posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 07:42 PM
I am an American that is living overseas on Okinawa, Japan. I had told some friends of mine in California that there was some constant rumbling going
on, on their seismographs. I got this from ATS members after viewing some of the feeds. There were predictions for California and Japan that went
through the week of the 15th. On the 16th, about 4 hours ago, there was a 6.6 on mainland Japan. A shallow earthquake. There seems to be a lot of
shallow earthquakes that have been striking, and causing more damage. I don't know if the HAARP was running or not, but like I said, there maybe
something to this 188 day thing. I will keep my eyes open over the next 188 days and see if it happens again. If it is true that shortly after they
run the HAARP, there is an EQ, there's no way they couldn't notice it. For those that don't think this is a good predictive model, you're right.
However, lately it has been pretty accurate.
ATS really should put another box here to put in a link.