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USA Day of Rage 9/17/11

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posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 05:26 AM
reply to post by tom1701

We are trying buddy. havent you followed the ongoing battle between wall street suckups and the people on this thread?

To continue, see this interesting interview;

After being in Dublin, Athens, Cairo and Beirut recently I am watching the action on Wall St. and the first thing that I am struck by is that activists there believe that they just figured out this ‘Wall St. is killing us narrative’ and that their protest is the most important in the world suddenly. Yes, it’s ON WALL ST. but Wall St. itself, that is to say, the derivatives business and the WMFD’s, are no longer there. They are traded in powerful hubs in various global hot spots with London being the epicenter more than Wall St. But putting that aside, let’s face it, the US is by and large the beneficiary of the financial terrorism it creates and it’s tough to see these protesters as victims. Maybe next year when gas is $7 or $8 and unemployment has doubled again we’ll see something a bit more rough and tumble. But welcome NY to the global fight… You’ve got a toe in the water, let’s see what develops.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 06:27 AM
reply to post by johncarter

My, oh my. We have a real fascist online boys and girls.

Young Damocles, you have much to learn about the world. Metus est plenus tyrannis.

Do you even know what fascism is?

often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

Does that sound, at all, like what I mentioned?

So rare to capture one in the act of puking out the regular fascist survival of the fittest propaganda.

Son, survival of the fittest is all there really is. Not that it has much to do with fascism. The Nazis don't really have a leg to stand on when it comes to their perfect race ideology. When I called you sub-human, it was merely a statement of fact. It has nothing to do with racial heritage and everything to do with me being better than you - something more akin to a god complex than anything. It is quite well deserved, as I am generally superior to the vast majority of people in both mental and physical pursuits - but, again, different from racism. Most people are little more than animals to me. I don't give a damned what their color is - an animal is an animal.

So how does that fascist shirt feel bobby joe? Is the fit ok? Are you sure you will look good at the next rally?

What shirt?

You simply stated that you would welcome a world in which people would go about hanging people simply because of their jobs and/or status of wealth. Sorry - that # doesn't fly with me, and I will exterminate such pests should they attempt such. If you cannot figure out how to live and function within society without the use of force - then you have no right to live.

I will not have my children growing up in a world where they purposely live below their potential out of fear of persecution. I will not see my brothers' children grow up in a world where the U.S. has become little better than Africa - where many are "employed" by war-lords extorting supplies from the few actually attempting to make a decent living.

The difference between you and I, my friend, is that I don't care what your income is. I really don't. Nor do I care what job you have or what you decide to do with your life.

You, however, seek to control the lives of others. You want to force others to provide you with a living you find fitting. You look at those with a greater income with envy and jealousy; the depths of which is determined only by the difference between your income and theirs.

All you are is a predator - a mindlessly consuming beast. I am not fooled by your message of "equality" and promise of deliverance from economic hardship. You want to bring Fascists into the issue - fine. Your message is the same as Hitler's. He blamed the Jewish bankers. He promised to deliver the nation from its economic crisis.

Well - Hitler was more cautious than you. He didn't publicly advocate slaughtering the Jews. He would have never risen to power if he had (the people would have wanted nothing to do with him).

Which is why I will squash your little 'revolution.' Nothing born of the same mantra as the Nazi's rise to power can possibly have any good come of it.

And this is why you are sub-human. You refuse to realize what a tool you are - how you are storming down the same path that led to some of mankind's darkest chapters. Though I suppose it displays my arrogance... as though my words are somehow going to make an animal into a sentient being. But, I suppose I enjoy debating on forums for the same reason I enjoy talking to pets.

Go right ahead and look at Libya. The protesters there - in all of their righteousness, are exterminating black Africans as we speak. Millions are being evicted - if not slaughtered in the streets.

That is the kind of world you invite into the U.S. with your attitude.

Do you really think you can handle the consequences of it?

You've killed all the bankers, then what? You've killed all the billionares... then what?

