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reptillian statue.

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posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 06:46 PM
well, you may find this interesting. 2 reptillian statues one male one female.Incase you did not know in the original bible the serpent in Eden had legs and lost its legs when it tempted added and eve to eat the fruit. link to the statues.
plus if you look at the heads they look like the skulls with those weird shapes but i think that happened due to boarding.

[edit on 24-8-2004 by phantompatriot]

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 06:49 PM
There are a lot more of those HERE

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 06:54 PM
here are the skulls i was talking about. just for those who havent already seen it.

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 07:36 PM
Makes you wonder what is really in our past

Their are so many simularities to "Countries" in ancient times that were thousands of miles apart and probly didnt even know eachothers existance

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 08:21 PM
Read the last chapter in the book called "Rule by Secrecy" by Jim Marrs.

Whether you believe it or not, it's not like he made it up. It's written in Sumer.

It speaks about a reptilian race called the Annunaki who landed here thousands of years ago, and created the human race through genetic experiments as a slave race, and some of them mated with humans, and so on...

Eventually they had wars with each other, and Sodom and Gomorrah were seens of a nuclear war between them, and explains the Dead Sea.

The survivors escaped our planet, and only a few humans survived, and we are the descendants of these people, and the different interpretations of that past have become the religions of today.

This is all written in Sumer tablets, and not made up. However, it could have been made up by the Sumerians...(up to you, if you want to believe it or not)

Since space time is different from Earth time, some believe they may come back to save us from another nuclear war or whatever(this part is speculation)

According to the tablets, though, the reptiles believed in a Creator/God as well, but since the Annunaki lived much longer than humans, humans considered them to be Gods.

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 08:23 PM
yes i have read this stuff Erich(i think thats his first name) Von Daniken made books that were simalar.

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 08:39 PM
It's very interesting stuff.

If you google "Annunaki", there's a ton of information available. As for my opinion, that's about what I currently believe.

It would explain a lot.

[edit on 24-8-2004 by cstyle226]

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 09:04 PM
The main fellow to study on this subject is Zecharia Sitchin and his Earth Chronicles series. Most folks are familar with the first book The 12th Planet. Here's a link to his website.


and this site has excerpts from all the books in the series.

Earth Chronicles

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by phantompatriot
here are the skulls i was talking about. just for those who havent already seen it.

What makes any of those skulls not simply deformed humans? If they were alien skulls, or hybrid skulls, simply genetic analysis should reveal some information.

Their are so many simularities to "Countries" in ancient times that were thousands of miles apart and probly didnt even know eachothers existance[/quote]

But which of those similiarities are the result of similiar reactions to the conditions of existence and which are 'not'?

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 09:21 PM

Whether you believe it or not, it's not like he made it up. It's written in Sumer.

It speaks about a reptilian race called the Annunaki who landed here thousands of years ago, and created the human race through genetic experiments as a slave race, and some of them mated with humans, and so on...

Zacharias Sitchin has a lot of explaining to do. You'll notice that Mr. Marrs includes 2 Sitchin books and a Danniken (spelling?) book in his sources.
Now, I don't know if you realize it, but Sitchin claims that every single last person who has studied the Sumerians except for him has gotten it 100% wrong, and that his (mis)translation of thier writing is the only valid one.
It's not as if the scientific community is in the dark on this- if he was right they'd check his translations and embrace them if they worked.

Actually, on second though- I think you should keep reading from Sitchin and his followers.
Byrd, I need the name of the slowest student in your class- someone who knows just enough about ancient languages to get them wrong in a convincing manner. I'll split the royalties 50/50 but if any religious cults are born from our book I claim full rights to their tithes.
Anyone can butcher a language and claim to be a persecuted scientist. I don't honestly have the ability to tell you if Sitchin is legit or not, I'm just saying that his story is (obviously) incredible in both senses of the word, and that if we were going to embrace the simpler and more likely possibility, it would be that Sitch in wrong and 99% of the experts are right.

Eventually they had wars with each other, and Sodom and Gomorrah were seens of a nuclear war between them, and explains the Dead Sea.

Last time I checked, Soddom and Gamorrah were the scene of homophobia on a level that makes the USMC step back and say "wow".

The survivors escaped our planet, and only a few humans survived, and we are the descendants of these people, and the different interpretations of that past have become the religions of today.

