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What happened to Ted Phillips website?

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posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 12:12 AM
Hey guys,

Was just listening to an interview on Paratopia with UFO researcher Ted Phillips.
In the interview he mentions his website, containing physical evidence of UFOs.

However, when I attempted to access the website, I saw this...

This website has been removed due to confidentiality
Thank you for understanding.

Anyone know what happened to the site?

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 01:18 AM
reply to post by jsncrs

I'm not too familiar with Ted. But if the site says "removed due to confidentiality" or anything like that. It is Probably due the posting of some confidential information about someone. It might be crap like dental records.. who knows!? But since this is within the UFO community i doubt it is as simple as that. Either way, i'm sure the site will be back up shortly.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 01:56 AM

Originally posted by jsncrs
Anyone know what happened to the site?

Hi jsncrs,

I don't know if it is the correct explanation, but someone ("EQ42") posted the following on the Paracast forums a while ago:

I seem to recall his group was trying to get a reality tv show going- something to do with the Marley Woods Project. Perhaps they succeeded and a producer asked them to take it down?

Coincidentally, I posted about Ted Phillips a day or two ago on the MUFON forums:

Ted Phillips used to have a website outlining his work in relation to physical trace evidence of UFOs, but the content of that website unfortunately appears now appears to have been replaced with the message below:

This website has been removed due to confidentiality
Thank you for understanding

I've raised a ghost of parts of that website using the Wayback Machine:

It included the following outline of the work done by Ted Phillips:

Over the past 38 years, specialized research into Close Encounters of the Second Kind has resulted in a wealth of reports in every major country of the world. CPTR files contain 3,189 trace/landing cases from 91 countries. I believe physical traces present us with the most direct approach to resolving the mystery of UFOs.

Traces remain as visible evidence long after the reported UFO has gone. If UFOs are not available for study in the laboratory, the residue is. Alleged UFO landing sites may be photographed, measured, sampled, and subjected to laboratory analysis. These sites have the potential to reveal data relating to size, configuration, and perhaps the method of propulsion of these unidentified devices. The traces are UFO fingerprints, and it becomes obvious that various types of objects leave behind individual signatures. A number of these UFO generated effects have remained visible for months, even years after the UFO event.

Physical trace landing events push us to the edge of what we can or should believe. They are incredible, but the witnesses remain credible, the residue unexplained. They seem to represent a visit, however brief, by something unknown.

The Center for Physical Research was established in 1998 to act as a central repository for such reports. The goal is to investigate, research, initiate analysis of the resulting effects in laboratories, and present the data to interested researchers and the public.

For those not familiar with his work, I've embedded below a couple of videos of Ted discussing his work, put on the Internet by MUFON-LA:

All the best,


edit on 22-9-2011 by IsaacKoi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 02:03 AM

Originally posted by jsncrs

Anyone know what happened to the site?

Hey Jsncrs, made a thread about Ted and physical trace research many moons ago (link] - I don't know why it was moved but here's the address for the CPTR website:

Center for Physical Trace Research


edit on 02/10/08 by karl 12 because: Edit to remove the word 'new'

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 02:51 AM

Originally posted by karl 12
here's the new address for the CPTR website:

Center for Physical Trace Research

Hi Karl,

Are you sure that's the new address? It looks like an older, more basic, website. All the dates seem to be older as well. I wonder if it was simply a free website discarded when Ted Phillips moved on to the website at

All the best,


posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by IsaacKoi

Hola Isaac, you might well be right there mate and, although some of the guestbook entries are quite recent(ish] and make mention of Ted's MUFON presentations, the 'cases in progress' section hasn't been updated for quite a while - don't know what happened about his current investgations into the Tatra Mountains or Morley woods but Ted's comment about trace evidence hasn't been updated since March 1999 either, I suppose it's still worth posting in this thread though.

After 30 years of research it is obvious that UFO traces represent the most direct approach to resolving the UFO mystery. When multiple witnesses observe an object on the ground, less than 50 feet away with no engines, no wings, no visible means of propulsion, they have, with their observation, eliminated many natural or conventional explanations.

When they leave traces behind, we have something tangible to examine long after the object is gone.
I believe the data indicates constructed machines under some sort of intelligent control which can interact with their surroundings in a very physical way. What these machines are or where they might originate are open questions.

These questions simply cannot be answered by ignoring the facts.



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