Before long, you begin to realize that you need a common enemy to persecute - another group to sacrifice - to maintain cohesion. You also begin to realize that you no longer have the means to support these people - to provide them with food, water, shelter - things many are starting to realize are absent despite your promises.

When is it that you will realize that you are the very tyrant you plan to slay, and that the same sword still hangs above you by a horse's hair?

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 07:36 AM

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 08:02 AM
I will tell you what, I have read the last 2 pages of this thread, hoping to get some summary of what is happening (Twitter is literally crapping itself over the whole #OccupyWallStreet thing represented in the OP). Instead I have gotten a display of what is wrong with American politics: no one knows what the hell they are talking about.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan[/i

I have gotten a display of what is wrong with American politics: no one knows what the hell they are talking about.

This may be the finest sentence, ever. I'm thinking of using it as my signature.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by johncarter

I do not pity you, your kind is too common in todays US, I pity your children forced to carry on your defunct genes.. You seem to belong in a mental institution, but by some twist of fate you walk free in the streets amongst ordinary mentally healthy humans.

Says he who advocates hanging people in the streets.

Usually, pople expressing themselves like you do and with this specific language you have used in several comments, do have difficult mental problems (probably severe schizofrenia combined with some sort of brain damage). The combination of this is usually various forms of sociopathy.

And I suppose you are qualified to make such assessments?

Not that I'd put much merit behind your judgements.

You've still yet to answer to your end-game.

These demonstrations you want. This... hanging of wealthy people in the streets you so desire. What comes after that? Do you really expect hanging people in the streets to be a solution to the problem at hand?

Is everyone going to play by your plan? Or are they going to start hanging people they simply don't like? They didn't like the bankers - doesn't take a magnificent leap of logic to start expanding the list of undesirables.

You've yet to really think this through. You simply say: "Man, I am disappointed that our protests don't result in burning buildings and people being drug out of their relative mansions and shot in the streets."

This thread was originally about the cause and status quo of the current WS demonstration. You seem to believe people care what you think of them (as subhumans to your superior presence LOL).

And you seem to think I care about the demonstration. I made a response to your comment because of its content.

I really don't care what you or anyone else thinks of me. What I did say was that you have the value of an animal to me. Applied to this context, it means I value the life of a pet fish over yours; which means I have no problem with lethal force.

I believe I do not need to say anything more than this as by now most can see what you are alright?

I thought I was a fascist. Now you're saying I'm a psychopath with schizophrenia.

I'll save you a lot of time: it's a waste of your time to try and figure out who/what I am. I am what is needed at the time.

However, what should be more curious is who you are. You advocate hangings in the streets executed by mob justice... and call any who promise to respond to your wanton killing with lethal force fascists.

You seem to be horribly confused as to what you are, and even less aware of how your actions are going to play out in the future.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by Aim64C

I know they don't like us to post one liners, but all I really need to say is:

Well said!

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by Cinaed

That is what we call an effective trawl. This is not to be confused with the degenerative form known as "troll."

To be effective, one must be able to not take one's self too seriously (or the other person). You simply exaggerate yourself to test one's control over his/her opinion. Then, just as they have you pinned, you calmly explain to them why they are a loon and leave them a sputtering mess.

Since I enjoy self-diminutive humor and intentionally contradict myself as a form of both humor and cross-analysis of my own standpoint, attempts to assassinate my character often fall short because I regularly assassinate my own character for the kicks and grins. It's quite fun, really.

Perhaps I do have schizophrenia and am nuttier than squirrel feces.... but, hey, at least I understand the importance of introspection.

And perhaps I do care what people think about me... I am merely trying to share with the world the awesome times I have conversing with myself.

Maybe not. I gave up a long time ago.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by Aim64C
LOL I know you think you understand what I said, but what you don't realize is what you heard is not what I ment.

