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Human evolution..

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posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 03:29 AM
I'm just wondering what peoples takes on human evolution.. How do you think we came about?

I personally do not believe in the Adam and Eve theory. Though I also do not believe in the monkey evolution as explained for what most were taught in school.

Adam and Eve, well thats just a blah story to me. Too many similarities from todays humans to monkeys and such to have me believe this. Humans just appeared on Earth when it was a perfect utopia though there is not one bit of evidence of this except for the Bible that was written well in A.D. and is mainly the storys passed from generation to generation over hundreds of years. If these stories where to be true, then that would meen that either 1) Humans lived during the age of dinosaurs or 2) the world was 'rebuilt' after the dinosaurs to have this utopia for humans, but then why would 'God' have kept the remains of the dinosaurs in the earth if he rebuilt it?

Evolution, well that would work, but I have one question. Why is there a missing link? What changed the monkey to the human creature like we know from history lessons?

Am I alone in thinking that there is a plausable chance that some form of ET visited Earth a long time ago and experimented with monkey and alien DNA and that is the reason we are what we are today? This would explain a huge missing part in evolution and the reason todays humans are so closly related to monkeys.

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 03:38 AM
Unfortunately we'll never know becuase the government thinks were not ready for the truth.

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 03:47 AM

Originally posted by kyateLaBoca
Unfortunately we'll never know becuase the government thinks were not ready for the truth.

To bad that this is most likley the truth of it all, but I'm wondering what people think of it? Are we a science experiment by aliens?

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by DrpKeeGTZ

Originally posted by kyateLaBoca
Unfortunately we'll never know becuase the government thinks were not ready for the truth.

To bad that this is most likley the truth of it all, but I'm wondering what people think of it? Are we a science experiment by aliens?

I believe were the 8th generation of humans on Earth...according to the Etochi (what the hell is the name of the reptilian rival?)

I truly think that the human evolution was not tampered with by any damn aliens, why engineer a species that you have to keep a close eye on and spend resources on if you can just make robots? Think about if these aliens are smart they wouldn't F888 with us humans knowing how much we will fight for our freedom.

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by DrpKeeGTZ
Evolution, well that would work, but I have one question. Why is there a missing link? What changed the monkey to the human creature like we know from history lessons? [...] ET visited Earth a long time ago and experimented with monkey and alien DNA and that is the reason we are what we are today? This would explain a huge missing part in evolution and the reason todays humans are so closly related to monkeys.

There are dozens of different species of 'missing links' between man and the other apes. The alien tinnkering idea is interesting, but if one of the primary reasons for suporting it is the incorrect idea that there is a missing link, then why continue to support it?

Unfortunately we'll never know becuase the government thinks were not ready for the truth.

In reference to aliens interfereing with ape dna , for which there is no evidence or we'll never know about evolution, for which there is a plethora of evidence?

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 05:09 PM
personaly i dont believe anything WITH evolution,
A: if we come from monkeys, why havent any other monkeys enolved yet
B: I completly dont believe im actualy a smart assed monkey

C: wheres the fossil record
D: why havent we seen any evolution today?
E: did i mention im not a monkey

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by SpockO_o

Originally posted by DrpKeeGTZ

Originally posted by kyateLaBoca
Unfortunately we'll never know becuase the government thinks were not ready for the truth.

To bad that this is most likley the truth of it all, but I'm wondering what people think of it? Are we a science experiment by aliens?

I believe were the 8th generation of humans on Earth...according to the Etochi (what the hell is the name of the reptilian rival?)

I truly think that the human evolution was not tampered with by any damn aliens, why engineer a species that you have to keep a close eye on and spend resources on if you can just make robots? Think about if these aliens are smart they wouldn't F888 with us humans knowing how much we will fight for our freedom.

If the aliens created us they could just as well destroy us. Possibly with no fight. Planets are easy to destroy.

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 05:43 PM
How about a little bit of both evolution and creation? We evolved along with other things on the earth with a bit of a spark from something else, perhaps.

