posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 07:26 PM
Hey everybody, I'm from the river city, not important which one.
I've been really into ancient aliens the last 5 or 6 years, along with why humans live in the industrial complex controlled machine we call planet
I am beginning to develop a belief system that we as humans are a slave race, and America was inhabited in coming preparation for the new world order.
I know this is pretty routine stuff, but there is a lot more to it than just that.
We are conditioned to believe a certain way, a very specific way, work, love fight. We are literally programmed all day to work, reproduce and fight
till the death to protect it.
No one in this world is free except the oppressors and it absolutely makes me rip my hair out.
So I am on to ATS to share my perspectives through my experiences and the beliefs ive developed over the years.
I look forward to being here and thanks for making me feel welcome.