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Duvall...a (cough cough) secret base in Washington State

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posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 03:18 AM
TinEye is a plugin to compare photographs.
Follow the instructions to install it. Firefox needs to be shut down and then restarted for the plugin to work.

For fun, I figured I'd take my most ripped off photo, which is just the signs at the front gate of Groom Lake.
No big deal and not much effort to take the shot. I think it dates back to 1998.

Now go to this page:
Scroll down to "Duvall (Does it exist)". The sign at the border of "Duvall" is just a rip off of my Groom Lake photograph.

Ok, Duvall debunked. Dulce is next.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 03:36 AM
reply to post by gariac

Duvall (Does It Exist?)

One of the signs leading to what really lies in Duvall. Sure, you hear the local news talk about the city, but have you ever been there? Everybody hears about Duvall, but there is no first-hand experience of seeing it. The truth is that it is all a government conspiracy. Congress and former Washington governor Gary Locke are trying to hide the truth. What is the truth? Teams of investigators still have not discovered it. If friends have been trying to convince you that it exists with pictures and stories of relatives, do not trust them! They were brainwashed by the government! You can believe what you want to believe, but there is no Duvall. It is just a cooperation between the Soviet government and Planet X to conduct testing on Asian tourists.

So we are saying that Duvall doesn't exist? Or that the base at Duvall doesn't exist? I am confused here, but have info.

I am about thirty minutes from Duvall Washington, even put in applications there when I moved to this area.

Can you clear this up for me? I would be glad to check into the existence of a base, but frankly haven't heard anything about it here?

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 03:38 AM
reply to post by gariac

ok - not all of us can , or are prepared to download / install a firefox plug in

but can you provide some context to this thread ?

are you claiming that the town of duvall does not exist ?

or simply that thier is no " top secret base " located in the vicininty of the town of duvall

your entire case sems to revolve around a single pic on a user edited encyclopedia - you realise that any wingnut could have inserted that - for any reason

i cannot find any other google search strings that make claims of duvall having / being a secret base

but i did find this :

duvall chamber of commerce

and scores of other links that indicate that duvall is a perfectly normal town

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 03:41 AM
reply to post by gariac

In fact here is a link to order a pizza from Shara's pizza in Duvall

Sahara Pizza Duvall

Edit; In fact if you look down where it says Cle Ellum/Roslyn, Roslyn Washington is where they shot the 90s t.v. series Northern Exposure and was the location for the town of Cicely AL. Soon as you drive down the street you are on the set. Pretty Cool.
edit on 21-9-2011 by Ittabena because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 03:43 AM
Well the sign allegedly in front of Duvall is really the sign from Groom Lake. The exact same photo. It was shot wide aperture (f1.4), which makes it look a bit different from your standard point and shoot image. So a fake sign makes me assume the rest of the story is fake too.

Of course I can't prove a negative. I can't prove Duvall doesn't exist. Neither can I prove Dulce doesn't exist. But I proved the internet information for Duvall has one glaring falsehood. i.e. the photo was not taken in Washington State but rather Nevada! Thus I am a bit suspicious. ;-)

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 03:46 AM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

The plugin installation is trivial. However, you can just go to the tineye website and do a photo search there.

OK, Duvall exists, but perhaps there is no secret base there. Hey, even Dulce exists, but there is no evidence it has a base either.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 03:48 AM
reply to post by gariac

as i say - all you have demonstrated is that user edited encyclopedias can be " hacked " for want of a better term

so once again - can you show any other sources making claims that duval is a secret base - or that attribute that pic to duvall - other than a user edited encyclopedia ?

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 03:56 AM
reply to post by gariac

Well the sign allegedly in front of Duvall is really the sign from Groom Lake. The exact same photo. It was shot wide aperture (f1.4), which makes it look a bit different from your standard point and shoot image. So a fake sign makes me assume the rest of the story is fake too.

Of course I can't prove a negative. I can't prove Duvall doesn't exist. Neither can I prove Dulce doesn't exist. But I proved the internet information for Duvall has one glaring falsehood. i.e. the photo was not taken in Washington State but rather Nevada! Thus I am a bit suspicious. ;-)

Somebody got away with something in Wiki, that's all. Those signs are definitely not at the entrance to Duvall, and Duvall definitely exists. But as for the military base, I would have seen some military types around here by now, especially since I work in a grocery store. Duvall is very small, in fact if you blink at 70mph you'll miss it. If there were a military base I would have heard about it. But I will check, just to be certain.

Honestly though, Duvall is so small that word of base with signs like these would have gotten out way before now.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 03:17 PM
The closest thing to a military base in Duvall you are going to find is a former double Nike Missile site about 5 miles away.

Otherwise, there's nothing.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by allenidaho

I assumed nothing would be there given the fake sign, but old Nike bases are fun to investigate. A quick search of the internet doesn't indicate a Nike base at Duvall. Perhaps a different missile?

Marin County has the official Nike museum, located in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area.
The tour is of the launch area. You can ride the missile elevator into the underground part of the base. The control site is in the side of the mountain and not open to the public. In fact, they don't even mention that it exists. The radar site is left kind of rotting on a hill in the park.
and my favorite Nike website:

I've been to the bay area Nike sites that are still available to the public. Sometimes all you find is a slab of cement. Most underground facilities have been filled in. Oh, and these are not very deep underground.

I don't think any of these facilities ever actually launched a missile, other than one in IIRC Texas where they would go for training.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 08:41 PM
I was referring to the double Nike missile launch site S-13 and S-14. It is located between Redmond and Union Hill. Approximately 5 miles away from Duvall.

The underground magazines are still there. But the concrete is in pretty rough shape. The site itself has been overgrown.

You can find it right here:

122° 4'24.71"W

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