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Should we be targeting Truthers?

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posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 11:12 PM
Is it possible that the whole Truther movement has been instigated by the US government?

Sounds a bit far fetched at first glance, but it got me wondering on who would stand to benefit and why.

Just say (humour me here folks, this isn't an attempt at starting another debate on blame) that the Islamic extremists did in fact carry out 911 without the aid of TPTB.

Given the public reaction toward Muslims in general directly after 911, is it possible that the "Truther" movement was the brain-child of certain high ranking government officials in order to quash negative feelings toward American-Muslims(still taxpayers in the gov's eyes) while at the same time reassuring the general public in a subliminal way that the US government was actually in control?

It stands to reason that such a move by the US government would in fact be a multi-edged sword. It would do the following....

-Take some of the sting out of being struck down on "home turf".
-Remove some of the racial hatred toward Muslims living in America.
-Give the public a feeling that the government was in fact in control.....Better the devil you to speak.
-Displace the power that the Islamic extremists got from attacking the US in the heart of the nation.
-Keep those known for investigating conspiracies busy while the true grit on the government remains secret.
-Keep the average patriotic American occupied with the great debate against the Truther movement.

Hypothetically speaking(typing
)....How would the government instigate such a move?

Answer....With-hold just enough evidence to fan the flames of distrust while still supplying enough evidence to justify invading other countries (hell, I'm sure the greater majority of ATS members will agree that Iraq and Afghanistan was all about money/oil).

What do you think?

Is it plausible that the US government is purposely riding the Truther movement for its own ends?

Is possible that we are helping TPTB in their own clever agenda?

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 11:19 PM
One has to realize that people or groups that call themselves truthers are anything but. They pose as truth seekers and start ridiculous threads, spread disinformation and alienate everyone. Some of these 'truthers' are actually the same people who come on sites like this one and parrot the official story and or troll threads that go against the OS.

But know this, the 'truth movement' came as no surprise to the powers-that-be and was well worked into the planning and executions of the attack years in advanced. For the last 50+ years there have been agencies that focus on things like this and now how to not only redirect and mislead but actually create misinformation and false truths knowing the outcome.

the next phase in the attack on truthers is going to be different. We have seen the concentrated efforts of Loose Change, 911 mysteries, September clues. If you really knew who funded these video and why it would change your view on everything.

edit on 15-9-2011 by Shadow Herder because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 11:21 PM
From what I've seen no one can even really define truther so I'm not sure exactly what the target would be. Perhaps anyone who questions anything, which, yes, the government or factions thereof could use to their own ends. But what's really new there?

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by OccamAssassin
Is it possible that the whole Truther movement has been instigated by the US government?

-Remove some of the racial hatred toward Muslims living in America.

-Displace the power that the Islamic extremists got from attacking the US in the heart of the nation.
-Keep those known for investigating conspiracies busy while the true grit on the government remains secret.
-Keep the average patriotic American occupied with the great debate against the Truther movement.

I would not think so:
Racial hatred: Is there any of that really? I mean, for real? I dont think so, you dont see dead muslims on the USofA streets, so I dont really think there is much "real" hate, hype and MSM bias yes.

Power?: I would not know, how many power have you given to them? Again is a matter of perception, MSM flooding you with extremists, terrorists, and muslim hatred may change your perspective.

Those ijnvestigating: Who, the so called nutjobs like the "truthers"? People that tried to investigate the JFK murder to get bashed and called commies?

The average american: according to statistics and pure eyesight the average american is uncapable of tying his shoes without a government permit and the instruction leaflet. Not trying to be rude, just the way it is, half americans can put spain, france, or half the world's countries on a map, let alone maintain a debate.

After all that, I can not dismiss your idea 100% so, lets wait and read other input.
edit on 15-9-2011 by Saltarello because: To point to the next post READ DOWN ↓↓↓

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 11:29 PM
So you're basically saying to ignore the rules of physics and say that truthers may be part of a plan to further an agenda? Geez, well we are on ATS after all.

I used common sense and historical facts and know that WTC 7, a steel skyscraper, could not have fallen, pulverizing itself in near free fall fashion without some kind of demolition process. With this knowledge I then can see that something else is afoot.

I have no evidence to back this claim but I believe flight 93 that crashed in Penn. was actually shot down (ask Rumsfield) and it's intended target was WTC 7 even though the official story claims a terrorist told them the intended target was the White house. This, in my opinion, is why they brought WTC 7 down later that day. They had to because of the explosives planted in it. The fire inspectors would have surely found them.
Hypothetically speaking that is.
edit on 15-9-2011 by TheLieWeLive because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by TheLieWeLive
I have no evidence to back this claim but I believe flight 93 that crashed in Penn. was actually shot down (ask Rumsfield) and it's intended target was WTC 7 even though the official story claims a terrorist told them the intended target was the White house.

