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GOP calls Obama's tax plan 'class warfare'

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posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 06:12 AM
I'd like to add that it's only "class warfare" if we're trying to raise taxes on the top 1%. Otherwise, it's perfectly acceptable:

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) resumed his attacks on President Obama’s economic policy Sunday morning, suggesting that the President’s plan to tax millionaires’ profits from capital gains in order to fund job creation efforts constitutes “class warfare”

Ironically, Ryan was simultaneously calling for an end to the current temporary tax cuts, which would raise taxes by 50 percent on those making less than $106,000. While launching accusations of “class warfare,” Ryan is the one who would prefer that people with less money pay more, while those with more money keep more.

Paul Ryan Calls For Increasing Taxes On Middle Class But Dismisses Millionaires Tax As ‘Class Warfare’

I've told you before neo, that "47% pay no taxes" diatribe is a misnomer and you need to stop spreading misinformation.

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