I appreciate such humor and I share the passion. I feel gleeful when I can make a raving lunatic froth like a mad dog too. With a wry smile on my face, of course. That's just the way I roll. So touche'

The saddest thing to me is the youth with that one's mind set have no clue what a harsh reality they think to bring about. Or that they will be the first to die in such a scenario.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 06:35 AM

Originally posted by SlightlyAbovePar
reply to post by ladyinwaiting

Not really irked here, but thank you for your concern. Not a fat cat, not eating pizza and I don’t drink alcohol. On Monday, I will get up and go to work. The dirty hippies and disaffected, professional agitators present in New York may, or may not, be still littering the streets. It won’t affect me a bit.
This is probably the point where you should threaten me with being ‘strung up’ or some other act of violence. You know, ‘cause your so peaceful.

Honestly, the last thing on earth I would like to do at the moment is extend any possibility of further discourse with you.
"Professional Agitators" Pleeze.

N/M. Not worth it. I'm unsubscribing from this thread. Your further brilliant deductions and observations will be forever lost as far as this goes.

Good Day.

edit on 9/21/2011 by ladyinwaiting because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 07:24 AM
For what its worth, I support USDOR. I also support GOOOH. And any other entity that seeks to break the status quo.

And I am no dirty hippy. I am an accountant. I wear a tie to work every day, serve on my local Chamber of Commerce Board, participate in Rotary, and provide leadership to my community.

/lame stereotype

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 07:39 AM

Originally posted by Aim64C

Go right ahead and look at Libya. The protesters there - in all of their righteousness, are exterminating black Africans as we speak. Millions are being evicted - if not slaughtered in the streets.

That is the kind of world you invite into the U.S. with your attitude.

Originally posted by Aim64C

Which is why I will squash your little 'revolution.

Too late sunshine .. the cards are dealt and the hand is in play . The deceit and lies should have been punished 2 years ago , instead there was reward and protection .. time now that you also must take back some of what you exported to the ME for the greed of the banksters and there pals. It might not come with this small attempt to bring some justice , but come it will , and when people start to miss their 3 meals you can bet the blood will flow .

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

For what its worth, I support USDOR. I also support GOOOH. And any other entity that seeks to break the status quo.

The enemy of your enemy is not your friend.

The strength and weakness of task-oriented organization is its focus on accomplishing a single task. With a concept as large as government/economic reform, you have to plan well beyond "let's bring down wall street!"

And I am no dirty hippy. I am an accountant. I wear a tie to work every day, serve on my local Chamber of Commerce Board, participate in Rotary, and provide leadership to my community.

I generally find you and your posts to be very well-grounded when I come across them in these forums.

I agree - things need to change. The problem is that many of these groups are simply going to cut off the nose to spite the face.

But, there again - Americans seem to be itching for a reason to kill each other en masse again... so maybe we should just get it out of our system.

reply to post by DevilsApprentice

Too late sunshine

Sunshine? A curious name to assign my character.

the cards are dealt and the hand is in play

This is not a game of cards.

The deceit and lies should have been punished 2 years ago , instead there was reward and protection

Once again - the answer is right in front of your face. Most of the bailouts were already set up long before the market actually burst. That is -exactly- what the Federal Reserve and FDIC were set up to do; bail out private banks.

You can't blame banks for taking no-risk loans and pushing their accounting practices into the extremes. It would be like chastising you for being reckless in a video game. There's no real risk to you, now is there?

time now that you also must take back some of what you exported to the ME for the greed of the banksters and there pals.

... I extorted the middle east? I appreciate your appeal to my hubris, but I do not wield that kind of influence.

The Arabs are building cute little islands of various shapes and sizes in the middle of the ocean because they can't think of anything else to spend their money on. That is all garnered from oil profits.

I think you need to re-visit the definition of extortion.

It might not come with this small attempt to bring some justice , but come it will , and when people start to miss their 3 meals you can bet the blood will flow .

And this is where you misunderstand what I said, completely.

