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I Was A Deluded 9/11 OS'er

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posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 01:39 AM
I wanted to offer a personal counter perspective thread to this popular thread...

My personal timeline of events.... (kinda funny, might be worth your time if you can relate)

On 9/11/2001 I was asleep in my comfy bed when the planes hit the towers that day.
When I woke up that morning, I began my severe addiction & dependence on cable TV news for the next few months.

CNN/FOX/MSNBC: ** Stay tuned for NOTHING that makes much sense for the next few years **

So a few years passed by, the frustration with the media confusing me about what really happened just turned me off completely on anything 9/11 related. I figured the official story was the truth because people a lot smarter than me were on the case!

I was burnt out on trying to understand it, and just went with it.
I had no relatives in NYC nor any friends who saw anything or who died there. My life was my priority so I continued living it.

Anyway... in 2005 I tried downloading that new WTC movie, but I accidentally downloaded Loose Change. (This was before Youtube)
I was pissed because it was another lie in the file name of something I downloaded, always hated people who did that. It was late so I decided to watch it before bed.

I was like....

Had to watch it about 25 times or so just to absorb it all, my head wasn't right at the time so it took me awhile. I wanted to be sure, so I started researching..... (not just on Youtube).

Then I met a new friend online along the way, someone who thought like me, got angry at injustice like me, loads of testosterone, and ready, willing, and able to fight for freedom.....

I also did most of these....

Flipped through the 9/11 Omission Report, which only made my brain hurt from the smell of it all....

Oh yeah, then I came across this one...

That just lead me down the TV fakery road and all it presented.
No comment.

Now I was about as far out of my mind as one American can possibly get....
so I thought....

On a random ordinary January evening while sitting in my bed, I had a rapid fire mind altering conscious expansion, or "waking up" as it's called. I WOKE UP! Date: approx. January 20th-ish 2008

This is EXACTLY what that felt like....

Only took 30 something years that's all.
Not my fault, my town was heavily fluoridated, and 99.8% of them are still napping in that MA. town.
It was not fun to go to work and try to interact with friends after that consciousness awareness explosion, New Englanders aren't exactly warm and friendly when you speak your mind if it goes against their beliefs.
(ex: Red Sox vs Yankees = dead fans in the parking lot)

9/11, the fluoride, aspartame, vaccines, mercury fillings, the medicating of the population that I partook in at my job, George Bush getting elected TWICE.... it ALL made sense finally and fit together like pieces in a damn jigsaw puzzle, literally. And just like Jigsaw from the Saw movies, they want to play a game....

Their Endgame comes when their Agenda comes into manifestation....

I didn't know what was real and what was fantasy anymore.

These guys found their way into my research along the way, and I started learning how to separate Fact from Fantasy real fast....

Try telling your friends about those guys and see how fast your phone stops ringing.

My brain was still thirsty for more, I needed to know it ALL! Then I found some new friends in 2008....

I love these guys, despite opinions of them being shills and paid agents, I know their hearts are in the right place and that is what I look for when it comes to trusting someone. Regardless of trusting them or not, I had to be sure. So I continued researching, and researching, and not sleeping much because I was researching.... 12-16 hours a day researching for a couple years.

One day in 2010 my brain said to me,
"ok... enough already. You just spent 20,000+ hours watching documentaries, reading pages of nonsense, looking at 1000s of UFO photos and videos, and what did you learn from it all?"

I said, "Well, I know the 9/11 OS has more holes in it than potholes in America, and I feel like I'm aware of the hazards around me to a point where I can take back control of my health and my life for a change."

Then my heart said,
"You learned the in depth details of what I already knew the whole time. I tried to tell you but you never listen to me. Now take that ego of yours and go forth and debate the world about the truth their eyes, ears, and brain can't see, hear, or comprehend... because they're using the wrong organs to see, hear, and understand the world with. All they need to use is their hearts, then everything becomes perfectly clear, and simplistically obvious."

