posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 09:40 PM
Hello to all ATS members and staff. First off, on every site on which I use the nick "halffinger4", people ask me its meaning so let me get the
explanation of my nick out of the way. My primary trade is master cabient maker, and so I am constantly working with machines, fast spinning blades,
and sharp tools. (anyone see where this is going?) Long story short, I lost the top knuckle on all four fingers of my left hand. Ok, so now onto the
borng stuff. From a very young age I have sought to obtain knowledge and experience from any source or subject that generated the slightest bit of
interest within me. Taking apart tv's or stereo's as a kid and putting them back together. First computer, staying up till 3am on a schoolnight
just to practice programming basic. Buy a car, learn how to fix it. Book's ,documentaries, (anyone remember the program In Search of with Leonard
Nimoy? My favorite as a kid) and so on and so forth. To list them all would take too long. Suffice it to say that Conspiracies and theories are just
something else to take apart, see what they're made of, and after putting them back together, see if they work. After reading so many threads and
posts I am sure to have plenty of material to work with and to learn from. Looking forward to all this site and it's members have to offer, both good
and bad.
Thank you for taking the time to read this,