Originally posted by AlexParadox
A: if we come from monkeys, why havent any other monkeys enolved yet
B: I completly dont believe im actualy a smart assed monkey

C: wheres the fossil record
D: why havent we seen any evolution today?
E: did i mention im not a monkey

A: Because we split off the path that those great apes were taking. other monkeys have evolved - just not in the same way we did.
B: Well, you're not. You're a human that did thousands of years of evolving to become something different.
C: They are always finding fossils of the first humans, neanderthals and homosapiens.
D: It's all around you. Viruses, bacteria, extinctions and the discovery of new species. The world is constantly changing. Evolution takes a long time, you're not going to see it within a year or 10. We're getting taller as a human race. We're getting faster. Perhaps our evolution is technology that keeps us away from the physical need to change. Or perhaps Americans are slowly evolving into obesity and will come extinct in a few thousand years. Evolution is not a flashing red light or a third arm.. it's subtle changes.

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by AlexParadox
A: if we come from monkeys, why havent any other monkeys enolved yet

Why should they? This type of reaswoning usually results from a misunderstanding of darwinian evolution. Darwin did not propose that organisms ascend thru a chain of higher and higher forms. IOW, there is no reason at all to think that chimps or other apes should ever become human. If they did, it would even be a -problem- for darwininian evolution.

B: I completly dont believe im actualy a smart assed monkey

Like the rest of humanity you are an amniote, a mammal, an eutherian, an anthropoid ape, a homonoid, and most inclusiviely a homonid.

C: wheres the fossil record

In general or specifically with respect to the primitive ape -> human lineages? Do you want the address to the actual musuems and universities where the fossils are stored?

D: why havent we seen any evolution today?

Evolution occurs constantly in nature and the evolution of new species is observed in the lab and in the field.

E: did i mention im not a monkey

You are one of several posters in this webforum who claims to be non-human?

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 09:29 PM
I was going to address that "where's the fossils" question
, but looks like someone got to it first...

First's primates, not monkeys....there is a difference. I'd have to dismiss this whole idea of aliens playing with our DNA - it's about as plausable as Adam and Eve....although it has not been proven with 100% accuracy that we did not exist at some point during which dinosaurs roamed the Earth, it is pretty damn unlikely - I'll agree on that.

I don't understand your question regarding the missing link...the only missing link I'm aware of is the 2% difference b/w chimps and humans...there are plenty of chronologies of mankind out there on the net that can clear up that question - There are missing links at the sub-species level, but I don't think that's what you meant.

My theory is that evolution has proven to be so true that it does nothing but make people wonder what its flaws are....some people like Gould have postulated certain believable variations, but I havn't seen anything to date that can blow it out of the water....I love hearing adiment christians talk about their anti-evolution pamphlets that they think I should read - I always want to go down the list and disprove everything, but I guess I don't b/c I respect their right to believe what they want too much, even tho they shove their beliefs down my throat....

posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 01:22 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan

Originally posted by AlexParadox
A: if we come from monkeys, why havent any other monkeys enolved yet

Why should they? This type of reaswoning usually results from a misunderstanding of darwinian evolution. Darwin did not propose that organisms ascend thru a chain of higher and higher forms. IOW, there is no reason at all to think that chimps or other apes should ever become human. If they did, it would even be a -problem- for darwininian evolution.

B: I completly dont believe im actualy a smart assed monkey

Like the rest of humanity you are an amniote, a mammal, an eutherian, an anthropoid ape, a homonoid, and most inclusiviely a homonid.

C: wheres the fossil record

In general or specifically with respect to the primitive ape -> human lineages? Do you want the address to the actual musuems and universities where the fossils are stored?

D: why havent we seen any evolution today?

Evolution occurs constantly in nature and the evolution of new species is observed in the lab and in the field.