Star, flag, and leave a comment if you can relate to my side of the coin.

edit on 15-9-2011 by JibbyJedi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 01:54 AM
Jibby that is a lot of information. I am glad you came around.. I have been saying since it happened, and I mean I was on the phone with a friend watching it "THEY" did it, "THEY" needed an excuse to go to war, and here it is." I was called a dis-patriot a loon and much much worse. I said it was going to drag us into a war because our economy was slipping, America unfortunately runs on war. It is sad and a terrible price that families had to pay and our soldiers do still. Blind faith and patriotism will get you lead into a cooking fire... It isnt wrong or un pariotic to question something that is wrong, our government is not "Right". Hell even the good book says to question your leaders, of course that was about pharisees and Sadducees, but they are basically the same kind of hypocrites. Saying they are higher and know better than a man who can plainly see right and wrong.
Welcome to the world of eyes open and head up, Illegitimi non carborundum

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by LanternOfDiogenes

Thanks, it's mostly stuff we've all seen 100 times before so it's just review mostly.

Can't forget to mention this scene from Network, which is as close to the truth that has even been in a movie I've ever seen.... and it's over 30 years old! I thought I took a long time to wake up and see the TV for what it really was, apparently much of America is still in need of his speech...

The TV is the very reason why many Americans have bought into the official story. Take away that weapon of propaganda, and I guarantee America would start thinking for themselves again!

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by JibbyJedi

I hear Ya! Even though I was sure something was fishy on 9/11 itself, and did NOT believe the story that the buildings came down because of fire and impact. I could see it was CD, I still can relate to those who trusted the government and have finally seen the light.

Thanks for posting this.

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by JibbyJedi

We have built into ourselves our children a 30sec media memory....we have conditioned a human Pavlovs bell... oooo news story ,, that is sad... ooo look something new and shiny I can buy, what was I just fretting about....blah read more books, and your kid only gets 1hr of TV a day watch it WITH them

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 02:24 AM
reply to post by JibbyJedi

Oh darn, you SO beat me to it.

Was gonna make the exact same counter thread, but yours will do just FINE!!!!!!!!!!!


posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
reply to post by JibbyJedi

Oh darn, you SO beat me to it.

Was gonna make the exact same counter thread, but yours will do just FINE!!!!!!!!!!!

That's a definite compliment coming from you, muchos gracias amigo.
I was expecting to see the counter title somewhere in the firehose section, kept checking for one before I posted this.
Tried to cover just about everything an open minded person has come across in their 9/11 travels, could have added more of course.

9/11 is the mandatory awakening one needs to see inside job and out in order to see further down the rabbit hole. For our parents and grandparents, it was the Kennedy assassination.

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by JibbyJedi

Bring it on dude! That is a load of videos! I think I only have about 25 on the subject downloaded so far.

I believed the government line when it happened, too. And so did my church executives, who came out with a "Call to Action" the next day addressed to all staff and public. But in this particular case, it was no ideological diatribe. It just asked us all to pitch in and try to help calm things down.

I don't think my church executives believe the government line any more. But they are too smart to publicly state what they really believe or know. That doesn't mean I can't, though.

I believe 911 was designed to produce two major effects: 1) To warn certain parties who were making trouble for whoever arranged the event to back off. 2) To start one of the biggest waves of hate and recrimination to ever hit the planet, which would naturally include huge public support for increasing US military presence everywhere.

How many acts of terrorism have gotten this much world wide media attention? Hitting New York City was the perfect way to ensure a truly world-wide audience for this event.

1) Since 2001 the number of politicians and other public figures going around with their tails between their legs is truly mind-boggling. In other ages, this whole mess would have received serious political push back inside the U.S. Look at what happened with the Vietnam War. By less than10 years after it was started there were huge peace marches all over the US. Major leaders were speaking out against the war, and Nixon was almost forced by public opinion to bring it to an end. What has the reaction to these wars been? For sh*t.

