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posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 09:58 PM
Ive read or seen somewhere where it said that in the future we will you use our feelings, to guide us. I do this already. On the day the east coast earthquake hit DC i had this wierd feeling that said "today will be significant" those where the exact words i was feeling. At the end of last year i had a feeling like this year would be really good for me and alot of good has happened for me personally about how i feel about myself. Its not as good as i want it but its good.

Lately ive been having this unshakable feeling like ill be happy. i love it and thank god for it because ive never felt that way about myself. no matter how bad things get i have this feeling like ill be happy and get what i need and deserve in life. Im very thankful for it. I even had this brief feeling like id be living my dream life. helping to communicate with benevolent aliens (keyword being "benevolent" seeing as how i dont want to get vaporized be evil ones), Doing good, helping people, spreading human rights, being famous, meeing alot of girls, having a different body lol. The last few are more a fantasy but theres nothing wrong with dreaming right?

does anybody ever have feelings that are spot on or just make you feel good?
edit on 20-9-2011 by Caioneach because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-9-2011 by Caioneach because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by Caioneach

Alot of times, right before something bad happens I will get butterflies in my stomach before I know what's about to happen. It's nothing long term though.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 10:10 PM
I've had it happen a time or two. I remember a time when 2 old ladies were ill in our congregation, at the same time. I had the distinct feeling that 1 wasn't going to make it, while the other would. The 1 I thought wouldn't make it made it to church a couple of more times, while the other was MIA for a few weeks, still feeling ill, yet came I thought nothing of it.

Then the one I had the negative feeling over moved to Texas to live with her children and died within weeks of the move due to the complications that was affecting her way back at the time of the feeling.

So I was wrong, yet right.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by Caioneach

i'm glad that you are experiencing happy thoughts, i think that's awesome and i hope whatever you have going on catches and spreads like a plague. made me feel good to read your words.

made me think too. there are feelings (happiness, sadness, joy, blues, confusion etcetera) and there is intuition.

i was taught very young to listen to your inner self, your intuitions, as they are of vital importance.
my older brother told me: "ya know how sometimes you have a craving for ice cream or Chinese food or peanut butter? always go with it, because that is your inner mind telling you what your body needs. you are lacking something your system wants. don't deny it. listen to your head." i thought that was pretty perceptive, and i'm glad my brother shared.

i think there is a huge difference between feelings and intuition.

the most important thing i've learned on feelings is regarding discipline toward emotional reaction. staying in control of one's self, maintaining a level head, will pay off in spades. we cannot control the world or what happens in it for the most part. but we can control how we react to what takes place in our little world. keeping one's feelings to themselves is often better than lashing out in the moment.

feelings can cloud or alter our judgement. it's better to experience the feeling, give yourself time to take it in, and when the dust has settled one can think with a clearer mind. no, it isn't always easy, and such discipline does not come overnight. the most successful people i've encountered know how to exercise control over their feelings. mighty is the man who keeps a poker face when they would actually like to reach across the table during a meeting and choke the living shiat out of someone for something incredibly stupid they just said or did.

i don't do so well with feelings due to chemical imbalances. but i'm just as God made me. just as Mother Nature gave me intense overwhelming feelings that make daily life a roller-coaster ride, i was also given a decent IQ and imagination unreal. every gift comes at a price. whatever clothes you are given, wear them with pride. stand tall.

as for intuition, that has paid off for me in the past in circumstances best not shared in a public forum. suffice it to say i've learned to listen fast to the imaginary angel perched on one shoulder

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 02:17 AM
reply to post by Caioneach

"Trust your feeling's Luke". What more can I say?

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