E: did i mention im not a monkey

You are one of several posters in this webforum who claims to be non-human?

give me an example of evelotion today

posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 02:06 AM

Originally posted by AlexParadox
give me an example of evelotion today

Observed Instances of Speciation
Some More Observed Speciation Events

posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 03:33 AM

give me an example of evolution today

The common cold. simple and easy on this one.

I still think there is something missing in human evolution though. All forms of evolution was for survival. The ape/monkeys have survived all this time with out much of any change. How come there is such a drastic physical change from apes to humans in a 'relative' short amount of time but still have so many DNA similarities?


posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 04:28 AM
Now I'm not an expert. I don't even know anything about Evolution since I went to a Christian Homeschool and was taught Creation so I know only what I've seen on The Discovery Channel about Evolution but...

If Evolution is true then how'd we get here? I mean really look at us. We're crappy animals! We're mostly hairless, drop us outside with no clothes or tools or weapons and we'll be dead in no time flat, compared to the animals our nails and teeth are like useless, so how are we animals? It just doesn't make sense to me!

I mean we're nothing like any animals out there! We walk upright, we depend on clothes and air conditioners and heaters and all our human things. We can't survive with out at least some things! Hell even the people on Surviver have clothes and tools and things!

So tell me how nature chose to come up with a creature that's so dependent on outside things like we are??

posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 06:35 AM

Originally posted by Dru
Now I'm not an expert. I don't even know anything about Evolution since I went to a Christian Homeschool and was taught Creation so I know only what I've seen on The Discovery Channel about Evolution but...

If Evolution is true then how'd we get here? I mean really look at us. We're crappy animals! We're mostly hairless, drop us outside with no clothes or tools or weapons and we'll be dead in no time flat, compared to the animals our nails and teeth are like useless, so how are we animals? It just doesn't make sense to me!

I mean we're nothing like any animals out there! We walk upright, we depend on clothes and air conditioners and heaters and all our human things. We can't survive with out at least some things! Hell even the people on Surviver have clothes and tools and things!

So tell me how nature chose to come up with a creature that's so dependent on outside things like we are??

If you say that we're mostly hairless, then you should see some guys here in Portugal, they make a monkey look hairless.

The need for clothes depends on the climate where you live. In some regions there is no need for clothes because the temperature does not change much.

If we accept the theories that the first humans came from the Equatorial and Tropical regions, then they only needed protection against the cold little by little, as they began to move further North and South. Don't forget that some monkeys, I don't remember if its the gorillas, make some sort of protection with leaves when it rains, so making protection against the cold does not seem that unlikely.

posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 07:24 AM

give me an example of evelotion today

How about you define what you consider evolution to actually mean. Too many people don't understand the idea or any of the theories involved in it, and asking the above question indicates that you do not understand it or are using an improper/popular definition of it

no clothes or tools or weapons and we'll be dead

Perhaps if you hadn't been homeschooled and not taugh evolution this wouldn't be a problem for you. Primitive tribes exist all around the world just as man existed in his early stages of 'evolution' and quite obviously not merely survive but thrive. I recommend ernst mayr's 'What Evolution Is" as an introductory text to the subject, and after than there are a number of text and technical books that can serve for a proper education on the subject.

I find it intersting that you admit to not being educated in evolution at all but you think that its wrong. By the way, since you said you were educated in creationism, can you present some of the evidences for it? What kind of creationism were you educated in also?

[edit on 26-8-2004 by Nygdan]

posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 09:26 AM

I still think there is something missing in human evolution though. All forms of evolution was for survival. The ape/monkeys have survived all this time with out much of any change. How come there is such a drastic physical change from apes to humans in a 'relative' short amount of time but still have so many DNA similarities?

