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Why all the interested in searching for new planets all of the sudden!?

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posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 09:25 PM
They're distracting our attention away from Mars.

Look here, if you don't believe me: ...
And here: ...

We have a earth-like planet right next to us that probably has life on it.

Now that I've posted these sites, NASA will reply by eliminating the possibility of life on Mars.

But remember, they only eliminate the possibility in our mind, not in reality.

/sarcasm off
edit on 18-9-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 10:43 PM
I don't know what it is, whether they are directing our attention away from something or they know something is going to happen in the near future.
It just seems that our exploration for habitable planets jumped into warp mode. I know some of you say that we've been exploring space in this manner for a while and I totally agree. But what i've noticed is that recent activity in the matter has increased ten-fold. It's as if something made them change their objective on studying Earth and conducting experiments from orbit to abandoning the fleet and focusing 90% of their study into finding new planets.
I just don't see this as normal.
edit on 9/18/2011 by Andre Neves because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 11:00 PM
The biggest thing to drive this fascination is that we've significantly improved the technology to find exo-planets in the last 15-20 years. Hubble has been getting some pretty high tech upgrades, and they've been a huge boon for astronomers. Because we're finding waayyy more more planets, it hits the media more often, and hence, more interest in getting to these planets.

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 11:22 PM
Most of us on ats are here becuase we like to think for ourselves and feel like the news or ideas that are not on mainstream news is not always true or thorough. Ecuase they can is dissapointing to hear from my fellow thinkers. Listen to the language people. You say thirty years they have the een exploring....but the terms then were exploring and looking for alien the term is looking for HABITAL PLANETS...entirely different motive people...and i agree that there is a recent spike which is also surfacing with the spike in news on space junk..comets..dwarf planets..earthquakes..2012 predictions..aincient warming..i mean i can go on with the doomsday suspicions, but the fact is that the timing is a bit of a coincidence...or maybe to the thinkers in here at least..also btw..with the economy so record breakingly bad..GLOBALLY..and with nasa being shut down seems like theres some level of urgency or maybe even misplacement of priorities. But it dosent add up well to tje counters. But hey

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 01:28 AM
Here's a wild theory:

The global elite have sucked up all the money here on earth, and they have not much else to control. The populations of this world are slaves to them, yet they want more power and control.

So they add the funding to discover other planets, work on secret technology to send us slaves there, and then POW, they have a new planet, or planets to control. It kinda gives them a galactic presence, and near infinite power.

Actually, we should be looking for new planets. With a global population of 6.7 billion, we are running out of room here. A new planet or planets would thin things down a bit. Massive colonization of a new planet sounds cool, as long as it didn't take 20 years to get there. I'd go. Anyone else?

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 04:49 AM

Originally posted by jonnywhite
They're distracting our attention away from Mars.

Look here, if you don't believe me: ...
And here: ...

We have a earth-like planet right next to us that probably has life on it.

Now that I've posted these sites, NASA will reply by eliminating the possibility of life on Mars.

But remember, they only eliminate the possibility in our mind, not in reality.

/sarcasm off
edit on 18-9-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

An interesting point to this stance is that when abductees are allowed to remember their "talks" with the ETs, the ETs invariably state that they are from about anywhere else in the Universe but from Mars. Frequently, those places are too exotic to actually be homes for intelligent beings. But never do they claim Mars. And you would think that they would be a more reasonable response.

A few years ago a PR woman recounted that she called the ETs that had taken her, "Martians." She was told that they did not like to be called by that term. In truth, that may be a meaningless little point, but I personally think not. Mars is where it is at, baby!

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