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I'm truly a 9/11 Non-Truther.. wait what?

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posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 11:15 AM
Ok in a nutshell what I can see is that the official story obviously isn't up to scratch. Personally I think 9/11 was definitely an inside job of some kind perpetrated by some kind of tyrannical economic or political power. I think if it was anything to do with the government then the plot would obviously not be known by hardly anyone in the government. Its called compartmentalisation.. read about it. I think that is where a lot of people are going wrong.

Regardless of my general opinion on 9/11 I think we have a problem. It seems as though we (Both 'Truthers' and 'Non-Truthers') are flogging a dead horse. We are just arguing with each other over theory after theory after theory. I believe that if there was a globalist group behind the attacks and they were trying to evade light being shed onto them then I think they would be very happy that we here are busy constantly banging our heads against each others walls.

I'm no expert on the matter but I'm sure there could be a lot more productivity if people got together and researched more into why it happened instead of mostly how it happened. I mean you're even calling each other things like 'Truthers' and 'Non Truthers'.

The fight shouldn't be against each other it should be a fight for REAL knowledge into why it happened and who actually did it.. not so much how. Because I'm sure a lot of people, truther or non will agree that something smells fishy in regards to the official explanation, how quick the investigation was over and how it was been shoved in our faces.
edit on 26/10/2010 by TechUnique because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 11:17 AM

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by Absco

As old as constantly flogging a dead horse?
Not making any progress?
Wondering around like headless chickens?

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 11:23 AM
All I know is that the terrorists hate us because of our freedoms, so to fight them, the gov't is going to take away our freedoms.

Yeah that makes perfect sense, if the gov't are the terrorists.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 11:27 AM
lol I didn't mean to be a dick. I'll for one side with you because it's what I believe in. I guess I'm just getting sick of the fact, as well, that no progress is being made. People will always be split on the subject. On a site like this, with all the "free thinkers" we claim to be, there is a lot of heated debates and useless information. Then there are subjects that keep going on. And keep going on. And keep going on. And keep going on. And keep going on. And keep going on.And keep going on.And keep going on.And keep going on.And keep going on.And keep going on.And keep going on.And keep going on.And keep going on.And keep going on.And keep going on.And keep going on.And keep going on.And keep going on.And keep going on.And keep going on.And keep going on.And keep going on.And keep going on.And keep going on.And keep going on.And keep going on.And keep going on.And keep going on.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by TechUnique

Hey, is it a coincidence that Yesturday or the day before I suggested to stop arguing about the how and start figuring out the why? If it is a coincidence, awesome, people are starting to see a little wider... if it isn't a coincidence then awesome too. I struck a chord. Either way S & F.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by Absco

thanks for your excellent contribution to the thread

as for what the OP has to say I completely agree. There is no denying 911 was an inside job. Regardless of how far you think the conspiracy goes there are many loopholes in the official story that have yet to be "officially" explained and I doubt they will ever truthfully be

To me, the question regarding 911 is the who

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 11:35 AM
I had written this on "drink"WTC 1/2 Collapse: I was a truther. Not any longer.," post.

"Being a truther or not, to me, is besides the point. We asked about the how. We asked about the who. And we all have our own opignions, each one as valid as the next. But a question I have seldom heard answered is why. This is the most important question of all. Why was this attack carried through? Why was there no resistance. Why were the American armed foces, seemingly, deliberately kept from defending the US? And I'm not talking about "they were out on drills". Yes, they were but in such a great number? Why? The why is of the utmost importance. If we can not move beyond the who and the how then I'm affraid the answeres to our questions will never be uncovered."
edit on 21-9-2011 by XLR8R because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by TechUnique
Ok in a nutshell what I can see is that the official story obviously isn't up to scratch. Personally I think 9/11 was definitely an inside job of some kind perpetrated by some kind of tyrannical economic or political power. I think if it was anything to do with the government then the plot would obviously not be known by hardly anyone in the government. Its called compartmentalisation.. read about it. I think that is where a lot of people are going wrong.