2) The Vietnam War never created any real hatred of the "enemy" in the US. But with this event, that was really accomplished. We have Koran burnings, and all sorts of people going on about "Islam" like they know what they're talking about. And as a result, US militarization of the planet, and particularly that area, has been accelerated.


And now we are being set up to have to make a decision about the "security" of Israel. Does Turkey really think they can discipline Israel without cooperation from the US? We are being set up for a real big stink unless those non-violent peace marchers start descending on Washington in spite of the new generation of cops who all look like special forces units or something.

Someone hoped we would paint ourselves into a corner as a result of 911. And we've done a pretty good job of it. Do we really need another decade of stupidity on this issue? That could be totally suicidal.

911 Truthers for Peace?

There is an alternative strategy to directly demanding the truth about 911. This strategy comes well-recommended. It would be to back up Ron Paul in his campaign to reduce US militarization of the planet. The idea is that you push for demilitarization, and the people who know that's what all this is really all about (like Santorum) start going ape-sh*t. And that starts narrowing down who the true enemies of life on earth are.

(Sorry for using a bad word in this post, but I'm trying to convey how I feel about this.)

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 02:59 AM
reply to post by l_e_cox

Your thoughts are always welcome in my threads.

I do like Ron Paul and I'd get off my rear and vote for him if he gets on the ballot. What I wonder though, is will he go back into 9/11 if he got into that office. I don't put a ? mark because I know the answer.

He can't. Big money and power won't let anyone go into anything in the interest of "their" national security.
That term is for them, not us. We're in constant bombardment from everything they can throw at us almost, and from all directions 24/7, they are safe and secure for the most part.

When "national security" is threatened, I suspect that's them sounding the alarm because they are in danger. I can't remember the last time the government actually did something good for us.
Holding the country together by dental floss and scotch tape isn't doing us a favor.

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 05:50 AM
reply to post by JibbyJedi

Well done JibbyJedi what an excellent thread.
I see you have been a member of ATS for less than a year but accumulated quite a few threads.

Your awakening came as a bit of a shock didn't it?

Like you, I didn't see the light about 9/11 until about 3-4 years ago.

In fact, I was so busy with my work at the time, I didn't know about 9/11 until 9/12.

I was at home on the 'phone to a colleague when I switched on the news just as they were showing the butter plane passing through the 4 inch steel frame of the South Tower.
I said to my colleague "Oh, this looks good !"
My colleague asked what I meant.
I said "It looks like a clip from a new movie, a plane flying into a building, but the special effects are terrible."
His response was "Where have you been?"

And that was it for the time being.
It wasn't until I about 3-4 years ago when I had lots of spare time that I "accidentally" watched a 9/11 documentary.

Then I watched dozens more 9/11 documentaries.
Each documentary I watched told be something new about the lies I had been told about 9/11.

Then I watched 7/7 Ripple Effect about the London bombings here in the UK.
Then I watched more 7/7 documentaries.

I was amazed how the circumstances of the two events were so similar.
Identical exercises going on at the very same time in the very same places.
Indisputable evidence of the "culprits" being found at the scene.
The evidence removed and destroyed before an investigation could even be discussed.
An inquiry being denied by the leaders of the countries.
etc etc etc

It was like watching the same style of disaster movie but set in a different location and with different actors.
As if Bush had passed the script to Blair.

Having seen so much evidence of inside jobs, anyone who still believes the official fairy story is either

1) In denial,
2) Blind,
3) Thick, or
4) Complicit.

Welcome to The Truth, like me I am sure that the more evidence you see, the more you will learn.

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 06:02 AM
reply to post by Alpha20mega

Thank you for the kind statements.

I was on board with the OS for years, no questions entered my mind whatsoever. I even made fun of the hippie gang as they protested the war(s). Also use to make fun of the "Love & Light" crowd until I got their vibe, but highly contested their approach to it all.

