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Dancing with the Stars (new season)

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posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 10:13 AM
I know many watch that will be afraid to post...oh well.

Having taken ballroom dance classes a bit, I was interested in the show when it debuted, and haven't been disappointed...

Why guys won't fess up to watching beautiful, scantily clad women gyrate on the dance floor is beyond me, but so be it.

Anyhoo, the first victim was cast off, a very wooden and gangly NBA player...

Not too many real celebs on the show of course, more D listers or worse...but I watch more for the sexy pros anyhow....

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 10:22 AM
Get a real hobby.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 10:24 AM
Reality/Talent TV shows... have got to be running out of ideas by now... when will they end? Nothing wrong with dancing, of course, but it's all the emotional bs that goes into these shows that gets me to hit the OFF button.

If there were no "celebrities" taking part would they be half as interesting for most watchers

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 10:26 AM
I think that show is one of the worst shows in the history of television. It's boring and lacks depth, seems like a faker personality competition to me rather than a dance off show.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 10:38 AM
This is the garbage that is numbing the minds of all who dont have the vision to ignore it. This is the garbage they want you to watch to keep our minds away from the hell we are in. This is the garbage spewed at us by corporate scum to keep us docile and happy while the world is savaged around us.
This is as bad as it gets.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by Gazrok

Honestly, my advice - and I realize I am talking to a Moderator - is turn off the TV, disconnect the cable and stop digesting the pablum. Shows like Dancing With The Stars, and American Idol (and Sports) are not only part of the problem but a huge part of the problem.

I quit watching their video teet about fifteen years ago and am much better informed, waste much less of my time, and feel better emotionally for it. Now I understand that you have an interest because of your ballroom dancing but you are also opening yourself up for subliminal messages and having your opinion massaged in the direction the MSM desires, all without being any the wiser about it.

Once in a while I feel like I am missing out as I love the educational channels, although I used to catch the History Channel in lies nightly! When this happens I pop over to a friends house who has cable and watch for about fifteen minutes. It is this occasional taste of the MSM that makes me realize that I am not missing anything of real worth, and it makes me glad I have saved my money.

In all honesty, I often end posts which have to do with important issues which most people are blissfully ignorant of with the sarcastic; "Oh gotta go, Dancing With The Stars is coming on!" to put everything in perspective. I used to use American Idol and Monday Night Football for this purpose until Dancing With The Stars pulled way out in front in the race towards social insignificance.

And don't even get me started on "the Stars"...

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 10:55 AM
Methinx Gazrock is a dark horse.

Fetish clubs and ballroom dancing.
/sigh...It's been hours since I waltzed

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 01:45 PM
Yeah, I know blah blah blah...reality shows are trash, etc.

Thing is folks, this isn't ALL I do. I also watch enough documentaries to make my wife's eyes roll. I read books at least 3 a month, often more. I go to (and have memberships at) numerous museums, etc. I'm an MBA, graduated with a 4.0 average. I have a piece of artwork hanging in a New York gallery. I enjoy Bach and Handel just as much as I enjoy Metallica or the Black Eyed Peas.

Just because I occasionally enjoy some reality TV does not make me some kind of cultural heathen. People really need to get over their stereotypical views....

If there were no "celebrities" taking part would they be half as interesting for most watchers

I watch it for the hot pro dancers, which are bigger stars in their own right, then most of the celebs, lol!

Methinx Gazrock is a dark horse.

Fetish clubs and ballroom dancing.
/sigh...It's been hours since I waltzed

Don't go mixing that "other" thread into this, hehe...

I prefer to think of myself as a guy who likes to have fun...

seems like a faker personality competition to me rather than a dance off show.

That's a fair argument. However, really bad dancers don't make it very far. Personality is a huge factor, as is the "star's" fanbase....

However, as I said, I watch it not to see the stars, but to see fine women, and good dancing.
edit on 21-9-2011 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

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