posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 06:55 PM
I have a resuming dream for years...It doesnt always happen WHEN I want it to but it is rather regular...My house "dream house", is never ending, I
always find new rooms as time goes on, so far I have not seen a front or back door...or a kitchen (thank goodness).
I put a new rug in the living room last month. Its orange.
There is an attic however which is sooo creepy and incredible..there are so many facets of this dream I cant begin to tell you.
The neighborhood (though I never go in or out of the house thru a door I just end up there) is based on where I grew up but is much different. My
neighbors are dream neighbors...My relationship developes with them, they get older, and one actually died. The landscape where I actually grew up
was a woodsy park preserve area...but in the dream there are rivers ponds and caverns....and much more.
I have a person I am very fond of in the dream land and hate to leave when I realize it is "the dream".
My transportation is a blue motor bike.
I have "dream friends" and even out of town visitors..This is such an incredibly elaborate design of my mind. I enjoy it so much...I think maybe
the "others" are part of me?...
Last night, I spoke to one of my dream neighbors. Ther house is still under construction...strangley...All the homes are....all the time....or in
some sort of transition.
I went into the "creepy" part of town last night where there is a pool.
(Where I actually grew up was a forest area known for its "ghostly" appeal...People came from all over to walk thru the cemetary in the woods and
the abandoned structures...It certainly was a creepy place. maybe that sparked the whole dream neighborhood in the first place. The unknown.
Everyone else thought there was so much more to this area then there is..Me, living there, knew there was nothing to these "stories". but I think I
wished there was. there werent many houses but in the "dream neighborhood" there are.)
I went swimming in the dream pool and found a dead animal in it. This is where the loons live and I have to be careful not to wake them. I was with
someone a family member but not a "real" familiy member. I kept swimming.
There is a small cemetary here and religious symbols carved into trees.
There is an old woman who I visit down the street. I play her piano.
.....confusing I know but now that you know what Im dealing with here check this out........................................
I fall to sleep uneasy one night a few yrs ago. My grandmother, who is deceased, comes to visit me in the "dream house" with a small suitcase.
(she tells me "dont tell anyone Im here",)...and she stays in a small room off to the side...she is smiling and radiant.
The next morning I find out her best friend here in the land of the living, has passed. This makes me believe, my grandmother came to get her best
friend friend to lead her.
I still get fonecalls in the dream house from grandma. She says, "Hi Krissy, I love you..dont tell anyone I called, OK?.
I love that place so much. So yes I know Im dreaming when Im there, most times. And yes, I can resume it at will..but something always surprises
me..I even got arrested once! Believe it?