posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 09:46 AM
The following is an email I recieved from a consumer advocate group for organic foods. Monsanto has apparently produced, for the first time, a raw
GMO round-up ready crop that is made for direct human consumption instead of being used for animal feed.
As has been demonstrated in the past, this a very dangerous proposition:
-----Begin Transmission-----
Dear Friends and CSA members,
We have resisted the urge to forward petitions to you up until now. We think that this is too important an issue to be quiet about. Part of the
following is copied from another party. If you would like to explore information about the potential hazards to our health, our food system, and to
our planet, you can find visit an excellent site devoted to GMO awareness at
Please let us know if you think it is appropriate or not for us to inform you about food related issues that we think are important. It is not our
intent to push our view of any controversial subject, however, if you would like to hear more from us about our perceptions concerning our food
system, we would be happy to share some of our thoughts. We would certainly be appreciative to hear yours as well.
All the best
This fall, Monsanto, the corporation who produces roughly 90% of the world's genetically modified seeds, will try to bring their new, GMO sweet
corn to a grocery store aisle or farmer's market near you.
Unlike Monsanto's other GMO crops -- which are primarily fed to animals -- this sweet corn is intended for direct human consumption.
This is the first time Monsanto has engineered a vegetable that could be served straight to your dinner table. And if this unlabeled, and potentially
toxic crop succeeds, Monsanto is sure to bring us even more.
As an activist and consumer, we are in a powerful position to pressure leading U.S. grocery stores to reject Monsanto's new GMO corn.
I just signed a petition telling major grocery stores around the country that I don't want Monsanto's sweet corn on the shelves. Will you join me
and help stop this unsafe food?
-----End Transmission-----
Even worse, since Monsanto's new sweet corn is genetically modified to tolerate Roundup, this new GMO sweet corn could pass the same health and
infertility problems that Food Democracy Now! previously documented in our video interview of Dr. Don Huber, a retired plant pathologist who
discovered a link between Roundup to crop disease and livestock infertility, on to humans who consume Monsanto's GMO sweet corn.
Be afraid, be very afraid.