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17Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.
Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.
Evolution and the origins of earth cannot be tested by scientific method.
Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by Daedal
I can't speak for him, but I know this - unless Christianity learns how to embrace the love of Jesus Christ as all-inclusive,
and realize that Jesus himself said that people won't be able to point in any particular direction at his return and say "there he is!",
then Christianity itself, as a doctrine, will become a house divided against itself, by dividing itself against the larger humanity within which it is emersed, and relative to which it is SUPPOSED to be loving, and love to be love, after all, must be freely received, and freely given as it was freely recieved.
The LOVE of Christ, not the doctrine, must rule, for Christ himself to rule over the all, which he does, as LOVE.
Until Christians can get that through their thick sculls, they will be working at ODDS AGAINST the return of Christ as a spiritiual reality (as a new heaven and a new earth aka a new age),
and not as in preparation (like a Bride to be), but as a stumbling block, as an obstacle, even as an upturned spear! We MUST learn how to recieve the love of the Lord, and extend it, without having to neccessarily win converts to a DOCTRINE of Christianity, which violates the principal and tenet of Christian love to begin with!
Did he not say "forgive them father for they know not what they do" in relataion to self righteous Jewish elite and the Roman soldiers surrounding his very cross?!
Christian love is NOT CONDITIONAL!
We must get this through our Christian minds, and kick the devil OUT of those minds, who LOVES the doctrine of exclusivity... we must THINK, as Christ thinks, not as men or demons think! For the love of GOD!
As a Christian - Christianity, as an EXCLUSIVE club, is not the type of club I want to belong to!
Jesus was obviously speaking from a point of spiritual realization when he said that to come to the father we must go through him and him alone ie: by his LOVE, and understanding.
Such idiots we are and have been - I blame the Pope and American Christian Conservative Fundamentalist Literalism for this outrage against the all-inclusive love, of Jesus Christ.
Originally posted by RevelationGeneration
For all the people saying "aliens" did it. Could i ask you if aliens created humans who created the aliens?