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What would be the point of "paid disinfo agents" on ATS?

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posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by TrickoftheShade

Originally posted by Six6Six
Well its obvious.

The point would be, that if you are a "paid agent" you are getting PAID!!

Enough said. Money first, no ones going to help you out with your bills.

To the OP, if you are a "paid agent", well done. Whats the pay if I may ask?

Any benefits like pension and medical?

You see, I don't acknowledge this view of human nature. Most people will not do something they consider to be evil just for money. Would you?

And anyway, it makes no sense. Because if one exposed the conspiracy one could make a lot more money than I imagine the government would pay "disinfo agents"on message boards. If they were paying them. Which they aren't.

Everyone from bankers to government do their EVIL deeds for two reasons. Money and Power. So there are plenty of people who do evil things for money. Its called CRIME!

Would I you ask? Depends on the pay load and the risk involved. If I was going to be paid 1 million and the risk was 5 years in prison - YES, no doubt. Ill do the 5 years and take the 1 million. It called exceptable risk and all serious criminals weight it up.

When planning a crime - like a Heist of Diamonds from some nameless international courier, you have to weigh up how much they are worth or if stolen to order you need to weigh up your cut after expenses etc against possible time served if caught. If this money is more than what you would ever earn in the years you are in prison then the risk on now exceptable.

You look at it from an evil stand point, other look at it from a monetary stand point. To each their own.
Also you look at the rate of crime solved in the jurisdiction you are committing the offense. Most have about a 1 in 6.44 arrest and conviction rate so worse so again this comes into play.

edit on 22-9-2011 by Six6Six because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-9-2011 by Six6Six because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

Yes. So why would anyone pay someone to debunk this stuff? When all it does is sit on the fringes of the internet?

you guys are missing the point. No one on this site is "important" enough to warrant paying someone to come discredit them. This isn't how that works, yes, the whole sock puppet deal, but that's about commenting on sites that normal people view, not conspiracy related fringe sites. sock puppets can be blamed for comments and twitter twats that you might see on MSM sites and such, not fringe already out there on the edge sites.

Actual "paid disinfo agents" don't come here either, those people are the ones writing the blogs and articles people link to here. I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but ATS simply isn't that important, we do discuss a ton of stories, but nothing BREAKS here.

Disinfo works by throwing out BS stories, not BS comments at some random thread maybe 15000 people will read, maybe.

Anyways, someone else nailed it, usually when someone calls you that, it's because our view or opinion differs from theirs. I'm a debunker for the most part so I've worn that label daily around here, you just get used to it.

Until quasi main stream sites are linked to articles written here at ATS, you can sleep sound.

Anyways, here's an example, and I'll use 911 cause that will make Hoopers day.

does a "disinfo agent" come here and comment, posting links to the NIST report? No, they write blogs citing questionable studies, or simply link 911 truth with nazis or one of the other tricks. That's how it works. They aren't here to convince you of the story, they are mostly there to discredit the movement.

Want to see a true disinfo agent at work? Jason Bermas, Alex Jones, David Icke. the joke is, though, they aren't getting paid to do it, and probably don't even understand they are doing it.

Now when you are talking main stream sites, like msn or or something like that, you can pick out the "sock puppets" quite clearly. There is a vast difference between them, and the people who disagree with you here.

How does disinfo work? Step in the way back machine and go read every article you can that was printed about Iraq before the invasion. THAT, my friends, is disinformation, and a text book example of how it's done, talking points, distributed to the right talking heads, blogs, magazines, radio hosts and they repeat it, and repeat it, and repeat it.

The entire media is a disinfo campaign and ATS just isn't that important, at all, infact, ATS is great for "them" because it's awful hard to break stories or make a difference when you spend most of your free time bickering on a site like this.
edit on 22-9-2011 by phishyblankwaters because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

If there are paid disinfo agents on ATS.....I think that perhaps they may be here...because they want to know how many people are close to the many people are finally awake....and not buying the lies they have been selling.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by benrl
You know what I think do exist on here? I think there could be paid conspirators on here, people that are SOOOOO Hard core about it they make the rest of us seem crazy so no one listens to us, if theres a conspiracy my money is on that.

