posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 01:06 AM
No, not the American holiday.
There is a point of view that I think every perspective and belief system might be able to agree on (though some will not be willing/able to accept it
at first, especially those currently feeling down):
Regardless of whether we are atheist or theist, materialist or spiritualist, determinist or randomist, evolutionist or creationist, Nowist or 6000ist
or 14billionist, one shotist or reincarnatist, happiest or saddest... every single thing that has ever occurred has led up to this precise moment and
gives us the opportunity to feel exactly what we are feeling right now.
Be thankful simply for this
opportunity to feel, even if we can't be thankful for the current feeling itself.
I feel this is on par with the Golden Rule for basis of peaceful existence together even (especially) when difficulties are experienced.
(I know this isn't a unique thought... just adding my own voice to the various ways of expressing it!)
edit on 21-9-2011 by ErgoTheConfusion
because: (no reason given)