I've had plenty of interesting discussions about integralism with a friend of mine, and I'm not closed minded to a common origin of most religions, but I find it hard to get to excited about Sitchin's particular idea of it all, because I used to believe him and saw so much of the evidence that brought me there invalidated.

This is all written in Sumer tablets, and not made up. However, it could have been made up by the Sumerians...(up to you, if you want to believe it or not)
Since space time is different from Earth time, some believe they may come back to save us from another nuclear war or whatever(this part is speculation)

I've already partly addressed this- it all depends on how you interpret the Sumerian tablets. Does everybody agree? If I go read up on Sumer, then get an appointment with a prof. and ask him about their mythology without mentioning the name "sitchin" what is he gonna tell me?
As for space time: I've never heard the idea that time in space is different from that on Earth (unless of course you judge by the movement of planets or approach the speed of light). If time time in space is different, shouldn't the good folks at NASA be noticing some quirks in their schedules?

I'm not trying to be adversarial here, and I hope the mood I have written this with comes across properly. I'm just highly skeptical of sources based on Sitchin, and I'd like to see if perhaps a little more evidence can be added to shore this up.

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 09:33 PM
Great reply, and I don't consider it adverserial...I love skeptics, I am one.

Now, you've made many good points, and I agree.

What I meant by space time, is that...if they left our planet to go to theirs and are on their way back, it may be a few years for them, but thousands of years on Earth. I can't really get into the details of that, but I'm sure someone can, but I'm 99.9% that part is true. Same for our astronauts...have you ever heard if humans were to go into space very, very far from Earth for what felt like a year to them, they would come back and miss many many years of earth's time, and the world would be different to them?

Also, the other thing I wanted to repeat was that even if the translations were true, they could be myths, or made up.

However, the reason I even started talking about it, is because it would provide a possible explanation for the inspiration for all the reptilian statues and artifacts that exist in that part of the world. While I am an American born American, I am also 100% Turkish, and have been there as part of my mandatory military service and have served on the Iraq border.

While there, we used to visit all the ruins and museums (on the Turkey side), and they have alot of this kind of stuff there. Lots of "reptile people" type art dated from way back.

What do you think?

P.S. thanks for providing some more of the facts (i don't like just being exposed to one side of ANY story)

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 10:07 PM
If you accept the 'norm' in the Einsteinian equation on relativity, then theoretically, yes, an astronaut travelling beyond the speed of light would, in theory, actually miss perhaps hundreds of years of Earth history while only a short time lapsed from his/her point of view. It has to do with the supposition (much like the old theory about the sound barrier), that time slows as you approach lightspeed (c), and stops at c and actually reverses beyond c. But as we all know, rules were made to be broken, so take what you will from it and such, etc, etc,

your mileage may vary

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 04:35 AM
Makes you wonder

I wonder what theory would come up if scientists would take in what they are looking at, not what they want to see

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 07:00 AM
The face of the thing is obviously an animal. Reptillians do not have teats or external genitalia ,so why are you calling these reptillians?
Like in Egypt,they put animal heads on human figures. Gods,Godesses,Spirits.

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by stgeorge
The face of the thing is obviously an animal. Reptillians do not have teats or external genitalia ,so why are you calling these reptillians?
Like in Egypt,they put animal heads on human figures. Gods,Godesses,Spirits.
please provide a link that says reptillians have no external genitalia. second i do not think those strange skulls are reptillian skulls. i was just saying that they were the same shape even though it is most likely because of boarding.

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by stgeorge
The face of the thing is obviously an animal. Reptillians do not have teats or external genitalia ,so why are you calling these reptillians?
Like in Egypt,they put animal heads on human figures. Gods,Godesses,Spirits.

If they didn't have genitals, how did they mate with humans?

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by godservant

If they didn't have genitals, how did they mate with humans?

Well...there would be something besides just smooth looking plastic no matter what..LOL

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 01:15 PM

This one resembles the Alien captured on camera in Italy, without all those designs of course:

Kind of looks like it's smiling too.

[edit on 8/25/2004 by Logical_Psycho]

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by phantompatriot
here are the skulls i was talking about. just for those who havent already seen it.

There's elongated skulls in museums in Ancient Egyptian displays.

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 03:43 PM
I know that it is because of boarding. The elongated skull i showed comes from South America not Egypt. Also That Alien you posted is fake it was made of paper mache.

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