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Bigfoot Sighting near Old Forge NY

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posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by LanternOfDiogenes

Bears, it is a bear running away they are all over northern New York. I would embed some photos however I can not upload at the moment...strange.. Anyhow I personally have seen bears run in this fashion it looks like its on its hind legs it isn't... its throwing its head around as it runs their necks are longer than you would think
edit on 9/15/2011 by yeahright because: Edit to fix link

I wish i knew how to capture a screenshot but in one of the frames, this thing looks to have a "rubbery" looking face like a primate. Almost a silver, greyish quality to it.

Could very well someone wearing a costume and walking on fours. However, the camera is too shaky and we can't really see it move freely and constantly. The darn camera is moving all over the place.

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by studio500

I've said this before...FAKERNAMOFO !

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 04:08 PM
Life is worth living if you can laugh as hard as I did from this video!

At first it moved like a gorilla, then as they played it back and I watched it in slow motion I noticed that it noticed it was being watched. It clearly peaked around the bush and pulled back, then it proceeded to walk away purposely distorting it's shape. I am not sure what I saw! Was it Jim Carey doing a double-jointed pull back on his neck while in a gorilla suit?? It looked like it wanted to look like something other than what it was! LOL

This one blew my mind in so much as it took me nearly 10 minutes of gut-wrenching laughing to calm down enough to type this!

What the heck is that?
A bear would not have acted like it was being watched! That leaves a bigfoot that is acting like a clown or a clown that is acting like a bigfoot!

Bravo for bringing a deep-seated uncontrollable laugh out of me!

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 04:24 PM
Its definitely not proof.
Why dont people lean up against something to get a clear shot its that simple!.
The simple fact that its so shaky makes me think they did it on purpose.
I think its a fake.

Now if they go to that area and find hairs and have them analyzed.. then maybe would be scientific proof.

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by R3KR
Its definitely not proof.
Why dont people lean up against something to get a clear shot its that simple!.
The simple fact that its so shaky makes me think they did it on purpose.
I think its a fake.

Now if they go to that area and find hairs and have them analyzed.. then maybe would be scientific proof.

Im not so sure this is faked exactly but I am leaning towards it being a bear.......

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 11:58 PM

Wow, again.

I find it amazing.

When analyzing video there are three things to contemplate.

1) Audio content.
2) Picture clarity.
3) Length of 1 and 2.

Audio denotes mostly nonchalance. I missed any level of audible excitement. The first thing a hoaxer does is try to say what it is not. It's not a bear. Yep. It's the third friend in a costume.

Picture clarity is this example is absurd. Out of focus, moving, jumping around. The "object" in question is only in the video for a few seconds, if that. Anyone with experience with a videocam knows you don't try to zoom in or out without stability in your shooting process. Any good hoaxer doesn't want clear footage to be analyzed, as they derive the most publicity form speculation.

As with anything, a bigfoot, ufo, alien, and whatever, whenever you "think" you have something, you state clearly in audio the date, time, and location as to be on record, while you are recording a phenom. You stay on location shooting as much video as possible, and speak plenty of audio describing the event. You state supposed distance to an object, and talk continuously, and try your best to remain focused on said event. You do this because you wish to have the best possible evidence to provide for the debunkers.

I find this video to be an amazing piece of non-verifiable blurriness.

Kids in costumes playing around. It doesn't even deserve serious attention.

Flag and star anyway, OP, for at least letting me point out all the wrong things about it. You never know, someday we may have proof!

posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by Druid42

Wow, again.

I find it amazing.

When analyzing video there are three things to contemplate.

1) Audio content.
2) Picture clarity.
3) Length of 1 and 2.

Audio denotes mostly nonchalance. I missed any level of audible excitement. The first thing a hoaxer does is try to say what it is not. It's not a bear. Yep. It's the third friend in a costume.

To be fair IMO the Audio was OK.... I dont like the ones where they immediately jump to the conclusion its bigfoot....

Originally posted by Druid42
Picture clarity is this example is absurd. Out of focus, moving, jumping around. The "object" in question is only in the video for a few seconds, if that. Anyone with experience with a videocam knows you don't try to zoom in or out without stability in your shooting process. Any good hoaxer doesn't want clear footage to be analyzed, as they derive the most publicity form speculation.

You should see the videos of my daughter! I am useless at getting her while shes moving about.... Who says these guys are EXPERIENCED with a videocam?

TY for the S&F I personally think its most likely a black bear and not a set up hoax but an opportunistic one

posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 08:14 PM
I usually don't offer my opinion without the proper analysis and research into the video's origins, but I think it is safe to say that this is not a Bigfoot. My personal feeling is that it is a hoax, for a variety of reasons, which are perceived size, movement, stride, shape, perceived height, the way the video was taken, etc.

Having studied this subject exclusively before becoming interested in other topics, I have viewed quite a bit of footage, which included quite a few obvious hoaxes. Even if I am wrong, which I doubt, this video is not proof or even evidence, because it shares the quality, or lack thereof, with most other videos of this nature, that being a lack of steady, quality imaging.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 05:31 PM
I don't believe I've ever replied to topics in this forum, even though I love to check this forum, but I will call hoax. I only live a couple hours from Old Forge and even had family at one point that lived in Boonville which is just a short drive from Old Forge and honestly not once have I heard any stories from any of the old folk I'd talk to at the local pubs about bigfoot. I honestly believe there's a strong chance bigfoot is real and I even jokingly asked some of the old timers about it and they always said the only thing big in them woods were black bears.

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