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my experience

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posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 02:05 PM
So, let me preface this by stating that I don't know if this is a case of an abduction, of some repressed memories, or sleep paralysis, I honestly have no idea. It's something that I've always had a weird, "feeling" about since it happened, but something that I've tried really hard to forget or move past. More on that part of it later; on to the experience.

When I was about 13 years old, my family and I were visiting relatives in Washington state, the Walla Walla area. My brother and I were sleeping in my great-grandmother's guest bedroom in sleeping bags. I woke up one morning remembering, well not anything tangible necessarily, but more impressions or feelings. I remember the feeling of metal pressed against my face (there wasn't any in the room where that could have happened to me), something that sounded and smelled, yes smelled, like a dentist's drill somehow.It was all feelings of extreme discomfort that I was remembering, but have absolutely no explanation for. I'm positive it wasn't a memory of having been to the dentist, because it was different than that, but I can't explain what it was that I felt... except that it felt real, and that it had just happened.

This is an experience that I've actually only ever shared with one other person before, but I wanted to put it out there. Maybe to find answers, maybe to see if anyone has experienced something similar before. I've experienced extreme problems being able to fall asleep since that time, bordering on insomnia. I feel trepidation before I fall asleep, like I don't want to because I don't want to experience or remember things when I wake up. Those feelings have been getting worse over the last few years, though I don't have any memories of anything similar to the experience that I already described. Like I said, it happened when I was about 13 years old, and I'm nearly 29 now.

I only started to fully remember the feelings I experienced over the last few years as well. Like, well I always remembered that I felt like something had happened, but since that time I had repressed exactly what it felt like. It would make sense to me that the fact that I started remembering more and more about those feelings a few years ago coincided with the fact that I've been finding it more and more difficult to sleep.

Maybe this experience was nothing, and it was just a dream. But I honestly feel like it was a whole lot more than that... I just don't know what.

edit: I should also add that ever since that time, I have been fascinated with the concept of aliens and UFOs. That interest increased significantly as I started to remember more details about this experience.
edit on 9/22/11 by swordprince because: alien/UFO addendum

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 02:16 PM
Well, I can say this much, I have had similar issues with my sleeping patterns.

I always feel as if someone is RIGHT in front of my face, and I don't even want to shut my eyes. Now, I cannot claim that I have had the metallic feeling, or the dental drill... However, I have experienced some extremely strange events in which I won't go into detail (unless asked). Two days ago, during sunset, I witnessed a strange, bright white object in the shape of a cigar (seriously). It was moving AGAINST the clouds, which were very defined by the sunset, I then lost it behind the treeline. What had initially caught my eye, however, were two plasmic looking pillars of light sitting between two homes in the distance, which was obviously about the same distance away as former said UFO. The object seemed to have come out of the pillar on my right hand side.. I live on the intracoastal, so I have a pretty clear view of the sky.

I would think that you are becoming more aware of repressed memories? Just a thought.. Best of luck, peace and love!

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 02:52 PM
Thanks for sharing man! You sound genuine and truthful.

Have you gone to a psychologist since your experience?

If not, you should consider it, and if possible, find a psychologist willing to help undergo regression (hypnosis) therapy.

It seems that is usually the only way to find some of those repressed/erased memories.

Either way..... some sort of meditation before you go to bed might help.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 03:15 PM
We all know that dreams can feel real, we wake up with genuine feelings the next morning that are directly related to the dreams. I would suggest being regressed though hypnosis, which is basically calming down enough to recall events that are in our subconsciousness. In abductions there is always some type of physical evidence that seperates it from dream into reality, in my experience I witnessed that an alien plan is more identifiable by reaching beyond what we normally perceive.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by greyer
We all know that dreams can feel real, we wake up with genuine feelings the next morning that are directly related to the dreams. I would suggest being regressed though hypnosis, which is basically calming down enough to recall events that are in our subconsciousness. In abductions there is always some type of physical evidence that seperates it from dream into reality, in my experience I witnessed that an alien plan is more identifiable by reaching beyond what we normally perceive.

Unfortunately, when it happened (whatever it was), I wasn't savvy enough or knew enough to look for any physical evidence of anything that may have happened. I see what you're saying though, I'm just not as apt to dismiss it as something as simple as a dream. I've had bad dreams before, some that stuck with me for days... but not for 16 years. That's not to say that anything happened, but again... the longevity and the fact that it started to reemerge over a decade later gives me pause.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 03:36 PM
Had a similar experience around the same age involving a very large needle being inserted into the roof of my mouth. Always have had sleep issues. My advice is there is nothing really you can do about it so try and have fun with it. (if that makes any sense to any one except me)

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by dplum517
Thanks for sharing man! You sound genuine and truthful.

