posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 08:04 AM
Beta doesn't work on my computer on any website. When Yahoo switched to beta, I had to change mail options for the old format. Imageshack has beta,
but they have a button underneath to upload non-beta.
Here's what happens when I click on the upload:
It has all the text instructions to the left, everything from Instructions: click button down to the posting of any image that violates the
ATS.... So all of the text to the left shows up in my browser.
But there are no buttons. Just a blank screen to the right. And the gif/jpg at the top that says Uploader: V0.1 (beta)
Other than the text to the left and the image to the top, the rest of the screen is completely blank. No buttons to click on like in the
I'm on an old version of Firefox with an old OS. And no I don't really want to upgrade the OS because it's easy to get rid of hackers who try to
put spyware because most spyware new versions won't work on old operating systems. I get less cyberstalkers with an old I'd like to keep it
as long as possible. Can't get a newer Firefox either. Downloads are limited to OS. I'll try to log in on Internet Explorer but that usually never
works either.
Any chance you might be allowing a link-click for non-beta uploads? Cause if not, I probably won't be able to upload anything.