Please explain to me how "compartmentalization" can be used to dupe hundreds of technicians to willingly sneak into an occupied building undercover and secretly plant hidden controlled demolitions without them understanding a lot of innocent people were going to get killed.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by TechUnique
Ok in a nutshell what I can see is that the official story obviously isn't up to scratch. Personally I think 9/11 was definitely an inside job of some kind perpetrated by some kind of tyrannical economic or political power. I think if it was anything to do with the government then the plot would obviously not be known by hardly anyone in the government. Its called compartmentalisation.. read about it. I think that is where a lot of people are going wrong.

Please explain to me how "compartmentalization" can be used to dupe hundreds of technicians to willingly sneak into an occupied building undercover and secretly plant hidden controlled demolitions without them understanding a lot of innocent people were going to get killed.

I said that in the case of it actually having been anything to do with the government. If you read my post you will see that I believe it to be to work of cult like economic/political powers. As in not really the government. Because I believe there are powers above the government.. powers that have the means and resources to accomplish the explosive rigging of the WTC and everything else it took to accomplish the feat.

I mean if you believe the official story and think that Al-Qaeda are actually capable of committing an attack like this then what's to say an extreme economic power couldn't pull it off?
edit on 26/10/2010 by TechUnique because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 12:06 PM

"All these conspiracy theories have two basic problems. One, they believe the government is competent. And, two, they believe the government can keep a secret."

We need to stop blaming the government. It's corporations. It's a higher power. Look at the Rockefellers, look at Bill Gates. Look at the people with the most money and power in the world. I remember when everyone was afraid Wal-Mart was going to take over the world, I was telling everyone be wary of Facebook and Google. When people were complaining about privacy rights with Facebook, I had the greatest told you so moment. It doesn't help that you tell me what you're eating, where you are, and the fact that I know that your house is unoccupied? If I was real scum, I would just rob your dumba$$.

Questions are always great to ask. In this world, with this technology, with this evolution of the human experience, there is no such thing as a dumb question. Just ignorant answers and ignorant people. Some people are still in denial, some people will never "wake up". Some people, in the simplest of terms, just don't care. I know it's our job to find the truth but it takes a little bit of blood to wake up the masses and bonus points if it's on their land. So that's why I believe people want the truth to what happened, but maybe we're asking the wrong questions, or phrasing them wrong. Maybe we're projecting our blame to the wrong bodies. I can agree and deny that the government was involved. But that's globalizing on them. It's the individuals involved. The ones with powers (really helps if they remain transparent). Greatest thing about the show Breaking Bad and the character Gustavo Fring, is that he would be the last guy you would suspect of being and international drug kingpin. And that's my point, transparency works perfectly as we're all banging our heads against the walls trying to play the blame game.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by TechUnique
I said that in the case of it actually having been anything to do with the government. If you read my post you will see that I believe it to be to work of cult like economic/political powers. As in not really the government. Because I believe there are powers above the government.. powers that have the means and resources to accomplish the explosive rigging of the WTC and everything else it took to accomplish the feat.

Excuse me, but you said "it's called 'compartmentalization and we should read up on it". I'm following your own advice by asking how compartmentalization could get someone to rig an occupied building withour their realizing they were setting up a lot of innocent people to be killed. That IS the major component of all these conspiracy claims, after all. If you can't get past that, then these conspiracy claims can't even get out of the gate.

I mean if you believe the official story and think that Al-Qaeda are actually capable of committing an attack like this then what's to say an extreme economic power couldn't pull it off?

History has proven time and time again that any extreme power so ambitious that they would go to the lengths to manipulate events behind the scenes to stage such an attack, by its very nature, it would be too ambitious to voluntarily keep its existence secret. The British conquering China to protect its opium trade didn't particularly care that the Union Jack was flying on their warships blockading Shanghai, and the Nazis staging the attack on the radio station on the Polish border didn't try to hide the Swastikas on the Stukas dive bombing Warsaw. Even that doomsday cult that staged that nerve gas attack in Japan was well known to everyone around them.

I said it before and I'll say it again- you don't need to go looking underneath rocks or searching for hidden signs for any secret dictatorship. Dictatorships are always blatant, and they will always come looking for you.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by Absco

Look at the people with the most money and power in the world.

Why look at them? They already have what they want, money and power.

