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Something Big Cometh this way.

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posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 03:32 PM
This is a 30 second clip from a MLB game the day of the Virginia earthquake this year - it is an eerie sound that is mentioned as one of these weird things people are hearing along with the explosions or whatever they are?

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 03:44 PM
I have a draft I've been working on for a few weeks, of and on - "The 2012 Generation" - why the people currently alive on this planet *will* witness some type of global Apocalypse/cataclysm, world changing (forever) event within their lifetime - you've touched on about 80% if my content, so we'll let this one ride for awhile, or maybe I will supplement your thread, here.

Either way, S&F - I am with you on this one.

Embeddage for the above poster (idk42) - good find. Funny the phrase by the commentator right at the end - ("it sounds supernatural"):

edit on 9/20/2011 by SquirrelNutz because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by RedParrotHead
I had a hard time getting past these two conflicting statements...

Originally posted by bftroop
.... I'm def a fact checking type guy. I don't believe it unless you can prove to me that there is merrit. ....

..... No one knows when that will happen including him. (yes I believe in my faith) ....

So, you don't believe in things unless there is proof? What facts did you check that confirm Jesus is coming back (much less existed at all)? And you stated that you know that he (Jesus) doesn't know something...isn't he supposed to be omnipotent? How do you know what he knows or doesn't, anyway? These are some big 'facts' you're putting out there. Also, I think you meant to type "I believe in my religion" as faith is the belief in something already. You sort of stated "I believe in my beliefs" which is redundant.

Hey - it's my first troll! Mom would be so proud.
edit on 9/20/2011 by RedParrotHead because: (no reason given)

LOL good job TROLL.

Jesus is supposed to do a Sequel according to the script in the bible. It's gonna be a rockin good time. As for fact the bible is written in the hand of God. I would say a Bible would be a good reference considering the author writes the laws of the land. I mean God I suppose could have made the announcement on you tube. But considering he has a best selling book. I don' t think it's really necessary do you?

This is why religion is called faith. According to the bible Jesus doesn't know when the end of times are. I know what he knows because the bible tells you that no one knows when the end of days are. I believe in my religion. Yes, Yes I do I believe in Christianity as I see it. As many do. So I believe in my religion. This is a personal relationship with God. So yes, it is my religion.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by bftroop

Elenin is not officially gone. It seems to be likely that it has disintegrated.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 07:02 PM
That last video was creepy because I've heard that noise. I live on the east coast of florida and that video was supposedly filmed somewhere in florida. I typically go outside around 10pm for a cigarette and I thought it was maybe an odd vehicle but I could never figure out where it was coming from. I guess I need to start bringing out something to record with in case it happens again.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by bftroop

Just so you know, the government/DoD/ARMY,NAVY,Marines,Air Force/More than likely NASA all have these awareness videos almost weekly. In fact, there are EO (Equal Opportunity), suicide, DUI, weather prepareness, traveling (TRiPS), and many more 'prepareness videos' as well.

Many, rather all, government awareness videos will not be made public simply because they are made for the workers. When you work for the government they are ultimately responsible for you and you are considered an 'asset' to whatever branch you belong to.

This video should have been written off a long time ago but people keep bringing it up on ATS. Also, the video was also created after the Joplin tornado, so it was most likely a knee jerk reaction to the uptick in extreme weather.

All the other videos definently puts me in THINK mode.. I just hope we're all just a bunch of paranoid conspiracy theorists.. the stuff I read on here sometimes.. if it's true.. well then we're definently in for it.

edit on 20-9-2011 by 31Bravo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 07:23 PM
Just dopey stuff with no basis in fact a compendium of idiocy her is just and example: Elenin ??

Why the hype? People can't (or won't) do basic math. Since it was 1/100,000,000,000th the mass of the Moon and wouldn't ever be even 90 Moon-Earth distances (22 million miles) from us, it might exert 1/100,000,000,000,000th the force of the moon's tidal pull on Earth. Essentially, nothing, unless the gravitational effect of a speck of dust on your car is a concern.

