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Michael Moore Tells College Students ‘It Will Require A Rumble’ To Fix America

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posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by Gannicus
It just goes to show the tea party folks need to stick to their guns (pun intended), because the other side will never apologize for their rhetoric.

Ok then, apparently not even a little.
Well enjoy your irony then.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 10:51 AM

edit on 20-9-2011 by lernmore because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by Gannicus
You're just playing semantics for your team.

Is that code for "You are just understanding words and what they mean in context and sticking to the reality of that?" Sometimes semantics matter.

You do realize Breitbart said this quote IN RESPONSE to Moore, right?

You do realize that talking about using guns against someone who suggests a rumble is a tad more violent, right?

It wasn't a threat. It was a response to threats.

Give me the speicific "threat" it was a response to and explain to me how guns are less violent than rumbling. Can't wait.

Sarah Palin PAC's cross hair ad was obviously in reference to voting out Democrats, but that didn't stop this forum and the media from making it out to be much, much more.

Reload? Do you reload your votes? Do you need gunsights to vote?

You are seriously deluded. The right only seems capable of using gun terminology and yet you think the left is the more violent side. I promise I can help you test this theory. Know how to rumble? I have a gun. Come on over. I bet you will learn real fast which is more violent.

Save your youtube videos for someone that can watch them right now.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by lernmore
reply to post by FallenWun/Kitilani/Aihttik

Don't forget Maxine Waters!

If I remember correctly, the premise of Hell depends on one actually being DEAD to get there...

Nice attempt at little more than goal post shifting and character assassination.

Fine fine. You are right. All the left, especially Michael Moore are violent thugs because of what Maxine Waters said.
I hope you will not mind then when I compare everyone on the right to the utter s*** Ted Nugent spews.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by FallenWun

Who needs Ted Nugent when dishonorary discharged Representative West volunteers to drive the car, to go hurt some people?

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by narwahl
reply to post by FallenWun

Who needs Ted Nugent when dishonorary discharged Representative West volunteers to drive the car, to go hurt some people?

Yeah but all he said was that he would drive the car to go hurt some people. That is not violent and he is not important. Not like Mike Moore. He is really important and his words were way more violent. Right? I am sure Allen West just did not understand the clip he just watched and innocently offered to drive because he thought it would be nice to do the driving is all.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by Gannicus

Michael Moore may be a doink, but, like a broken clock, he can be right at times and he's not wrong here. How this got turned into a left/right debate is beyond me, as we have the left in power right now(well, they got the Pres at least) and MM is on the left.

Gannicus, really dude, maybe in the real world the left/right paradigm is relevant but here on ATS many of us have no need for it and using the ridiculous left vs. right in this argument is just silly. Plus, I'd like a definition of "rumble", as I do think it can be construed in many ways while talking about guns and using them is a bit different. Your left/right argument is bunk and isn't relevant. This isn't a left/right debate, it's you hating MM because you are a Republican and hate the left, or so it seems from your posts, and that just leads to divisiveness which will lead to our downfall.

United we stand,divided we fall, right?

All your ranting about how the "liberals" want more war, well, your bloody Republicans started the damned illegal wars, so shut the hell up! Pot, meet kettle. Hypocritical nonsense, just what I'd expect from someone who buys into the left/right lie.

Crikey, neither side is playing for we the people nor is any different than the other but you keep on believing in the fairy tale. You have the right, just like we all do, to believe what you want, even if it is propaganda.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by FallenWun
reply to post by Gannicus

Did you notice the difference in the rhetoric you are picking on?
Hoffa specifically said take them out by voting.
Clearly he was talking about voting.
Moore said a rumble.
Guess he was talking about a rumble.
Breitbart mentioned guns.
Clearly he is talking about shooting people.

These all seem even to you?

Perhaps you might enjoy a good rumble, do some voting, and a good shooting so you can compare?

Wha??? The word "Voting" was nowhere in Hoffa's speech. Nice try though. Want to see how stupid your logic sounds? Breitbart was talking about my pantry... food in particluar. My pantry is so loaded with food that I had to lock it. So now my pantry is locked and loaded.

Good God you freaking liberals never cease to amaze me with your brazen doltishness!!!

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by TheLoony
reply to post by Gannicus

Michael Moore may be a doink, but, like a broken clock, he can be right at times and he's not wrong here. How this got turned into a left/right debate is beyond me, as we have the left in power right now(well, they got the Pres at least) and MM is on the left.

Gannicus, really dude, maybe in the real world the left/right paradigm is relevant but here on ATS many of us have no need for it and using the ridiculous left vs. right in this argument is just silly. Plus, I'd like a definition of "rumble", as I do think it can be construed in many ways while talking about guns and using them is a bit different. Your left/right argument is bunk and isn't relevant. This isn't a left/right debate, it's you hating MM because you are a Republican and hate the left, or so it seems from your posts, and that just leads to divisiveness which will lead to our downfall.

United we stand,divided we fall, right?

All your ranting about how the "liberals" want more war, well, your bloody Republicans started the damned illegal wars, so shut the hell up! Pot, meet kettle. Hypocritical nonsense, just what I'd expect from someone who buys into the left/right lie.

Crikey, neither side is playing for we the people nor is any different than the other but you keep on believing in the fairy tale. You have the right, just like we all do, to believe what you want, even if it is propaganda.