Actually, my money would be on folks that are trying to cash in on the popularity of conspiracies. The model is pretty simple. Set up a website, generate traffic by frequenting forums and pasting links to your site where you suggest all the answers can be found and then sell advertising space based on the traffic.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 01:01 PM
it's really very simple, they are "paid' to spread "disinfo", that's the point.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 01:02 PM
Well, judging by the fact that the US Government is resorting to using "virtual automated debunkers", I guess any anonymous user who disagrees with Conspiracy theories and is Pro-Government, can be accused of being a shill.

edit on 22-9-2011 by CasiusIgnoranze because: .

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 01:03 PM
One only needs to look at our history of disrupting the anti status quo via what IS commonly known as


COINTELPRO (an acronym for Counter Intelligence Program) was a series of covert, and often illegal,[2] projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at surveying, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic political organizations.

Plain and Simple.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 01:04 PM
I think you would be naive to believe tha there are no paid agents that watch a site as popular and active as ATS. Many private and government groups would have an interest of protecting secrets or keeping panic and fear at bay and swaying public opinion.

Lobbyist and activist may pay people to persusding individuals to vote or act to ard certain legislation, ie: anti abortionist, creationism in public schools, 10 commandments in courthouses. They may be paid to silence advesaries through bullying or mocking.

They may be put inplace to detect terrorist cells using ATS covertly or to watch for forming opinions that need to be "nipped in the bud." Do you think Obama's camp doesn't watch this site to debunk unpleasant rumors, as they arise, about his campaign.

Some possible culprits: Christain Right, Pharmacudicals, NASA, BP and the oil lobby, politicians, bankers and any black op operation.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

What would be the point of "paid disinfo agents" on ATS?

The point lies solely with the accusers, and not the accused.

The point, is to maintain the possibility of whatever wild idea it is that the accuser believes, so that it continues to remain possible.

In short, it means this:
[color=FBFF85]"Nut uh. Yer not rite cuz ur a disinfer agunt. I am rite. Yer not. Now take yer logic, and git away frum me."

edit on 9/22/11 by BrokenCircles because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by TrickoftheShade
I'm often accused of being a paid disinfo agent employed by - usually- the government. So are a number of other posters who broadly support the "OS".

What I struggle to understand is why anyone would pay for such a service. It's not as though an ATS message board would, if left without any counter-arguments, suddenly automatically trigger a revolution. Or even a popularisation of 9/11 "Truth". Indeed having people participate in the discussions prolongs them and makes them more, not less, likely to achieve publicity.

Easy. When nefarious deeds are done, "handlers" are used to direct Public reaction. This makes it easy to obfuscate truth. Adds more smoke to hide the truth. And You do know that ATS is one of the most visited sites on the web, right? So truth that comes out here spreads easier than if it was discussed in Jo Blow's Kitchen Corner forums.

Ergo... Add a lot of BS and pseudo explanations to keep everyOne guessing, or even writing off those "crazy conspiracy theorists" (who understand that to believe there are no conspiracies is to deny Human history; and it is wise to presume that the conspiracies that come to light are the tip of the iceberg).

And... You never know. Enough People who let go of Their quality world and accept evidence, and We WILL rise. ATS just helps that along.

Imagine a board without "debunkers". How would it further the cause of 9/11 Truth? And if it wouldn't particularly, then why would debunkers be needed?

I didn't follow this. Imagine a board without "debunkers." Why? That is unlikely. But if there were none, that would mean the OS had been proven to all to be false. And We would be hunting the Cheneys and the Rumsfelds and the Wolfowitzes, etc., and putting Them in deep dungeons.

[And wouldn't the paid agents need, by definition, to be in on the conspiracy? So much for a small group of insiders. If they're inducting cubicle wage slaves into the Grand Plan then surely one of us would blow the whole thing open for a few dollars?

Sure They're in on it. Couldn't perform well without THAT aspect. But... I bet in an 8 hour day, I could post comments - hundreds of them - all over the web. (ATS is not the only place beset.) Easily.

I could make two different users (two interweb connections and two computers) and have them fight it out between the OS and no planes. (Although, knowing holographic tech, I would not rule "no planes" out completely.) Or any radical illogical set of positions - merely to confuse and distract.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 01:07 PM
Several answers here use another typical Truther meme which is, roughly, "people have done this before so this must be an example of it."

This won't really wash. I'm asking specifically why the govt would target ATS with disinfo agents, not if governments have ever used cointel etc. You can't just hold up that card and claim that you've answered the query.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by Six6Six

So let's say you've been inducted into the conspiracy, and you're sitting at your terminal in Langley drinking a rubbish cup of coffee, contemplating your paycheck and another day of lying for money.