Have you gone to a psychologist since your experience?

If not, you should consider it, and if possible, find a psychologist willing to help undergo regression (hypnosis) therapy.

It seems that is usually the only way to find some of those repressed/erased memories.

Either way..... some sort of meditation before you go to bed might help.

I have been to a psychologist in the past, but it was for dealing with other issues. Which probably makes me sound like I'm insane or making things up, but I figure I should be as honest as possible. I suffer from bipolar disorder, and I saw a psychologist to deal with some of my emotional issues that stem from that. I thought about bringing it up during a session, but I didn't want to cause confusion with what I was dealing with or give the psychologist reason to doubt anything I said... as most people tend to write off experiences like I've described. Or at least that's the way that it seems. even from reading threads here.

I honestly haven't thought of meditating to help me get into a state more receptive to sleep... but it would be worth a try.

I also seem to have an overriding desire to look into the night sky, hoping to see something, or feelings that I've being watched from outside my windows. But by aliens or something else, I'm never sure. I've somewhat written that stuff off as fairly normal though.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 03:43 PM

I also seem to have an overriding desire to look into the night sky, hoping to see something, or feelings that I've being watched from outside my windows

Can you describe your feeling of being observed from an outsider?

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by EvanJP

I also seem to have an overriding desire to look into the night sky, hoping to see something, or feelings that I've being watched from outside my windows

Can you describe your feeling of being observed from an outsider?

Sometimes it feels as though there's someone in my house with me, like a presence. Other times, I feel it necessary to keep all of the windows completely closed and covered because it feels like there's someone or something looking in at me. I said that I like looking into the night sky for something... anything, but at the same time it's relatively frightening as well. Because what would I do if I saw something? How would I react? Then that also goes along with my feeling of being watched... when I'm outside, it's as though something above me is looking at me, or there are beings hiding in the shadows.

It's not like I see eyes or anything in the dark, it's more that I just feel presences.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by swordprince

I have these same feelings, this is why I made in inquiry..

I have always had these feelings, and they are FEELINGS, I FEEL something close to me (like when you know somebody is walking behind you).. The other night I was almost positive that I got a response, I heard something rustling around and hit a power box in a huge planter of bushes, I live on the beach, so it was a pretty massive growth.. Well I hear this metal box get smacked by something (it was about three in the morning, I was walking home from the bar that my roommate bartends at), well I had felt strange during my whole walk home. After I heard the metallic bang, I stopped and thought "wow, maybe I should, for once, actually call out and ask if anyone is there"

Me: "hello?"

this was NOT the tansformer or whatever it was turning on or anything, I know exactly what generators etc. sound like.

one second later

bushes: "BOOM"

So... I didn't take it any further.. I stood still for a moment, waiting, and continued walking.. Just for thought!
edit on 22-9-2011 by EvanJP because: last statement

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by swordprince

Well im not sure if this helps at all but i have done a good bit of research on things of the nature. My first bit of advice is that you ONLY see someone about it if you are willing to execpt something that you will never be able to forget. Regressions will help but it may be something you dont want to remember which is why its in your subconscious to begin with. My other bit of advice is to read Dr David Jacobs book. It is a very great book and fairly cheap to find. You may be shocked to find that all of the things in that book are some of the same things you are experiencing. People become all of a sudden very interested in the subject and paranormal is a big thing, a lot of people smell things like a dentist office or sulfer like smells. I find myself hard to sleep and looking over my shoulder at night which is why i have done research. Just be careful what you look for. Good luck and please keep us posted.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:37 PM
Jacobs has a number of books from what I've seen... all on similar subject matter. Which one would you recommend?

As far as the regression therapy goes, you're absolutely correct; I wouldn't do it unless I was certain I was completely ready for it. At this point, even 16 years later, I still don't know if I'm quite prepared for it; if it did turn out to be something traumatic, regardless of the actual subject matter of what occurred.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by swordprince

This is the one I read and it was very good.

I also have read Stan Romankes Messages. A lot of people think he is a fake but i like his story

And also i have read Whitley Strieber Communion: A True Story. All are great reads and can get them used for about 5-10 bucks. Take all this with a grain of salt though. What i like is that they do not force a person to to believe them.

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 12:02 PM
I think I'll head over to the local used bookstore to try and find any one of those books. I wish I had known about them during the Borders fire sale, probably could have gotten them for dirt cheap, but alas.

