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Top Dem: Obama Plans to Run Against Bush Again in 2012: (He surely can't run on his record!)

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posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 06:16 AM

Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley, a chief surrogate of Barack Obama and leader of all Democratic governors, today said that the president's 2012 campaign will run against a familiar face: George W. Bush.

Charging that Bush and fellow Republicans socked the economy, destroyed the middle class and built a historically high deficit with tax cuts for the rich, O'Malley said that Obama and other Democrats will ask for more time to fix what they inherited.

"We could not have caused this amount of job loss in just two years, could not do it. Could not run up the biggest deficit in our nation's history in just four months in office, we're not that effective. We couldn't not have gotten ourselves in two long, protracted wars without any mechanism to pay for it just in the first two years in office. We didn't do those things," said O'Malley. "No party is so effective that they can accomplish those ills in just two years. And I think by the election people will remember that. Those were all things that the other guys did when they had the power."

When a reporter asked why Democrats weren't more upset with Obama and themselves fielding a primary challenger, O'Malley pretty much laid out the Obama campaign message. "The reason why no one is running against him in the Democratic Party is because he saved our country from going into the second Great Depression, he's managed to get something done on healthcare ... he's managed to effectuate the drawdown and eventual withdrawal on Iraq and hopefully on our way in Afghanistan."


Obama is shooting himself in the foot-before it really even begins. Apparently they don't see the opinion polls that the majority of the American people don't want to hear a Blame Game... They want resutls. And honestly, everything O/Malley states is exactly what is wrong with Obama presidency. Obama surely can't run on his record.

What will be even more hilarious is how Obama will be SHUNNED by just about every Democrat running. Which, includes I beleive 28 Dem Senators. (Yes, the Repubs will take over the Senate in 2012-thanks Obama)

Not to mention the criminal possibilities of Fast & Furious and the recent loans to these Green Companies-when they clearly were viable or credible.

Go ahead you dummy Dems.... you are going to make this easier for the Repubs with this line. You aren't going to win enough (if any) over to your side. They/we know Obama is a complete B.Ser and possibly criminally involved in the loans and guns- IN JUST 2 1/2 Years.

Maybe if Obama and Co. would focus on doing things legally and honestly, he would fare better. Anyway, you Dems just keep those Blinders on and follow the same path. It is a God send.

posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 06:50 AM
reply to post by anon72
I'm nearly speechless. The audacity, the gall. The stupidity. Plus, they think we're that stupid.

All anyone has to do is pull out the "Summer of recovery" vids, the "shovel ready" jobs, the claims of making unemployment less than 8%, the green jobs.

What we're seeing is the dying gasp of a political party.

That's right. I went there. I said it. The democratic party is dying, if not already dead.

posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 06:55 AM
Seriously? This is there strategy? I guess TPTB have decided to replace him. The republican candidate will have a field day. God, I hope it is Ron Paul.

posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 06:58 AM
With this strategy, Kim Kardashian could beat Obama.

posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 07:00 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
they think we're that stupid.

That is really it in a nutshell. The arrogance in the White House is overtly obvious to almost everyone - including his own party. And, yes, they really DO think we are that stupid.

posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by beezzer

I think it would be more correctly observed to say that the Democratic Party has a large tumor on it and they need to have said tumor removed before the cancer spreads too far. Right now I believe if they removed it and went through some chemotherapy it would be a safe and guaranteed recovery.

Just look at the Democrats in the House and Senate, they watched as their party lost a seat held in New York City of all places since 1920. Then that same night watched a Democrat get destroyed by about 18 points in a swing county in Nevada. All this after the 2010 election blowout, the elections of Chris Christie in New Jersey, Bob McDonnell in Virginia, and Scott Brown in Massachusetts to replace Ted Kennedy. Not to mention how the working class and poor are abandoning your party like it’s the god damn titanic.

They can go on TV or tell journalists whatever they want so as to not upset the President or show a schism in the party itself, they can do all that but it will not fool me. I know what they are thinking and they know who is causing the big problem for them. It is the man in the White House. Surely they would primary him, at least to drag him back towards their side, but no one wants to be seen as the person who primaries the first black President.