Trajectory of comet Elenin. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

So, no 'three days of darkness', because it was never crossing the Sun's path anyway, and it was only 2 miles wide - the Sun is 400,000 times the size of Comet Elenin so it was not casting any shadow. I say 'was' and you may have noticed other past tense expressions in previous paragraphs - because it turns out to be disintegrating even while we make fun of people over their hysteria believing it was ever a concern. Australian astronomer Michael Mattiazzo made the animated .gif below showing that it may be not even really be a comet any more. A solar flare last month may have blasted it to basically nothing.

Credit: Michael Mattiazzo

Another astronomer, Comet Al, says Elenin is still visible in the STEREO HI1A imager and made this animation below, but it is clearly nothing to speculate about any differently than any other comet and certainly not a world ending event.

well one down anyone want to bother to debunk the rest

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by bftroop
I wanted to take a minute and talk about a few thing I have observed. Before I move on though. I'm a hard person to convince when it comes to conspiracies. I'm def a fact checking type guy. I don't believe it unless you can prove to me that there is merrit.

With that being said. Over the last three months. Thanks to this site and some of my own research I have noticed to many coincidences happening these days the def has me raising an eyebrow or two. Again I'm not a doom and gloomer and no I don't think the apocalypse is coming. Nor do I think Jesus is making his coming back. No one knows when that will happen including him. (yes I believe in my faith)

So here is a list of things that have happened within the last six to twelve months that I have taken note on that have happened in the U.S.

1. NASA's video telling there employees to stock up on food and supplies.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by bladerunner44
Just dopey stuff with no basis in fact a compendium of idiocy her is just and example: Elenin ??

Why the hype? People can't (or won't) do basic math. Since it was 1/100,000,000,000th the mass of the Moon and wouldn't ever be even 90 Moon-Earth distances (22 million miles) from us, it might exert 1/100,000,000,000,000th the force of the moon's tidal pull on Earth. Essentially, nothing, unless the gravitational effect of a speck of dust on your car is a concern.

Trajectory of comet Elenin. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

So, no 'three days of darkness', because it was never crossing the Sun's path anyway, and it was only 2 miles wide - the Sun is 400,000 times the size of Comet Elenin so it was not casting any shadow. I say 'was' and you may have noticed other past tense expressions in previous paragraphs - because it turns out to be disintegrating even while we make fun of people over their hysteria believing it was ever a concern. Australian astronomer Michael Mattiazzo made the animated .gif below showing that it may be not even really be a comet any more. A solar flare last month may have blasted it to basically nothing.

Credit: Michael Mattiazzo

Another astronomer, Comet Al, says Elenin is still visible in the STEREO HI1A imager and made this animation below, but it is clearly nothing to speculate about any differently than any other comet and certainly not a world ending event.

well one down anyone want to bother to debunk the rest

Idiocy LOL you didn't debunk anything. Not once did I say anything solid or factual about Elenin. I'm not sure what I think about a comet that is so far away we don't know what it's doing or is going to do. The fact that you took time to debunk something that I wasn't presenting as a fact is Ass Nine Idiocy. Apparently your reading skills are not up to par. Go back an re-read and debunk something else that I claimed was a fact. Nowhere in that post did I say anything factual about Elenin. As far as I'm concerned Elenin doesn't make a difference in my eyes. If it does nothing, than we do nothing. If it does something we do nothing. It's a moot point really.

Are you sure you didn't get your Threads mixed up? I believe the Elenin debunking thread is Elenin Debunked

Repost your crap there.

edit on 20-9-2011 by bftroop because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by RedParrotHead
I had a hard time getting past these two conflicting statements...

Originally posted by bftroop
.... I'm def a fact checking type guy. I don't believe it unless you can prove to me that there is merrit. ....

..... No one knows when that will happen including him. (yes I believe in my faith) ....

So, you don't believe in things unless there is proof? What facts did you check that confirm Jesus is coming back (much less existed at all)? And you stated that you know that he (Jesus) doesn't know something...isn't he supposed to be omnipotent? How do you know what he knows or doesn't, anyway? These are some big 'facts' you're putting out there. Also, I think you meant to type "I believe in my religion" as faith is the belief in something already. You sort of stated "I believe in my beliefs" which is redundant.

