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Is "The Hum" A Frequency Coming From Another Dimension? Is It Related To The "Awakening"?

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posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 01:32 AM
The Hum as its been commonly known, has been heard all over the world recently, at an increasing rate. The Hum has been reported for years, and as far back as the 60's. Many who have been subjected to the Hum, have claimed to get headaches, nausea, sleeplessness, vibrations in the body, and ear pain. There's a story of a guy who committed suicide because he couldn't take it anymore.

Many have described it as a vibration or a frequency, yet no one has been able to measure it yet. Scientists have tried. I'm wondering, is it a frequency from another dimension, maybe one right next to use, or here on Earth as well, which we can't sense? Everything I've read about the "awakening", says we will open our minds up to many other vibrations and frequencies, which are all around us right now, which we can't sense, and when we do it could appear as a completely different reality.

Is the hum coming from that other reality, and we are hearing it increasingly because the threads between the two are starting to tear, so to speak? Maybe it sounds crazy. I'm not sure a believe an "awakening" type event will happen. But the humming is very odd, and is increasing, so I wondered if it might possible be connected.

Maybe it's deep underground drilling. But that'd be a lot of drilling. Who knows.

edit on 21-9-2011 by MysticPearl because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 01:49 AM
truly frightening. i cant even watch the entire thing without feeling as scared as when I was 7 and played resident evil 2 for the first time and could not even go out of my room to use the bathroom at night (never recovered from that game...). the clips from kiev are unbelievable. i swear it sounds like post production from War of the Worlds. If i ever hear that in real life i will literally piss my pants and cry. jjust reflecting on the sounds makes me think 'end of the world'. theres no better sound that can fill that position other than the sound of a nuclear explosion or 100. what on earth can it be??? its just so baffling. no seismic activity, yet the sounds are like the earth howling and the vibrations are enough to shake a home? can it really be atmospheric?

challenge to all yoou bible scholars; find me a verse that mentions this sort of phenomena. no reward, sorry. just looking for correllations
edit on 21-9-2011 by asperetty because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 02:10 AM
2012 folk will come in here and claim that these noises are due to the "fact" that our frequencies are increasing, and when 2012 arrives, the vibrations will be at the transition point required to evolve us to the next level. The 2012 folk will degrade the rational minded folk as being "unable to understand."

Rational minded folk who demand physical proof of everything will claim that this phenomenon does not exist or is nothing more than mistakes (plane flying over, underground machinery, noises from sewers, etc.). The rational minded folk will degrade the 2012 folk as being "ignorant, blind believers who need to do more research."

The simple fact of the matter is that nobody knows.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 02:11 AM
i dunno theres something wierd about the kiev video,the people below are walking as if nothing out of the ordinary is happening,i mean they dont even stop to look around..

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 02:13 AM
i know this is far fetched, but could it stem from some type of reaction in the atmosphere? when I hear the noises, it makes me think something is being dragged on another thing, like theres friction. could it be that our atmosphere reacting to vanguard spaces of the Oort cloud or whatever that strange gassy/dusty area in space we are supposed to pass through? idk just thinking..

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 02:15 AM
Although I have not personally experienced anything like this living on the West coast, and Central Florida, I have kept up with the phenomenon as it is very intriguing, and eerie. The only plausible explanation that I could conceive comes from this post from ATS where specifically:

He said that he never saw anything out of this world so to speak, but he did state that he saw hangers "LARGER THAN LIFE" over there that were heavily guarded, and he "even as a general was never allowed over or even close to them". FOr his entire 33 years all of his AF buddies always had stories and talked about Area 51 and WP AFB as having these incredibly large hangers, and also underground facilities to the size that people could never comprehend. He said some of the facilities underground were so large that it seemed entire cities or populations could live a fully sustained 100 year life down in them. But again, he only knew about them, was never allowed in.

The sounds in a lot of the videos seem metallic in nature, and a physical shaking of the ground and windows could be explained by subterranean digging to expand these complexes.

Besides that, I have no idea.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 02:33 AM
The rumblings certainly sound like excavation machineery to me. The moaning sounds are, in my opinion, metal over metal. This leads me to beleive that they are man made. I am almost certain that there is some sort of underground construction work taking place on a worldwide scale.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 03:05 AM
That kiev video is freaky, but as someone above mentioned the people walking about don't seem to care to much about it.

When I heard the noise it sounded like it was coming from above, louder than any plane I ever heard, and didn't move stayed there for ages. Sounded like one big extraction fan was sitting in the sky. Couldnt see anything up there.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 04:27 AM
reply to post by asperetty

Wen u say is it in the atomsphere it mkes me think were havin alot of solar activity frm the sun maybe this sound is were the solar flares are goin through the holes in the atomsphere? jus a thought.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 08:04 AM
If people can hear these noises scientists can certainly measure them and then compare the audio frequencies of these anomalies to those of known sounds.
I would also be interested to know if anyone has compared solar activity and changes in the Earth's magnetic field to these events.
The Earth could be acting as a giant loudspeaker with the crust acting as a cone and electromagnetism in the core as a driver.
We are supposedly going through some type of Cosmic "cloud" or energy field that is exciting the magnetic field. I think somehow these are all related.

It is more fun to think that this is underground boring operations to connect the DUMBS around the planet.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 10:09 AM
"It is not commonly known that the fluttering wings of the hummingbird move in the pattern of an infinity symbol - further solidifying their symbolism of eternity, continuity, and infinity."

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by MysticPearl

Is it just me or does the second video reminds me of Godzilla trying to come out? Also I heard that earth herself is alive and is probably a conciousness within itself. Could it be possible we are listening to Earth cry?

I know it seems far-fetched, but I am a believer that earth does feel.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by SonicInfinity

what is the point of pitting people against one another???? isn't the point of the site to openly discuss the possibilities of the unknown. look I'm well educated in hard science and advanced mathematics, multiple degrees. there are so many things in this world that are not understood by science, but they are out there waiting for us.
who is to say what that sound is. could it be from the magnetic pole shift. magnetic resonance? do you know how many times the magnetic poles have shifted and its' position inside the earth? take a step back and objectively consider the issue.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 05:32 PM
Before humans understood the knowledge of talking or writing, all humans in the world used telepathy and telekinesis until the aliens tricked humans to build the pyramid to block the frequency, namely the pyramid of Giza.

The hum is nothing but a frequency that stops humans from being humans.

In the near future as scientist explore the other planets they will find that at least 1 pyramid resides on all planets, you can’t imagine how many planets in the course of a billion years or more they have had to preserve and find yet another planet to start over again.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by LogiosHermes27
Before humans understood the knowledge of talking or writing, all humans in the world used telepathy and telekinesis until the aliens tricked humans to build the pyramid to block the frequency, namely the pyramid of Giza.

The hum is nothing but a frequency that stops humans from being humans.

In the near future as scientist explore the other planets they will find that at least 1 pyramid resides on all planets, you can’t imagine how many planets in the course of a billion years or more they have had to preserve and find yet another planet to start over again.

I'm sorry, but what are you talking about? Care to provide a few sources, since you're talking more as matter of fact than opinion.

I'd love to see a few sources, if there is anything to what you just said/wrote.

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