I do not support the established .... 'way of things' (for lack of a better term). The government is far too intrusive into the realm of business and has served to compromise the inherent 'pruning' mechanisms in the free market that weed out mismanagement, extortion, etc. Many businesses and banks do have very poor practices - but are forced to adopt them (or encouraged to) through government regulations and controls. Lobbyists push for the government to write laws that benefit their constituents - a power the National Government should never have.

This needs to change if our country is to survive.


This "Let's hang rich people" that keeps frothing from the mouths of the deranged is simply inexcusable. A few of my cousins are quite wealthy people (perhaps not in the top 1%, but certainly living quite well within their respective geographic location) - one of whom is a "banker" - and we often discuss how the system is lacking and how practices could be improved and thereby benefit both the bank and the customers of the bank.

She doesn't necessarily like or approve of the way the system is set up, currently. Yet - there are those who would have her hang in the streets because she lives in a nice house with her husband... and/or because of her career.

Sorry. Not going to put up with that bull crap. Protest and push your representatives to change the way we do things. Start public executions carried out by a mob, and the likes of me will show now hesitation in crushing such mobs. No society can survive with such predatory thugs in its midst. We will become like Africa, where gangs rule by threat of force.

I'm sure that is precisely the look you will have on your face as a 5.56 rips through your buddy's skull in front of you as you charge a burning high-class apartment building only to find your 'freedom fighters' raping the daughters of "banksters and wall street thugs" on the front lawn (or maybe they have the decency to drag them, kicking and screaming, into the privacy of a van, first).

Anyone who wants to use "rage" for the basis of rallying a 'revolution' does not know what they invite.
edit on 21-9-2011 by intrepid because: Back handed remark removed.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 10:26 AM


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posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
I will tell you what, I have read the last 2 pages of this thread, hoping to get some summary of what is happening (Twitter is literally crapping itself over the whole #OccupyWallStreet thing represented in the OP). Instead I have gotten a display of what is wrong with American politics: no one knows what the hell they are talking about.

You're absolutely right, this has been voiced by me and others as well already too. This is a badly initiated and disorganized protest. You get a different answer every time a different protester is asked about why exactly they're protesting and what they stand for. I know there's a popular thread concerning this protest, but it just looks like overt sensationalism in my opinion. I'm sure people will hate me for this, but I don't view these protesters as a very bright bunch. The root of our economic woes is not Wall Street, but rather the Federal Reserve, the SEC and White House.

If you didn't want the military to kill people in Iraq anymore, you would go protest the White House, not Fort Bragg or Edwards AFB.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by romanmel

Alex Jones encourages people do get out there and protest but what good does it do,honestly?

With all the proof he says he has,what is he doing with it?Besides letting people know!

I wasn't aware of this "Day of Rage" why wasn't this broadcasted?

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by GodIsPissed
I wasn't aware of this "Day of Rage" why wasn't this broadcasted?

I think the newscasters looking for something to report could only come up with this...

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by Cinaed

Yeah reading your post I see just another self righteous baby-boomer proclaiming his generation as the saviors of humanity once again. Sorry pal you've had plenty of chances to save the world and you've missed every one.


1980 President Carter puts America on the path to energy independence by the year 2000 he's promptly kicked out of office and replaced by Reagan, result sky high oil prices and massive reduction of the standards of living for my generation.

1996 The first baby-boomers hit 50 Social Security, MediCare are heading towards insolvency its now 2011 and your generation hasn't done squat to fix the problem.

By the way I do include members of my own family in my rant. Both my parents were worthless alcoholics
despite having in their time the best education in the world for free. My mother was shocked when she heard her daughter would have to pay to go to our local junior college not realizing that she had voted for 3 consecutive governors who slashed public education to the bone.

You yourself may be all that you say you are but are you typical of your generation? My experience says no you are not.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by Aim64C

Speaking of blaming banks for making risky loans, it was certain adminstrations which forced it with legislation. Then people come back with this argument that we need regulations. Again, certain people are really good at obfuscation of the real problems.

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by danwild6

To be fair, Republicans have tried to reform SS before, when it first came to light publicly that there were problems with solvency.

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