We didn't come directly from the apes, there was a common ancestor that both us and the larger primates are derived from. The apes are stuck in the evolutionary trap of specialization, dependant on their forest enviroment. It's the enviroment that drives the evolutionary engine. We are what we are because we learnt to adapt to everything from the forest to the desert to the arctic, and we learnt to eat pretty much anything, including each other if required. Who's to say what the apes might become in the millions and millions of years still to come, that is if they can survive the Human onslaught. But the Humans and the apes are only relatively recent modifications, our evolution goes all the way back to the depths of the ocean, and if you really want to split hairs, it ultimately keeps going back to the big bang itself where the building blocks for everything was born....or created, if you so desire. To my way of thinking it doesn't matter whether a supernatural being created the Universe or if the Universe made itself, it's still a miracle that any of this or us exists at all.
I hope that didn't sound too pompous

[edit on 26-8-2004 by Zero Point]


posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
By the way, since you said you were educated in creationism, can you present some of the evidences for it? What kind of creationism were you educated in also?

[edit on 26-8-2004 by Nygdan]

Just the basic Bible stuff "In the Beginning God Created The heavens and The Earth" And that kind of stuff. About how The Flood caused many of the things they say are millions of years old, how everything in nature was made by God and science is just learning about God's creation etc...

And at my youth group we watched these videos a few times with this Scientist talking about how Evolution is wrong and how Dinosaurs are still alive in some parts of the world etc... Umm I think it's the one that's been mentioned on this site... Dr. Kent Hovend or something like that I believe it was.

posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 09:04 PM
Ok, there is no 'basic' creationism. There are Old Earth Creationists, Young Earth Creatiojists, Special Creationists, Intelligent Design Creationists, and probably some others, not to mention non christian creationists.

There was no global flood. There is absolutely no evidence to even hint at there ever having been one. If there had been, it would've had to have left some evidence of its occurance.

Dinosaurs do not exist anywhere on earth anymore, except as birds. Kent Hovind is not a doctor. He is also not a scientist. He received his 'doctorate' from an unacredited company that presents itself as a bible school, called Patriot University. When an actual scientist writes his phd, a copy is kept on public file at that and other universities, and the candidate must defend their work infront of a a panel. Patriot University does not have Hovinds supposed phd thesis. Hovind, apparently, doesn't have it either. At times he claims its like 200 pages, and other times he will say that in reality he's been adding stuff to it ever since he got it. Thats not how a phd works. He claims its about the effect of teaching evolution (or was it creationism) in class rooms, but infact, people who have read it notice that it simply isn't. Furthermore, apparently there are entire pages and paragraphs that are duplicated, word for word, within it, and the 'scholarship' presented in it is an embarassment to the word 'scholarship', such that it must be writen in quotation marks.

Hovind also claims to have been a science teacher, yet he doesn't know what makes the sun 'burn'. He -thinks- it might have something to do with oxygen, but he isn't sure about it.

Hovind also refuses to participate in written debates about creationism and evolution. Instead he will only participate infront of religious audiences, and subsequently uses those debates to claim 'victory', even when he can't address any of the points his opponents bring up.

Perhaps thats a bit much to say about him, but the thing is, the man is a charletan. He professes to be not wealthy, yet the records from his ongoing tac evasion case indicate that he has deposited, over the course of a single year, around a million dollars into various bank accounts. But he claims that he his 'ministry' (which is -not- an acutal ministry) takes in no money. Notice, he isn't saying 'I make no money', he is saying that the entire sevice doesn't bring in money. So one has to ask where its all comming from. Some people get very defensive about him, others get very nasty about him. This was a buch to drop at once, however, he is a notrious scoundrel, and there really is no other way to discuss him but in detail. If you are interested, there is lots more about him. Infact, if you are more familiar with him than you intially indicated, a new thread could be started about him.

Not necessarily 'him', as in stuff about him, but rather about his ridiculous, ludicrous, unfounded, and just plain -wrong- claims.

I really suggest, anyway, that you go to a library, pick up a decent book about evolution, and look into it.

If its wrong, and creaionism is right, then you should be able to look at evolutionary arguements and find flaws in them. If you actually have faith in the creationist position, then you will research creationist responses to evolutionary arguements, and then also look at the counter arguements.

posted on Aug, 27 2004 @ 02:36 AM
John Kerry is the missing link between man and ape.

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