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Three-year-old girl taken by an eagle up to its eyrie in the mountains

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posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 05:58 PM
...but was fortunately rescued.

Ok, this is not news. It happened in 1932 in Norway.
The story however is quite incredible and scientists don�t agree if this could have happened or not.

In 1932 an eagle snatched a three year old girl named Svanhild Hartvigsen that dwelt at courtyard on the farm Soeraa and flew her to Mount Hagafjellet, a distance of several hundred meters. A search party discovered her some hours later on a narrow shelf in the face of the steep mountain. Her cloths bore the distinct marks of the eagle claws, but the child was not injured. The whole affair is accounted "a miracle of Leka".

I came across a different version of the story while searching for an english article. That version I saw on several sites, they misspelled her surname and was wrong about her age (3 years old, not 5...).

"On June 5,1932, Svanhild Hansen, a 42-pound five-year-old girl, was taken from her parents' Leka, Norway, farm by a huge eagle; the bird transported her more than a mile until it dropped her on a high ledge and continued to circle overhead. When rescuers reached the ledge, the child was asleep and, aside from a few small scratches, unharmed. Zoologist Hartvig Huitfeldt-Kaas, who spent a month investigating the story, pronounced it "completely reliable." The eagle, if that is what it was, was seen on several subsequent occasions."

The most credible version of this story I think is this one (see section 5) :
Cultural information about Leka

Here is the bird:
"Haliaeetus albicilla" / "White-tailed Eagle" / "Hav�rn"

Could this bird have been strong enough to carry a 42-pound child to its eyrie in the mountains?
I personally can�t see any reason to doubt this story.
I believe it happened...

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 07:49 PM
i dont believe that one bit.

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 10:07 PM
Wow, that just might be the coolest eagle-related story I have ever heard.

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 11:55 PM
Did she remember to thank the bird for the Skittles? play the video!

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 02:39 AM
man, if this is true, then it's soo bizarre! LOL!

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 07:01 AM

Originally posted by Chuck Stevenson
Did she remember to thank the bird for the Skittles? play the video!

That commercial's funny.

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 07:56 AM
Eagle's are quite strong ya know, but I doubt it.

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 08:03 AM
Yes, this happens quite often, but goes unreported due to the remoteness of the areas in which it occurs.

posted on Aug, 27 2004 @ 08:04 PM
ive heard of large birds of prey flying away with sheep in their talons, why not a little girl? on animal planets most extreme animals show, they said that a eagle or hawk could lift more weight than a heavy cargo lifting airplane in a scaled comparison.

posted on Aug, 27 2004 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by fattytheking
ive heard of large birds of prey flying away with sheep in their talons, why not a little girl? on animal planets most extreme animals show, they said that a eagle or hawk could lift more weight than a heavy cargo lifting airplane in a scaled comparison.

What you have heard in regard to Eagles taking livestock is not true. Eagles will, however, feed on carrion which is probably where that myth came from.

Furthermore, if a child was taken by a raptor as prey, the raptor would kill it first. You can't fly with a thrashing child.

posted on Aug, 29 2004 @ 01:02 AM
Uh, Golden Eagles kill and eat deer. But don't think they carry them off, but dive bomb them and kill them on the ground and eat them there.

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 12:30 PM
What`s the average weight for a three-year-old?
Is it more than an eagle can carry?

Why am I asking?
Forgot she was 42 pounds...
Over and out

[edit on 2004/10/28 by Hellmutt]

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 12:57 PM
Ive seen eagles pic up Rainbow Trout and Salmon, the biggest being maybe 20 pounds (Prolly a Pink Salmon). Rainbow Trout are easy for those bird, Falcons & Osprey pray on Rainbow too. But the Salmon are usually only snatched by Eagles or bigger Ospreys or Falcons (or smaller Salmon). I wont rule out a 43 pound payload being picked up but a Eagle, But I would say that the eagle would have to be Mature and above average size and strenght. Could be done

Great story

Edit: You guys ever heard a Osprey dive for a fish into water? Its insane!!! They make a high pitched scream (the air on their body) as they are diving from about 50-100ft. up... Its just sooooo cooool, Imagin a bird circling above your boat, then it diving from 50ft. up into the water near your boat and the screaming noise fallowing it till it hits the water with a huge splash, only to come out of the water with a 10lbs. Rainbow. Now that is a true hunter, it really makes you feel lazy fishing with a pole.