Don't choke people with Optimism opium I say, give others a sample like Hickory Farms at Xmas time in the malls.... they will come back and buy more, I know I use to work there at the kiosks.

edit on 15-9-2011 by JibbyJedi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 06:05 AM
I've been reading both threads now. And even though I feel certain that it was an inside job, there are things that still don't make sense to me.

If they needed a false flag to go to war , we all know that it does not take the death of nearly 3000 civillians and the destruction of three sky scrapers and the hijaking of several planes to get public backing, or to make war look just.

A few bombs and your done, or even just enough media influence and your done you've got yourself a war.

But then I think well, they wanted a few wars so it had to be something massive, they had to create this idea that the threat from the middle east was real and big, in a sort of "look what they are capable of" way, which they certainly did.

In short , deep down I want to believe that all those people didn't die by the hand of their own government, just so their government could make money from more deaths via war.

Yet,I don't want to walk around blind to the truth either.

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 06:14 AM
reply to post by eyesdown

I was a stickler too. I didn't want to face embarrassment from friends or family, or strangers on forums, in the slightest. I had to be sure in my heart.

Operation Northwoods...

The Patriot Act...

Allows law enforcement to use surveillance against more crimes of terror. Before the Patriot Act, courts could permit law enforcement to conduct electronic surveillance to investigate many ordinary, non-terrorism crimes, such as drug crimes, mail fraud, and passport fraud. Agents also could obtain wiretaps to investigate some, but not all, of the crimes that terrorists often commit. The Act enabled investigators to gather information when looking into the full range of terrorism-related crimes, including: chemical-weapons offenses, the use of weapons of mass destruction, killing Americans abroad, and terrorism financing.

Like Hunter Thompson, I ask the question.... Who benefits?
Who gained from the events of 9/11?
Did the terrorists as we sat there and lost our freedoms?

The US government basically said, "The terrorists hate us for our freedoms. So, to fight the terrorists, we are going to take away your freedoms!"

Am I the only one who finds that fascinating?

edit on 15-9-2011 by JibbyJedi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 06:52 AM
reply to post by eyesdown

The WTC was destroyed for several reasons - the main ones being:-

1) The twin towers were white elephants. The office space within them was extremely difficult to lease.
Only in the last 2-3 years was a good deal more of the remaining space actually leased. And investigations into those late leases indicate that most of them were fake.



2) All WTC buildings were full of asbestos, which was in contravention of the new New York building codes and had to be removed.

3) To destroy legal files housed in WTC7 relating to many pending corporate prosecutions such as Enron.

It was estimated to cost billions to have the asbestos painstakingly removed piece by piece, together with the necessity to relocate occupants while work was carried out.

It was estimated to cost billions to have the building painstakingly demolished piece by piece, together with the cost of relocating the occupants and the legal costs of breaking lease arrangements.


Larry Silverstein, already owning WTC7, bought a 99 year lease on the twin towers, WTC4 & WTC5 for $3.2 billion only weeks before 9/11 and had the insurance specifically cover acts of terrorism.

After the WTC was demolished on 9/11, Silverstein insisted that the incident was two separate acts and insisted on a double payout. Which he received.

So not only did he make a fantastic profit from 9/11, but he got the entire WTC complex demolished for free.

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 07:22 AM
So was I.
I signed up with ATS in 2006, that is when I woke up to the lies.
My very first thread the day I signed up with ATS
Telescoping Steel

It was a depressing time to wake up to this utter madness.
I can't fix it, or change it, but I have faith that one day the whole truth will be known.

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by Alpha20mega

Larry Silverstein, already owning WTC7, bought a 99 year lease on the twin towers, WTC4 & WTC5 for $3.2 billion only weeks before 9/11 and had the insurance specifically cover acts of terrorism.

After the WTC was demolished on 9/11, Silverstein insisted that the incident was two separate acts and insisted on a double payout. Which he received.

