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24 hours to save our oceans

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posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 05:42 AM
Well thank you all for voting also the people who did not comment!

It fills my heart with joy to see that at least we did what we could for now!

Let's hope this will work

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 06:08 AM

Originally posted by gossipnancy
Let em die! fish is terrible food. Bacon rocks. Let em die! bring on the end setting.

F-fish. Let em all die. I want to see this.

sometimes the pure ignorance of people never fails to amaze me!! what you dont seem to understand buddy.. if the fish die.. eventually YOU die..

nice post op.. you can count me in on the petition.. you have raised some valid and serious points in your post.
i can understand people fishing for survival.. but these guys causing the real destruction dont see that, they only see dollars thousands of dollars being dragged from the ocean.. purely for greed and profit.

your absolutely right.. something needs to be done before it is to late.. if its not already.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 06:14 AM

Originally posted by gossipnancy
Let em die! fish is terrible food. Bacon rocks. Let em die! bring on the end setting.

F-fish. Let em all die. I want to see this.

Seriously? You have to be a troll.

I would like to think that no one could possibly be that insanely ignorant but I know it isn't true.

You probably have no idea what the effects would be if the oceans ecosystem was destroyed, do you?

It's okay because you would still have bacon, right? Wrong! Grow up, get a life, open a book and learn, and attempt to care for something bigger than yourself.

Thanks for the post op, S&F.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 06:25 AM

Originally posted by Carseller4
"I don't give a crap about whales, so go and hug a tree." Eric Cartman

Seriously, what kind of scare mongering is this? 24 hours to save the oceans? Give me a break.

Isn't Greenpeace a terrorist organization?

You seem to think that the message is we only have 24 hours and after that it will be too late to save the oceans.

That is not what the op says. It is about making your voice heard before the vote in 24 hours.

You must of been living in a bubble if you don't know how endangered the earths oceans are. It isn't fear mongering, it is a fact that must be brought to the attention of the people.

Human activity has greatly contributed to the downfall of our oceans and it is long past the time to put a stop to it and find a better way.

Greenpeace has its problems and I don't always agree with their tactics but I would in no way classify them as a terrorist organization. The petition isn't from Greenpeace anyway.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 06:33 AM
If you really want to make a difference you need to focus on overpopulation. We WILL destroy ourselves by consuming whatever the earth has to offer us, and the only way to stop that would be to reduce populations drastically and enforce a no-growth strategy.We need to eliminate religion and ignorance, and then we need to work together to envision a sustainable future.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 06:36 AM

Originally posted by Grumble
If you really want to make a difference you need to focus on overpopulation. We WILL destroy ourselves by consuming whatever the earth has to offer us, and the only way to stop that would be to reduce populations drastically and enforce a no-growth strategy.We need to eliminate religion and ignorance, and then we need to work together to envision a sustainable future.

exactly how do you suggest we "reduce" populations "drastically"

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 06:42 AM

Originally posted by Grumble
If you really want to make a difference you need to focus on overpopulation. We WILL destroy ourselves by consuming whatever the earth has to offer us, and the only way to stop that would be to reduce populations drastically and enforce a no-growth strategy.We need to eliminate religion and ignorance, and then we need to work together to envision a sustainable future.

I partially agree with you but I think a truly sustainable system can support the population we have now.

The only problem is the political, social, and cultural forces that would violently resist the change necessary for a truly sustainable future.

Too many people think that freedom means that they and predatory capitalist have a right to pollute and destroy. Any laws meant to curb that destruction is liberal commie job killing regulation.

If more people valued reason above their beliefs and ideology than we could possibly get somewhere.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 06:44 AM
This is so sad. Thanks for the link to the petition and have got every one I know to sign it. May we win this fight.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 06:48 AM
I call HOAX !

Wake up people. The planet is covered 70% by water. 2 miles deep in most parts and up to 7 miles deep in other parts. Humans fish, even commercially a very small percent of this very huge volume. There is No Way you can tell me we fished 90% of all eatable fish out of that huge body of water.

It's a Hoax because people will believe anything government agencies and puppet environmentalists will tell them to get Funds. This is about Money, nothing more.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 06:49 AM
I will never be affiliated with ANYTHING that Greenpeace (an eco terrorist organization) wishes to accomplish. These schmucks are of the same mind set that gets morons to strap bombs on themselves and kill innocents. They are no better than the scum they are fighting against. Having to pick a side in this fight is akin to choosing between dirt and mud to eat.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 07:10 AM
what a strange species we humans are. In such a rush to get to the end of it all. we must all be globally suicidal to allow these and many other atrocities to keep going.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 07:28 AM
reply to post by sevensheeps

Sadly, our world is over populated. We are running out of everything because there is just too many of us. No wonder there is "people" trying to control the population. It only makes sense to, but at the same time controlling populations would destroy our human rights. One part of me says limit EVERYONE to a low amount of kids but at the same time... I am a firm believer of we should all have the right to decide our family size. 100% of me, thinks we need to stop being ignorant and realize what we are doing to this earth by not limiting the children we have and the over use of supplies. This is how sad it has got; A Japanese scientist has produced a "steak" out of our own feces. The Japanese scientist says that we # too much and use to much space and resources. This is sad, and disgusting. When we run out of resources, we will find ourselves being cannibals. Here is a link to the Japanese scientist.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by JohnPhoenix
I call HOAX !