[edit on 10/28/04 by HumptyDumpty]

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 01:08 PM
First off were does it say the girl was 48 pounds? a three year old girl could be anyware from 25 to 48 depending on how fast she grows .
As for the child being alive when they found her that would be the strange part in my book as these birds have no murcie.
but more then likly when the bird grabed her she went into shock and this could have fooled the bird into thinkiing she was dead.
and I have read plently of books claming the golden egal can carry off a lamb so a small girl would be no problem .

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
Uh, Golden Eagles kill and eat deer. But don't think they carry them off, but dive bomb them and kill them on the ground and eat them there.

Weird, we have the same icons...

Anyway, yeah I think some birds would be quite strong enough...Maybe the girl was so scared she didn't move. I know I wouldn't.

[edit on 28-10-2004 by Ajax]

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 06:16 PM
I don't see why an eagle couldn't do something like this. It's possible that the bird was very confused or something, that or had eyesight problems (I know unusual for an eagle). An eagle could probably do this, it's just unusual.

posted on Nov, 1 2004 @ 07:31 AM

i dont believe that one bit.

ok then read this and it might make you think again,possibly wasnt an eagle as we know it

Huge birds have featured in mythology. The Illini Indians painted a picture of a monstrous bird called the piasa or �bird that devours men�, on a rock face near Alton in Illinois. They used to fire bows at it as they passed in their canoes. The painting was seen by missionary explorers in the 17th century, before the rock face was destroyed.

According to the Illini, the piasa is scaly, with a long tail, horns and red eyes, it can be seen once a year, at dawn on the first day of autumn but despite vigils over the years no-one has seen it recently. However, some Indians claim to see another type of huge winged creature, the thunderbird. According to James Red Sky, an Ojibwa Indian of Ontario, Canada. �We saw a thunderbird a few summers ago. A huge bird it was; a lot bigger than planes you see go by today. It didn�t flap its wings not even once. It was white on the underside and black on top.�

Modern reports of giant birds came from the USA in the late 19th century. At Dent�s Run, Pennsylvania, in 1882, Fred Murray saw a flock of birds that, he said, looked like giant buzzards. With wingspans of more than 16 feet.

In 1947, farmers in Ontario, Canada, were experiencing problems with a giant black bird that was attacking livestock. A few months later an outbreak of sightings occurred in Illinois. �There�s a bird outside as big as a B-29!� gasped 12-year-old James Trares as he rushed indoors to his mother. That was in January 1948 and on 4th April the same year, Walter Seigmund, a former army colonel and even though it was estimated that it was over 4000 feet up in the air, he was certain that it was giant bird. More sightings followed including some over Missouri, in which several witnesses thought they were seeing a large plane until it flapped its wings. Police and flying instructors were among the witnesses at the time.

makes you think doesnt it?


[edit on 1-11-2004 by optimus fett]

posted on Nov, 1 2004 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by optimus fett
possibly wasnt an eagle as we know it

Aha, the famous Thunderbird...
This wasn�t a thunderbird. They found its eyrie and it was without a doubt the bird in the picture ("Haliaeetus albicilla" / "White-tailed Eagle"). I�ve been in this area myself, BTW. And I�ve had a White-tailed Eagle flying right over my head when I was standing on top of a mountain. I got a picture of that one lying around somewhere. A very common bird in this area. They can get quite big too. There have been no reports of any Thunderbirds in Norway. I think this mythological bird lives in North-America.

posted on Nov, 23 2004 @ 03:07 PM
That eagle has to be as strong as an ant.

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 05:26 PM
I've done alot of reserch on Thunderbirds and think that they could be some smaller version of Argravits Magnificens. Regarding this story, it was probably just a large eagle.

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