Hey - it's my first troll! Mom would be so proud.
edit on 9/20/2011 by RedParrotHead because: (no reason given)

I really dont know why folks like you have to come to ATS and try your best - in fact go out of your way - to find something negative to say about a post or poster

this is not what ATS is about IMHO

if you can't contribute apart from insulting people I would suggest you delete yourself from ATS find a different forum

respect gets respect

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by Violater1
One of the things that struck me as interesting, is the part (0:37) where he states that NASA is responsible for the safety of the people on the Earth, but off this planet as well.

To my knowledge, his type of warning has never been publicly revealed.

Please tell me you're joking. Why is this video so mind stunning? Seriously. It's an awareness video PERIOD.. nothing more, nothing less. This video has been taken WAY out of context and, to be quite frank, it's really starting to bother me. As I've said in at least 3 previous threads this is NORMAL.. the video is not a leaked source of a real astrological catastrophy.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by bftroop
I copied this post from another thread I just read a minute ago because I felt it was so interesting...

Originally posted by TmTrvlr
I have cut and pasted part of an email I received today of all the people heading for Denver, Co in the latter part of Sept. Something is going on.

According to contributors at the link below, the following people/governments are going on "vacation", from Sept 25 - Oct 2.
(You can direct click to links shown below, from this link.)

CONGRESS: will be on vacation from September 25 to October 2

Obama will head West on the 25th and will arrive in Denver on September 27th. (DENVER = BUNKER)]

BILL GATES: September 27 (conference in DENVER)

NASA announced last Tuesday, September 6th, that astronauts, engineers, education specialists and program scientists
from their organization will be in Denver for the week of, you guessed it, September 21st to the 27th.

No plannings for Merkel at this time...
No plannings from 27th sept. till 17th oct.

No target date for minister of defense after 17th Sept.
German president . Shedule empty after 25th sept.
[link to]

UNITED NATIONS: schedule empty from September 23 to October 10
[link to]

POPE: leaves Germany 24 th Sept. Shedule empty till mid oct. for conference with all archbishops.

[link to]
The House of Commons is in recess. The House will next sit on Monday 10 October 2011.
The House of Lords is in recess. The House will next sit on Monday 03 October 2011.
UK Parliament in recess from 15th September ~ 10th October.
[link to]

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 05:44 AM
I was trawling the internet and read an article - with photographs - about a hole that has opened up. I will try to find the article - it didn't make sense to me at the time but finding this thread now lets me put it into a context. Maybe someone else saw it? It had something to do with the underground bunkers and the secret secret science/military business that we mere mortals are not permitted to know....

Otherwise I am also of the belief that everything on Mother Earth is changing. Physical, ecological changes and spiritual, esoteric changes. I am not religious and have learned to trust my senses - having a highly developed intuition can save your life. I believe we have a God/Creator and I believe we are not alone. Just look up into the sky day or night and just the vastness alone - how can we be self centred enough to think we are the only sentient beings.

The media and general information is changing or needs to change. Think about the announcement Obama made to the world about Bin Laden - I spoke to people who did not believe in aliens or conspiracies or anything in particular BUT many people thought that the death of Bin Laden was a fabrication. David Frost interviewed Benazir Bhutto who admits Bin Laden died in 2001 - then she is assassinated.

There are political problems in Japan and they are not meeting the needs of the cabal/illuminati/whatever and next thing there is a huge tsunami and earthquake. HAARP was used and as a result the radioactivity and its destructive nature will be all over the planet by now.

So I agree with feeling something is building up added to by looking critically at what we read and as is obvious - to what we hear. I feel that when it comes - whether it is a spiritual based global epiphany or an ecological/physical type of devastation - it will bring us together. Many people are feeling different about themselves and looking critically at the way they live and just are not sure how to make changes.