If Obama wins a second term then I fear for what may be left of the Democratic Party. It is not going to ‘die’ but the old base of blue collar workers, Roman Catholics, and Jews will be gone. All they will have left of a base is the upper middle to rich classes whose own agenda is cultural issues and politically correct, it is already been drifting that way since 1968 but this would finish that off and finish off any ties the party had to the working class. Is it any wonder why the working class is even tired of the class warfare rhetoric? They never get any results. When you tell a dog “do you want a treat” and he wags his tail then you don’t give him a treat for so many times how much longer do you think that dog is going to be tricked before he realizes you are not going to give him a treat?

GOP Makes Big Gains among White Voters - Especially among the Young and Poor

posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by anon72
I'm nearly speechless. The audacity, the gall. The stupidity. Plus, they think we're that stupid.

All anyone has to do is pull out the "Summer of recovery" vids, the "shovel ready" jobs, the claims of making unemployment less than 8%, the green jobs.

What we're seeing is the dying gasp of a political party.

That's right. I went there. I said it. The democratic party is dying, if not already dead.

Of course they think we are that stupid.

After all, the people actually thought "Hope and Change" was a new concept or slogan.

The Pepple are slowing starting to find out that Liberalism is not the key to happiness, but the key to locking the chains around us.

posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 07:34 AM
I was saying this exact thing to some Rick Perry fans the other day. They seem to think that Rick Perry is the ticket to beat Obama. If Perry wins, this strategy of Obama's will play out just fine for him and Obama will be re-elected. Perhaps this is why Obama has chosen to go this route, he knows that TPTB have all ready put Perry against him.

Obama ran against Bushes Ghost in 2008 and it looks like this is his plan for 2012. The worst thing the republicans can do is put a Bush clone (Perry) against Obama and play right into his hand. The best thing the Republicans can do is make Obama debate Ron Paul. Can't put any blame there, Ron Paul has voted NO on all of the crap that the Republicans and Democrats have done to destroy this country.

Ron Paul 2012

posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 07:36 AM
Well, if the shoe fits..........

Everything said is true. I know you have your blinders on and you can't see it, but maybe it will come to you in a dream or something. A moment of clarity. It's true. Nobody could clean up the garbage left behind from the previous years in a short period of time. It took eight years to make the horrible scenario that is playing out.

It can't be fixed in two, or even four. I'm not sure it can ever be fixed.

posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 07:50 AM
what the hells going on around here? Bush all ready served 2 terms. I'm pretty sure thats the limit.

posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by BluePillOrRedPill
what the hells going on around here? Bush all ready served 2 terms. I'm pretty sure thats the limit.

When you have a sycophant media to back you up, there is no limit. The reason Obama is so ridiculous and gets away with stuff that blows our minds, is because the mass media allows him to get away with it. Chris Matthews said it best when he said, "I want to make this thing work. I want to make this presidency successful". This is what the MSM thinks their job is.
edit on 16-9-2011 by Gannicus because: spelling

posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 08:08 AM

When you have a sycophant media to back you up, there is no limit.

Ummmm, I'm still pretty sure 2 terms is the limit.

posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 08:09 AM
reply to post by angeldoll

Still, he's been (or will be) in office most of a full term come election time and his party controlled both houses of Congress for about 2 of those years. People are going to expect him to have some type of success he can point to during time. OBL was gotten under his watch - but he doesn't have much he can point to from an economic standpoint and call a success.

posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by BluePillOrRedPill

Seriously? They mean he is running against the Bush era, not Bush or that Bush will be in the race. Do you not understand the difference? When someone says Obama is running against Bush, they mean that he is running against the policies of the Bush administration and the Bush era rather than against his opponents or standing on his policies. Do you really think they mean that Bush will actually be in the race? C'mon, do you have any common sense? Please use it.
edit on 16-9-2011 by sageofmonticello because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by BluePillOrRedPill

If you don't understand the meaning of the OP you probably shouldn't be in the conversation.

posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 08:43 AM
Of course he is.

Isn't that the basis of all he's done? If anything is marginally good, it's all about Obama.

Anything bad? Well, it's Bush's fault. He's been rockin' that excuse since he's taken office.

posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by anon72

What else can he run on?
That is all he has left, well that and the race card.

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