reply to post by blackmetalmist
Truth be told, the other girls were just casually talking to the band members but these girls would go into these jealous rages because they weren't
exactly the best looking gals in the show. One of these girls eventually got her butt kicked and they banned her from the show. She would start
picking fights on the prettier girls at the show.
You sure seem to be fixated on the looks thing. Why is that? Maybe you make assumptions that girls are jealous, when in fact they may not like
someones character ?
Personally , I have no issues with women as a whole.. Just characteristics in humans which I do not care for...and those exist in both sexes.
I have seen the very same characteristics you speak of in men as well..
Women can be excellent "soul sisters" , and there are way too many damn good women out there for me to ever put down the whole gender.
I used to have a lot of guy friends....but it always got complicated, because most guys don't want just a friendship..and are always looking for that
"in" door.
I like the feeling of having "brothers", but talking to my brother about it one day.. he told me.. sorry sis.. guys that are friends often have hopes
of more. I won't say all are like this, but in my experience, it has been at least 90%.
So, I must say..I feel no need to dislike other women just because they are matter what they look like...and some of the smartest, and
nicest people out there happen to be beautiful as well. They are beautiful on the outside, but more important, they have an integrity , and beauty
that shines through on the inside.. and it shows in how they interact with others.
Also..if someones spouse or boyfriend hits up on me, in front of his gf or wife, I make a point to point out how lovely she is , and how lucky he is
to have her. That usually (not always) gets the message across, that I'm not interested in him, and he is being an idiot to his gf...or his wife.
If someone blatantly came on to my BF or spouse...I would leave it up to my spouse to deal with it ..sometimes they enjoy the attention, and nothing
wrong with a little ego boosting... but its up to them to draw the line.. not me telling some woman to lay off.
So, in closing this post I will say this..
Long live my soul sisters... I appreciate you more than you may realize..
edit on 12-10-2011 by gabby2011 because: (no reason