Personally I'd blow the whole thing open and buy an island.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by windword

Do you think Obama's camp doesn't watch this site to debunk unpleasant rumors, as they arise, about his campaign.

you mean the rumors started elsewhere and linked and discussed here? You proved my point, they go after the source, not the linker. nothing breaks from ATS, nothing is "discovered" on ATS, it's merely debated and discussed. Sure it's a great way to monitor people, but you certainly don't need to be an ATS member to be monitored at this point.

I seriously think some of you guys are suffering delusions of grandeur in relation to the importance of this site. i'm not knocking ATS at all, I love the conversations here, it's just not that important, certainly not enough to bother spending any money on.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by TrickoftheShade
reply to post by CynicalDrivel

None of that really answers why anyone would bother to target ATS specifically with disinfo.

Can you tell me what would happen here if there were no disinfo agents? No debunkers? Explain what would happen that TPTB would not like.
Actually the Harvard one gives reasons, lol. It's a paper, and it's specifically targeting conspiracy sites. I swear, I need to mine that paper and make it it's own thread.

1. Considering that online opinions are beginning to make it's way into official news business, there's plenty right there.

2. What is the general opinion on Conspiracy sites and their followers? Are we still the craziest of crazies? Psychologists alone would want us babysitted because too many of us are not grounded in reality.

There are more reasonable reasons out there to mind a conspiracy site. Whether or not it is being done here? Who knows? I'm not really that worried about disinformation artists, and I believe that most who are accused of this job are innocent.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

So why are sites without debunkers uniformly unsuccessful? Has ATS only not sparked the "rise" you talk about because of the debunkers?

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by TrickoftheShade
I should also add that it seems somewhat egocentric to assume that the government cares what you think, enough to covertly attempt to prevent you preaching it. Especially when all you do about it is talk on the internet.

If that were the case, then They would just do it, NOT cover it up, and We would be looking at answers that fit the data. And They don't care if someOne preaches a non-OS. They just want enough sheit floating around to obfuscate. Because if We do get the truth, there WILL be People put deep in the can for it.

I was in the US recently and the government seem unable to provide you with even the most basic roads. If they can't do that I rather doubt they have the wherewithal to employ people like me to "debunk". And they seem about a trillion miles from effectively pulling off 9/11.

Um... Did it occur to You that the money is spent moving Their agenda forward and NOT on Us?

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by phishyblankwaters
reply to post by windword

Do you think Obama's camp doesn't watch this site to debunk unpleasant rumors, as they arise, about his campaign.

you mean the rumors started elsewhere and linked and discussed here? You proved my point, they go after the source, not the linker. nothing breaks from ATS, nothing is "discovered" on ATS, it's merely debated and discussed. Sure it's a great way to monitor people, but you certainly don't need to be an ATS member to be monitored at this point.

I seriously think some of you guys are suffering delusions of grandeur in relation to the importance of this site. i'm not knocking ATS at all, I love the conversations here, it's just not that important, certainly not enough to bother spending any money on.

Can't argue with that.

The notion that there are a load of unconvinced but basically "conspiracy ready" people just waiting for the argument to be settled one way or another, and who will then take up arms on the government, is total nonsense. IMO.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by TrickoftheShade
reply to post by Six6Six

So let's say you've been inducted into the conspiracy, and you're sitting at your terminal in Langley drinking a rubbish cup of coffee, contemplating your paycheck and another day of lying for money.

Personally I'd blow the whole thing open and buy an island. would not necessarily have to be at Langley as you have a have lap top..this is definitely a work from home gig. Saves money on office space and staffing overheads etc.

I dont think they see it as Lying for money. I think they see it as their responsibility to their country.

edit on 22-9-2011 by Six6Six because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by phishyblankwaters
Actual "paid disinfo agents" don't come here either, those people are the ones writing the blogs and articles people link to here. I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but ATS simply isn't that important, we do discuss a ton of stories, but nothing BREAKS here.
I certainly agree that most of the links I attempted to sort through, quickly, if they're blogs, are just for that purpose. But some of the links weren't. It's just a bunch of information coming in that has to be filtered, like everything else.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by TrickoftheShade

This won't really wash. I'm asking specifically why the govt would target ATS with disinfo agents,

What causes you to believe that this is actually something that is occurring here?

Several replies have already given reasons that are likely possibilities, which explain the reasons that this term is so frequently used. That reason, has nothing to do with any government.

[color=AFFF9C]It is simply a last resort counter attack, that is made from someone who has lost their argument. That is all it is.

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