I have just one question. Why did you make this post HERE and not in the thread about Breitbart? Its a rhetorical question, because the obvious answer is that you're just as partisan as those you wag your finger at. You're not above it. Why is it always the left wingers that claim they're above partisan politics, when its obvious they aren't?
edit on 20-9-2011 by Gannicus because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by kozmo
Wha??? The word "Voting" was nowhere in Hoffa's speech. Nice try though.

Are you lying or ignorant? Let me know before I post the whole quote for you and not the edited version the right wing media has been pushing.

Then I will address the rest of your pablum.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by kozmo

Originally posted by FallenWun
reply to post by Gannicus

Did you notice the difference in the rhetoric you are picking on?
Hoffa specifically said take them out by voting.
Clearly he was talking about voting.
Moore said a rumble.
Guess he was talking about a rumble.
Breitbart mentioned guns.
Clearly he is talking about shooting people.

These all seem even to you?

Perhaps you might enjoy a good rumble, do some voting, and a good shooting so you can compare?

Wha??? The word "Voting" was nowhere in Hoffa's speech. Nice try though.

And Baldwin never made a Rupert Murdock joke during the emmies...

Here is the full Hoffa quote, according to CNN:

“Everybody here has a vote,” Hoffa said Monday. “If we go back and we keep the eye on the prize. Let’s take these sons of bitches out and give America back to America where we belong.”

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 11:30 AM
No discussion over coffee will do it. Thus.......................................

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by Gannicus
Notice the difference between the replies int his thread and the replies in the Breitbart thread? The lefties try to rationalize Moore's comments, while attacking Breitbart as a crazed "right winger". Even though Breitbart's comments were in response to these comments.

Except the really bizarre thing is on this thread is the liberals in defending Moore seem to be advocating overthrowing the currently liberal government they helped put in power!

Is it out of naivete, hypocrisy, or the fact that the current administration didn't turn out to be as so-called progressive as they hoped it would be?
edit on 9/20/2011 by centurion1211 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 11:33 AM
Ok. No discussion over beer certainly not do it. Thus.......................................

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by Gannicus

You completely missed what I was saying...there is no "my guys", I'm affiliated with NO PARTY. I don't care about them, because they don't care about me. Very simple!

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by FallenWun

Hmmmm.. I didn't see where he said to take them out by voting. I simply see that he addressed everyone's ability to vote and then recommended "Taking out" the Republicans. Sounds quite violent and threatening to me.


Stay stuck in your little world, little person. Eat the paradigm. Tasty?

The Repubs use rhetoric all the time and the libtards scream and cry like children who dropped their popsicle in the dirt. However, when a liberal uses rhetoric and it is pointed out, they deny it like they just got caught having sex with their sisters.

Do you folks have no shame for the hypocrisy you tote about like a wart on the tip of your nose? We ALL see it! YOU are the only ones who want to pretend it's not there and you look beyond foolish in the process.

Stay stuck in your two party world. It will make it alot easier to take out the trash when those of us that truly love liberty and freedom need to clean up your mess.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by centurion1211

Originally posted by Gannicus
Notice the difference between the replies int his thread and the replies in the Breitbart thread? The lefties try to rationalize Moore's comments, while attacking Breitbart as a crazed "right winger". Even though Breitbart's comments were in response to these comments.

Except the really bizarre thing is on this thread is the liberals in defending Moore seem to be advocating overthrowing the currently liberal government they helped put in power!

Is it out of naivete, hypocrisy, or the fact that the current administration didn't turn out to be as so-called progressive as they hoped it would be?
edit on 9/20/2011 by centurion1211 because: (no reason given)

How is it any more liberal than it was when the conservatives were in? Everything Obama has tried to do that you would call "liberal" has failed due to the GOP presence in DC. Our government hasn't been any more or less "liberal" or "conservative" for many many many years. It's not hypocrisy to want to improve our nation, regardless of your left/right leaning.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by kozmo
reply to post by FallenWun

Hmmmm.. I didn't see where he said to take them out by voting. I simply see that he addressed everyone's ability to vote and then recommended "Taking out" the Republicans. Sounds quite violent and threatening to me.

So...liar? Here is what you just said -

Wha??? The word "Voting" was nowhere in Hoffa's speech. Nice try though.

The phrase you are looking for is "Gosh I was pretty wrong there, sorry."
I will not hold my breath.

And you know what? Everybody here’s got to vote. If we go back, and we keep the eye on the prize. Let’s take these son of a bitches out and give America back to an America where we belong.

Can you see it now?


Stay stuck in your little world, little person. Eat the paradigm. Tasty?

The Repubs use rhetoric all the time and the libtards scream and cry like children who dropped their popsicle in the dirt. However, when a liberal uses rhetoric and it is pointed out, they deny it like they just got caught having sex with their sisters.

Do you folks have no shame for the hypocrisy you tote about like a wart on the tip of your nose? We ALL see it! YOU are the only ones who want to pretend it's not there and you look beyond foolish in the process.

Stay stuck in your two party world. It will make it alot easier to take out the trash when those of us that truly love liberty and freedom need to clean up your mess.

Whatever, blah blah blah. So tell me, Palin was talking about your pantry when she said "Don't retreat, reload?"
Are you sure about that or is that pablum? You tell me.

You seem pretty stuck in some strange little world yourself then when you refer to me as "you people." I am not sure how many you think I am.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by starsyren
reply to post by Gannicus

You completely missed what I was saying...there is no "my guys", I'm affiliated with NO PARTY. I don't care about them, because they don't care about me. Very simple!

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by kozmo

And he never mentioned voting in this bit either:

“We need to have your help for candidates like me. We need you to take out some of these bad guys.”

Oh wait... that was Michelle Bachmann.

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