Why not look where most of the worlds tragic deaths have come from? Religion!
And that's what we had. A bunch of over the top religion fanatics.

Why interject complexity into what we saw that day? Fully loaded planes make an excellent weapon. Just look at WW2. Plus they are damn hard to stop. Especially when you are not lookin for them.
Another very simple weapon would be a boat loaded with explosives going off near a ship. Oh wait we had that too, from the same people.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 01:11 PM
Religion will always dilute people but the whole point of me saying the ones in power is because they're also the ones influencing these religious fanatics. I mean look at when "Passion of the Christ" came out, not only did more people become religious after that, but as I was working at a video store at the time, the merch for the movie sold out daily. People were buying crosses, and nails, and dumb crap like that for like 10-20 bucks a pop.

At the end of that day, the religious groups were happy to have more followers, the studio was happy that they could pawn this crap off to people. They made money.

Money and religion rule the world. So I agree with you on the religion thing but the other side is the power of business.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by TechUnique
Ok in a nutshell what I can see is that the official story obviously isn't up to scratch. Personally I think 9/11 was definitely an inside job of some kind perpetrated by some kind of tyrannical economic or political power. I think if it was anything to do with the government then the plot would obviously not be known by hardly anyone in the government. Its called compartmentalisation.. read about it. I think that is where a lot of people are going wrong.

Where truthers go wrong is in assuming the concept of compartmentalization solves all their problems without actually working out how many compartments would be necessary, how many people would have to be accessed to each compartment, and how many of them would realize, after the operation, what their overall role had been. Surely the guys in the "plant explosives in WTC7" compartment or the "bury tiny fragments of an airplane in Shanksville" compartment would figure out what's going on, right?

I'm no expert on the matter but I'm sure there could be a lot more productivity if people got together and researched more into why it happened instead of mostly how it happened.

Excellent idea. Enroll at the nearest university and start taking courses in Middle Eastern and Southwest Asian area studies, economics, comparative politics, religion, and terrorism. Or you can find a reading list online and do this on your own.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by TechUnique

The fight shouldn't be against each other it should be a fight for REAL knowledge into why it happened and who actually did it.. not so much how.

Well, you see the problem is - there is no fight. Outside of the limits of these little conspiracy forums there really is no big conflict about what happened on 9/11/2001. As to why - even with the full knowledge of who did it and how they did it the reason they (AQ) did it will always be a matter of some discussion.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by TechUnique
Regardless of my general opinion on 9/11 I think we have a problem. It seems as though we (Both 'Truthers' and 'Non-Truthers') are flogging a dead horse. We are just arguing with each other over theory after theory after theory. I believe that if there was a globalist group behind the attacks and they were trying to evade light being shed onto them then I think they would be very happy that we here are busy constantly banging our heads against each others walls.

I'm no expert on the matter but I'm sure there could be a lot more productivity if people got together and researched more into why it happened instead of mostly how it happened. I mean you're even calling each other things like 'Truthers' and 'Non Truthers'.

I don't know how it happened. I just think it is important to understand the physics sufficiently to understand why airliners COULD NOT do it.

Onece that is understood then a lot of BS goes out the window.

But it drags our so called educational system onto center stage. Why haven't all of the physics teachers in the country been explaining why planes could not do it?


posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by psikeyhackr

But it drags our so called educational system onto center stage. Why haven't all of the physics teachers in the country been explaining why planes could not do it?

Because they understand physics? Yep, thats it. Its because our nations science teachers, physics professors, engineers and technicians actually understand and are knowledgeable in their fields. And with this knowledge they understand how striking buildings with what are essentially two heavy high speed fuel air missiles will cause sufficient damage to effect a process that leads to a collapse. Yeah - that's why they don't parrot your mystic beliefs.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 03:44 PM
I said it before and I'll say it again, give me a couple of years to climb the financial ladder and I'll build us two sets of twin towers. One rigged with explosives, and the other normal. Then we'll run 4 planes into them. Determine what really happened.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 03:47 PM
A new thought on this

Not my take but just letting you know there is a new outlook on this..............

Conclusions never stop
edit on 21-9-2011 by vesta because: (no reason given)

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