posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 02:45 AM
I am iquiring of whoever wishes to help me with a complicated situation
in the house that i grew up in my mother and father have been experiencing some odd things as the sort that are supernatural
my mother is awakened at night by a voice that seems to call to her a raspy
voice as tho it were from the grave she cannot sleep now and remember my mother is very old and she needs her rest
there are also carcasses of animals appearing in the house not anything major a few dead birds and some squirrals but my mom's sanity depends on the
ridding of such a thing..
my father's situations are different he sees shadows and feels presences
but he of course denies such things and tries to crack jokes about them but the rings under his eyes tell me otherwise
i remember things and spirits in the house when i was a child
i used to talk to them and listen to their stories
the one entity that stood out was a ladyspirit that came to me at night and said to me rest child you shall not be harmed we only come to remember
I KNOW I SOUND CRAZY buts its true can anyone help me understand WHY?
[edit on 8/25/2004 by lossofreason]