You brought up an excellent example. The evidence that has been uncovered leans towards no large commercial airliner crashing at all. There were simulated cruise missile intercept simulations over the area on 9/11, war games if you will not to mention the multiple live fly hijacking exercises. So, by Rumsfeld 'slipping' and saying that F93 was shot down was well intended slip to create conspiracy theories that will lead you in to a revolving rut rather than learning that Israelis' were shadowing the hijackers for months if not years or other real evidence.

This misinformation is working. This can be witnessed day to day as the majority of the truth movement is focusing on melted steel, shadows, holograms, images and you tube vids. You will see that the truth movement isnt really moving at all.

As I said before, If the truth movement would spend all its time on investigating the crime 0.001 seconds before the plane hit to the moment of its conception you will see the answers they seek is right in front of them.

I believe that elements of the truth movement really dont want the 911 conspiracies to stop. It has become a hobby for them. Something to do, a place to be, a belonging and feeling as if they are making a difference.

It has been a learning experience for both sides.

edit on 15-9-2011 by Shadow Herder because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 11:45 PM
I'm just gonna jump in here then out, I really don't care anymore about 9/11. Obviously what we're told isn't the truth, and it's been ten years... There are much bigger issues to be thinking and worrying about then what happened that day... Like surviving the next five years lol...

Anyways, What I'm going to throw in is; target "truthers" like the US government hunts "terrorists"...? Cause you know that's a big ****in' joke right?

Hahaha.. silly rabbit, trix are for kids.

posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 12:03 AM
reply to post by TheLieWeLive

I have no evidence to back this claim but I believe flight 93 that crashed in Penn. was actually shot down

I remember hearing/seeing on the MSM here in Australia less than half an hour after 93 went down that people on board who contacted family before the crash were told about the WTC attacks and subsequently tried to take over the plane. It could have been planted information, but I personally doubt the "shot down" scenario as the information of the passengers trying to regain control of 93 came out so close to the event.

posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by Shadow Herder

I think this is the reason why you see Architects for Engineers and others discussing WTC 7 collapsing mostly anymore. In order to prove a theory you have to present fact. The question is how much fact does it take to turn a conspiracy theory into fact? There is a lot of facts that oppose how the WTC 7 was said to have collapsed and it still gets overlooked and overshadowed by the other crashes of that day. I say one at a time. I want them to just explain this one. If proven it was demoed then we can move to the rest.

edit on 16-9-2011 by TheLieWeLive because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 12:32 AM
I think all you are seeing is an unbridled eagerness to undermine and pervert every impulse towards decency and restraint in human relations.

It's just as likely that the rumor that the "truther" movement was started by TPTB is actually a rumor put out by someone serving TPTB!

Each person has to decide for themselves which way is up and which way is down. If you look "up" and all you see is death, destruction. and hateful lies, then you have a different orientation from the one I subscribe to.

The only way you have a chance of telling whether any particular communication is coming from an "up-scale" source or a "down-scale" source is to decide first which way is up, then look at the tone and content of the communication. If the communication is presenting information considered by some to be factual and then other information considered by others to be factual, and those two pieces of information seem to be in total opposition to each other. And if that communication is asking, "what is really going on here?" Then, to me, that's a communication from an up-scale source.

If the communication tries to discredit others, point fingers, or asks us to sympathize with the innocent victims of some awful crime, then, to me, that's a down-scale communication.

And you just have to piece it together based on your own reading of how that message comes across to you.

This is not to say that up-scale people never get pissed off. However, if someone who seems to be all sweet and loving gets offended just because someone uses a swear word to make a point, that's a sign that that someone has a tendency to invalidate and may actually fear honest communication.

You've got to learn the signs of deceptive communication and keep your own bearings if you want to come to your own conclusions on these issues. It is clear to me that there is a lot of deceptive information out there. Someone out there is rubbing his hands together every time he sees us arguing about unimportant details rather than making progress towards exposing his true intentions.

edit on 16/9/2011 by l_e_cox because: left out a word

posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 01:11 AM
reply to post by TheLieWeLive

The way you describe the "truther movement" sounds as if it were a small minority of confused americans, whose therories bare any sense or evidence, when in fact the contrary is the case.

Its not a minority and its not only americans... take a look around the world. Look at the latest surveys, here on ATS and elsewhere.
Its the majority of the people around the globe. The scientific community, engineers, pilots, architects, parts of the intelligence community (even officials from "foreign" secret services spoke out against the OS) that know the OS cannot be true.
Its educated people as a whole, people who understand the laws of physics, logic and common sense.
Its those people who are too sharp to eat the BS your MSM feeds you every day.

The beauty of the scientific method, phsyical laws and the evidence brought forward is, that it serves no agenda or purpos except the truth.
You cant bend the rules of physics by any kind of propaganda to serve the PTB.

If you want the truth, you should demand an independent investigation outside the US, so there is no chance it could be swayed by the US government.
edit on 16-9-2011 by ColCurious because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 06:45 AM
The facts and testimonies point elsewhere. Its an interesting train of thought, but thats about it.
edit on 16-9-2011 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

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