Turns out that the mirroring of the belt stars may infact be deliberate.
From the previously mentioned episode of Ancient Aliens - Aliens and the Founding Fathers (well worth watching if you are not familiar with the
symbolism of Washington DC):
Watch from 32:00 minutes on for an explanation of the Washington momument and the reflecting pool it is deliberately paired with.
From the mouth of Freemason Akram Elias, Past Grand Master of The Grand Lodge of Washington D.C explains the pairing:
We have a reflecting pool, why? To reflect the obelisk. Washington's monument points to the heavens, with the reflecting pool it points below.
There is a direct correlation between what happens here below and what happens up there.
What Akram has described here is the Hermetic axiom: As Above, So Below.
The mirroring of the belt stars is deliberate, it is a reflection of what is above, suggesting what is in space, will be on earth.
As Above, So Below
What is above, will be below.
What is in 'heaven', will be on earth
Another interesting quote from Akram within the same episode:
The idea is we need a source of light in order to help us to become enlightened. We cannot do it alone.
Our source of light:
Just like the Washington monument draws our eyes up, the beams of light also draw our eyes upwards. They are pointing us in the right direction. They
are our guilding lights. They are trying to light the way for us. They are trying to show us what lies within the darkness.