Take a look at the Wayseer Manifesto - it is a ten minute clip and it is very inspiring. Much Peace To Everyone.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 06:36 AM
reply to post by SavedOne

Not to split hairs but the Emergency Broadcast service was instated in the early 1960’s. It replaced an older system named CONELRAD. This was a cold war device designed to warn about an attack from Russia. It was however updated in the early ‘60’s to include any national emergency; floods, fires, zombie attacks, etc.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 06:38 AM
In early August my roommate and myself were walking home from our bus stop after work and right from the moment we got off of the bus we could hear a loud strange hum in the sky. We live near the harbor in our city and as we were walking home, which is closer to the harbor than our bus stop, it seemed like the hum was getting louder.

I called the port authority around 9ish and asked if there were any ships that could be causing, and they stated that they had reports from all of the ships whose engines were operating that the sound was not coming from them.

It was around 7pm when we first noticed it, and it was still occuring at around 1:30am when I closed my window to sleep.

Payed closed attention to the local media for a few days afterward but it was never reported.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 07:12 AM

maybe this feeling of doom is the collective consciousness of people picking up on a future event of some kind

Yes, it's called death, it is the our very own apocalypse, which we will ALL experience, and these collective thoughts are absolutely nothing new, since the beginning of recorded time mankind has been anxious about death, the doom and gloom predictions are just one way, we as a species, deal with death.

Especially after 9/11, when death seemed so close, when we watched as people lept to their deaths, as we saw and heard the exact moment of everyday people's lives ending...I believe that event more then any other, has made us more anxious about the end of our lives. To know the moment of our deaths, is something very few of us have, a collective experience, the apocalypse is one way to control that fear..."when will I die".

If there is an earthquake somewhere in the world, we know about it minutes after it happens, sometimes, as it happens, 50 years ago if an Earthquake in Iran killed 50,000 people, most of us would never have even heard about it..and those that did, would have read it on the back page of some newspaper, days, possibly weeks after the event. The simple truth is, events are not happening more often, they are just being reported much more quickly.

As for the NASA videos, many many companies and large organizations, as part of their employee care programs issue directives such as this. It is sound advice, be ready for an emergency, have an action plan, have some supplies...I don't understand why this is so unusual, or a conspiracy, it's common sense!

Will we have a catastrophe that is worldwide sometime in the future? Absolutely! Will the big one hit California one day? Yep. Will the earth be hit by solar storms? of course. Could we be wiped out by a meteor? Sure, it's happened before.

Our death is inevitable, how, why, where...we cannot know...but to believe that we somehow comforting.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 07:15 AM
Have found an article about the hole that is opening up - it is a Stargate and there will be others all around the world. It is the reason we have been interested in this thread. We are all becoming more aware of our need to be peaceful and to live together without the cabal/illuminati/whatever....

First went to a website called beforeitsnews and found an article titled: Is The Gulf Of Aden Stargate Opening? Gulf Of Aden Stargate with a 5.10 minute film clip. The article documents loads of earthquakes in the region and lots of naval interest from many countries.

Also should you be inspired enough there is a video clip on Youtube titled: Yemen Stargate Open!! Proof & pictures of the open stargate 1-13-2010 it is 9.56 mins and very interesting.

Much Peace to Everyone.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by kmeredith

Yes I heard them during the day and at night so have some of my friends but these are just planes doing tests some secret and some not.

The first time I heard the noise my whole house and myself started to vibrate it lasted for about 1 min and at first i pressumed airliner coming in to land but about 30 sec in the noise started to get more extreme sounds like metal rubbing metal very high pitched but with awsome amounts of base was worried until I found out about these new planes they got that go 20000 mph + its just the effect of one flying over I hope.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 07:58 AM
This gives me shivers to see the NASA dude, he mentions the great rivers and guess what, that fortuneteller Dr. Owuors new prophetcy was about something bit to happen in that area in a pretty near future.

After all, who knows, right?
Stay safe.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by Amanda5

it is a Stargate and there will be others all around the world. It is the reason we have been interested in this thread.

oh alright then..Thanks for clearing that up.

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