just the women.

Ze pregnant vomen in your dream symbolize ze closeness you are feeling vit ze concepts epitomized by the contrast of colours in ze vomens garments, Hence, ze white and black colours represent your increasing awareness of events from an objective perspective, as opposed to a perspective zat is "Colored" by your own biases.

Ze fact zat you are being chased by these vomen represents ze inherent struggle you have in "Running" from ze truth zat you subconsciously perceive.

Ze house zat you run through is the representation of zis suppression zat you reside in, to hide from ze objective truth of ze matter, and from your own subconscious realization.

Zat ze pregnant vomen have no face, symbolizes your search for your own self in zis struggle for ze truth.

Your dream represents your coming to grips with ze inherent, objective truth of reality, and your own perceptions, as unbiased by your own internal beliefs.

You are struggling vit zis realignment of your perceptions, running from ze truth of the matter, while ze truth calmly keeps pace, no matter how fast you might try to escape.

You are still unsure of yourself, and you feel zat your sense of self depends upon zis incorrect version of reality zat you house your conciousness in, and you fear zat your sense of self is threatened by ze truth zat these vomen represent.

You Run from these vomen, to shield your ego from what you believe to be danger to the reality zat you have constructed around you, and zat forms ze foundation of your personality.

You are increasingly ready to accept ze truth, it is only your FEAR zat is keeping you from it.

Your fear zat if ze vomen catch you, your entire house vill be torn asunder, and it's foundations laid to rest.

Vat you must realize, is zat YOU are not ze house....

You are ze two unborn children, and ze house is merely a wall zat you have constructed around your ego, to protect yourself from ze truth zat you do not believe zat you can handle.

You are searching for yourself in zis dream, not ze superficial valls zat you try to hide behind.... but ze faces to put on zese women so zat you may understand and Accept zis truth, and incorporate it into yourself.... forming a much stronger foundation than your consciousness currently resides in.

Ok, I believe zat zis is enough for today's session.... I shall see you next thursday, ya?
edit on 22-9-2011 by ErtaiNaGia because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 04:45 PM
Well on a serious note maybe the pregnancy is to do with an expectation of some kind? Pregnant women are usually referred to as 'expectant' mothers. Is there anything in your life that you are expecting to happen? something that you're worried about? is there some kind of responsibilty that you have (or soon to have) that's on your mind?

I'm probably missing the point completely but just maybe....

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