Wake up people. The planet is covered 70% by water. 2 miles deep in most parts and up to 7 miles deep in other parts. Humans fish, even commercially a very small percent of this very huge volume. There is No Way you can tell me we fished 90% of all eatable fish out of that huge body of water.

It's a Hoax because people will believe anything government agencies and puppet environmentalists will tell them to get Funds. This is about Money, nothing more.

i cant verify this is real or not

but that doesnt matter there is a real problem, maybe you need to wake up and do some real research.. it is not only the practice of taking fish from the ocean, we are destroying habitat.. therefore killing more fish.
eco systems in tropical regions of the ocean are very fragile. we are polluting and devastating these environments.. coral that has taken hundreds of years to grow are getting ripped out leaving fish exposed and vulnerable.. cod (among many others) stocks have been depleted.. we kill thousands of sharks every year, for only their fin.. we collect dolphins in bays and slaughter them.. species of whales are endangered..

i could go on for hours, but you get my drift.. look at the bigger picture mate..

your comments actually show me you have little understanding of how the oceans work, most species cannot survive at the depths you are talking about..
anyway its the knock on effects. all of these species have a purpose in one way or another, taking just one away could make the whole thing fall apart... you see, millions of years of evolution had put everything in perfect balance.. we have severely disrupted that.

many people are aware of the issues and many people (myself included) would love to do something but we cant.. what the op is doing here gives the ones who cares a chance to try and do our little bit.. albeit in a very limited way.

HOAX.. budgets.. who cares... the issue still exsists..

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 07:31 AM

Originally posted by DerbyCityLights
I will never be affiliated with ANYTHING that Greenpeace (an eco terrorist organization) wishes to accomplish. These schmucks are of the same mind set that gets morons to strap bombs on themselves and kill innocents. They are no better than the scum they are fighting against. Having to pick a side in this fight is akin to choosing between dirt and mud to eat.
Pardon me for being picky, but could you point me in the direction of the information which leads you to belive that greenpace are of the same mindset of those who want to cause death and destruction by strapping bombs to themselves and killing innocent people?

Thank you

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by TheMaverick
In the grand scheme of things ,the human race is aggressively raping this little blue planet ,we call home.

Were almost like a parasite ,killing it host ?

I sign the petition.

This immediately made me think of this...

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by Misterlondon
exactly how do you suggest we "reduce" populations "drastically"

Well, that is the tough part, isn't it. The answer is that individual freedom among beings who reproduce is incompatible with a sustainable, finite ecosystem. In other words, we will have to resort to tyranny to fix it. It will require a one-world authority in some form or another, and I would not expect the decisions to be "fair" in anyone's mind. Maybe Scotland is superfluous and should be eliminated. Maybe Germany is important and should be increased in population. Regardless, overall, we adapt to our finite reality or we destroy it. To you fans of the history of economic thought, it's the revenge of Malthus.

Now, having said that, if your attitude is "live free or die," and you would rather see the whole thing burn than be a slave, then this former Libertarian certainly empathizes with you. Maybe you are right about that. But what I can tell you is that a failure to organize on a global scale and stop the madness will INEVITABLY result in destruction for the humans.

Interestingly, when you accept this, you also accept a different viewpoint about the "elite." The Georgia Guidestones, for example, are pretty much spot-on, and if the elite succeed in taking over and driving us in this direction, then your descendents will be saved. But perhaps that fate is worse than death.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by Misterlondon

Don't need to do any real research I've done it for years being an avid recreational fisherman. At one time I would have agreed with you but I know how these environmental people exaggerate and distort the facts.I know those things you speak of do exist but I do not believe they are of a scale they are made out to be. All of that is blown way out of proportion.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 08:09 AM

Originally posted by megabytz
If more people valued reason above their beliefs and ideology than we could possibly get somewhere.

Yes, but that isn't going to happen, is it? Democracy was the idea that as a species we could get over the hump, so to speak. Escape the shackles of tyranny and turn the average Joe into a participative citizen, thus encouraging a cascade of goodness coming from successive generations of more reasonable and intelligent people cooperating to make the world better. How is that working out?

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by sevensheeps

It is really really sad how man is totally cruel to other species.

Such practices should stop immediately.

This requires concerted government action. What will Greenpeace do?

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by Grumble
If you really want to make a difference you need to focus on overpopulation. We WILL destroy ourselves by consuming whatever the earth has to offer us, and the only way to stop that would be to reduce populations drastically and enforce a no-growth strategy.We need to eliminate religion and ignorance, and then we need to work together to envision a sustainable future.

The population should reduce no doubt, by family planning enforced across the planet.
But population does not have anything directly to do with such cruel practices.
People can easily live off plant foods. There is no need to scour the oceans for food.

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