reply to post by PassedKarma
What we focus on builds our reality and perspective.
We can only focus on so many things, and if they are negative, then that is what our reality and perspective will be. Anything and everything will be
seen through that filter of negativity and it will pervade all aspects of life.
It wont matter how good things really are, or what positive things happen, if we look at everything in that way.
It turns into a constant search for something we "dont have," instead of focusing on the things we DO have. In the very act of searching, we allow
ourselves to see that the things we dont have are a more important area of focus and attention than gratitude for what is already there. It turns
into nothing ever being "good enough," because we are too focused on the search for the things which will be "better." This cycle leaves us feeling
like there is no foundation or stability.
Everything will seem boring, exhausting, busy, and not "perfect" enough. When
everything is seen that way, it leaves us feeling like it will
never change. And as long as we carry on in the perspective that creates that situation, then it is a self-fulfilling prophecy. It is an external
search for something that can only come from within. It will feel like frantically clawing at a wall that we cant climb and if we keep going at it in
the same way, we never will climb it.
So, focus on the things that bring you joy and happiness. It doesnt mean "bad" things stop happening, as I know well.. But, it does help us see the
important things in life. Life
itself, the joy of your children, the satisfaction you get from your work, family, love, the beauty of nature,
sunrises and sunsets, the ocean, and the gift of being allowed to be a part of it all and experience it. It switches from seeing the world through a
filter of never being good enough, to being grateful for the gifts we do have. Just as focusing on the negativity will create its own self-fulfilling
cycle, so too will focusing on the positive. One is destructive, while the other is productive. It is a choice only you can make. Happiness and
peace are results of a process. If we constantly search for peace, at what point do we give ourselves time to feel it?
We cant always control what happens to us in life, but we can choose how we look at it. Acceptance for the things we can not change, and strength and
courage for the things we can. There is a prayer about that.
As was said, drugs are not the answer. YOU are.
edit on 20-9-2011 by sinohptik because: (no reason given)