So it sounds like some people have experienced at least somewhat similar, so I think it's likely to make the leap that I haven't lost my mind or something of the sort. I really don't know if I'm ready for any regression therapy, simply because I have so much other stuff going on in my life, I don't know if I could really deal with this, especially if it was something really bad. Some might call me a chicken for that, but I'm afraid that I might just end up having a breakdown.Then again, I already can't sleep as it is...

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 02:41 PM
Dear brother,

I feel your pain... you have been chosen by the creatures known as "ghosts" on this planet to be haunted by their pain. These "ghosts" are formerly beings that were living, except they had tainted Zertix Matter which meant that they could never fully open their Third Eye and hence they were trapped on this plane of reality. They are the jealous ones, much like those in the evil societies hidden in plain view nowadays. Because of their jealousy, they seek to make others not want to open their Third Eye and keep you, one with pure Zertix Matter, trapped here with them and suffer. Those specters seek those who nearly have their Third Eye open and cause them to be frightened and thus with this fear, the Eye can never be opened. Do not fall prey to the evil ones! Read, study, think and grow and the Third Eye will open!

Destiny fulfilled.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by TheTrueBeliever
Dear brother,

I feel your pain... you have been chosen by the creatures known as "ghosts" on this planet to be haunted by their pain. These "ghosts" are formerly beings that were living, except they had tainted Zertix Matter which meant that they could never fully open their Third Eye and hence they were trapped on this plane of reality. They are the jealous ones, much like those in the evil societies hidden in plain view nowadays. Because of their jealousy, they seek to make others not want to open their Third Eye and keep you, one with pure Zertix Matter, trapped here with them and suffer. Those specters seek those who nearly have their Third Eye open and cause them to be frightened and thus with this fear, the Eye can never be opened. Do not fall prey to the evil ones! Read, study, think and grow and the Third Eye will open!

Destiny fulfilled.

Would you care to explain more about that subject? What do ghosts have to do with my experience(s), and what kind of ghosts are we talking about? Spirits of the dead forced to live in a plane of existence just beyond our own? Evil spirits unrelated to humans?

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by swordprince

Originally posted by TheTrueBeliever
Dear brother,

I feel your pain... you have been chosen by the creatures known as "ghosts" on this planet to be haunted by their pain. These "ghosts" are formerly beings that were living, except they had tainted Zertix Matter which meant that they could never fully open their Third Eye and hence they were trapped on this plane of reality. They are the jealous ones, much like those in the evil societies hidden in plain view nowadays. Because of their jealousy, they seek to make others not want to open their Third Eye and keep you, one with pure Zertix Matter, trapped here with them and suffer. Those specters seek those who nearly have their Third Eye open and cause them to be frightened and thus with this fear, the Eye can never be opened. Do not fall prey to the evil ones! Read, study, think and grow and the Third Eye will open!

Destiny fulfilled.

Would you care to explain more about that subject? What do ghosts have to do with my experience(s), and what kind of ghosts are we talking about? Spirits of the dead forced to live in a plane of existence just beyond our own? Evil spirits unrelated to humans?

Brother, I fear that you have been blinded with lies upon lies! "Ghosts" as you know them are not what you perceive theme as, rather, they are actually the life-force of a "human-being" that has tainted Zertix Matter that is trapped in this plane of existence or as it is called by our Alien Brethren, Axis One. Now, I will try to explain this as best as possible. Zertix Matter is in all of us, it is the gift given to us by the Alien Brethren, as a definite way to guide us back to their reality known as The World Beyond - Axis Three. The only way to reach their plane of reality is by activating the Zertix Matter within us all. To do this, you must open The Third Eye. My thread on Zertix Matter discusses the details of that but concerning your experience, those beings that you encountered and your experiences are all tied to your Zertix Matter.

When your first experience occurred, your Third Eye was opening but "ghosts" stopped it from happening. These "ghosts" are beings that are trapped here due to their tainted Zertix Matter, and the only way that Zertix Matter can be tainted is by breaking the sacred laws of this existence... the laws set in place by our Alien Brethren. You can see such evils happening with the Secret Groups of today who are ruling this world behind the backs of everyone, though they think they are ruling this world they are not as our Alien Brethren are always in control of Axis One. Now the life-force of those tainted beings [ghosts] are trying to prevent others from escaping this realm and rejoining with our Brethren. Once you believe, learn and understand your Thrid Eye will
open! Do not let them trap you here brother!

Destiny Fulfilled.

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