posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 12:09 PM
I'm going to have to agree that it's interesting and all that.
but not very possible.
If your someone that DOES have the skills to construct that thing,
and you can afford the time and tools needed.
The land will always bite you in the ass. Everything is owned by someone and the only way I see anyone making one of these is in a remote area like
canada. In the us ? Good luck, you'd have to find a spot of abandoned park somewhere that no one ever goes to. And if you have friends that come over
someone will eventually find out.
On a personal note I built and underground house when I was a kid, took me a whole summer, and all my friends wanted to hang out in it after I was
done, only a few helped the last few months of course. I basically just dug a giant square hole. Built a 2 by 4 roof on the top, covered with plastic
and plywood. I covered the whole inside with the giant plastic lining you get from home depot, big roll of it. I had molded seats from the clay
(that's why it took a whole summer to dig, next to a creek). Lined and filled it with carpet, had a fabric shower curtain to pull in front of earth
colored plywood door.
I named it 'makeout paradise'. It stood for a good year, until I was hanging out there and the cops showed up with this angry looking drunk. The guy
who owned the property had just discovered it. His property was so massive, he was so rich, that he only found my 'fort' when he was survaying (cant
spell that word) to sell the land.
I was too young to get in trouble, my die hard christian friend was #ting his pants had never been in a squad car before lolol. The cop said he was
going to get some funding to have it destroyed by the city, and I was to never set foot there again or I'd get charged with trespassing. I was the
guardian of this little forest and now I was banished. I was devastated, played there maybe all my childhood.
Of course I violated my agreement but ended up running away from construction personnel and serveyers quite a few times. I ended up walking my dog
back there when I'd become a man, and the forest was covered with small mansions. The fort was never 'destroyed by the city. Instead a harsh winter
melt collapsed it. I bet the cop kept any funding for himself, it went largely unnoticed and is still dilapidated and buried in the same spot.
thanks for listening kinda nostalgic there