So not only did he make a fantastic profit from 9/11, but he got the entire WTC complex demolished for free.

Since one of the buildings already had been the target of a terrorist attack, why does it surprise you he had terrorist coverage? What do you think these people who had their homes flooded this summer are going to do next year? They are going to get flood insurance. Why is this specific point a clue to a conspiracy?
It was two separate attacks not one. Consider owning two apartment buildings. Two drunk drivers ram their cars into each building. Is that one or two accidents?

As to a ‘fantastic profit’ consider this. How much money would he have made renting all that office space for 99 years? That profit potential is now gone with the buildings.

All three of these ’conspiracy’ points are products of shallow thinking. You are trying to fit the results into a reason for a conspiracy.

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 09:38 AM
My man, wake 'em up! Looks like a lot of us walked down the same path according to the list of videos you provided. I'm glad you found the way to give power back to yourself. Critical thinking and comprehension of substantial information culminate to form knowledge then wisdom.

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by eyesdown
I've been reading both threads now. And even though I feel certain that it was an inside job, there are things that still don't make sense to me.

If they needed a false flag to go to war , we all know that it does not take the death of nearly 3000 civillians and the destruction of three sky scrapers and the hijaking of several planes to get public backing, or to make war look just.

A few bombs and your done, or even just enough media influence and your done you've got yourself a war.

In a way you are right. If all they wanted was to go to war, that would be true. Cheney & Co didn't want to go to war. They wanted to go to wars. George Bush often talked about something called "political capital". The bigger the problem that 9/11 was, the more political capital he would get. The bigger the problem, the bigger the reaction, and the bigger the "solution".

If it was just two planes instead of four and the building collapses didn't happen, then all they likely would have gotten is Afghanistan and had to stop there.

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by samkent

Since one of the buildings already had been the target of a terrorist attack, why does it surprise you he had terrorist coverage?

Would a normal, savvy businessman be interested in leasing a complex like the WTC knowing that it had already been the target of "terrorists" and would most likely be the target for future attacks?

What do you think these people who had their homes flooded this summer are going to do next year? They are going to get flood insurance.

I sympathise with these people very much, and in their shoes I would take out flood insurance if I could get it, and if the Insurer permitted it, but, once flooded it would be extremely difficult to get subsequent cover.
And certainly only a fool would consider purchasing a property that had already been flooded and was more than likely going to be flooded again in the future.

As to a ‘fantastic profit’ consider this. How much money would he have made renting all that office space for 99 years? That profit potential is now gone with the buildings.

Silverstein's insurance included cover for loss of business, so he will still be reaping in the rewards as if the towers were still standing.

For most of their existence the towers were very much underoccupied, then 2-3 years before 9/11, the alleged occupancy appeared to soar. However, investigation shows that these new occupiers could have been fake.

From an economic standpoint, the trade center, whilst owned by The Port Authority, had been subsidised since its inception.Once handed over to a private owner, that subsidy would be lost.

"For years, the Port Authority treated the building like an aging dinosaur, attempting on several occasions to get permits to demolish the building for liability reasons, but being turned down due to the known asbestos problem. Further, it was well-known the only reason the building was still standing until 9/11 was because it was too costly to disassemble the twin towers floor by floor since the Port Authority was prohibited legally from demolishing the buildings."

Silverstein is no fool, he must have been aware of this, this would not be a viable proposition for an experienced businessman, unless of course he had the benefit of foresight or was complicit.

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by JibbyJedi
Had to watch it about 25 times or so just to absorb it all, my head wasn't right at the time so it took me awhile. I wanted to be sure, so I started researching..... (not just on Youtube).

Then I met a new friend online along the way, someone who thought like me, got angry at injustice like me, loads of testosterone, and ready, willing, and able to fight for freedom.....


You're quoting Alex Jones as if he were someone we should take seriously. You lose the debate by default.

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