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Outfoxed - Rupert Murdochs war on journalism

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posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 01:46 PM
Has anyone seen this documentry on the bias of Fox news towards the Republican American party?

Its very good and breaks down their techniques, methods and ways of broadcasting basically a bias, republican view of America. News channels should be neutral but fox is clearly in bed with the administration. Not to mention that broadcast that announced Bush as the winner in 2000.

Its slogan of 'Fair and balanced' is really brought into question in this film. Its really worth watching.

Again the DVD is called - Outfoxed - Rupert Murdochs war on Journalism.

certain new papers here in Britian are inbed with certain parties. Good honest journalism IN THE MAINSTREAM seems to be getting less and less. Sign of the times?

[edit on 24-8-2004 by 7th_Chakra]

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 01:52 PM

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 09:32 PM
i suggest you take the film with a grain on salt, it has as much skewing as michael moore's F-9/11. for example, Outfoxed uses footage that never actually aired. and i believe it address shawn hannity's habit of returning from a commercial by saying "it's so and so many days left until the american people overwhelmingly reelect bush" (he's a republican afterall), or something like that, but they fail to show that hannity's counterpart and partner on "hannity & colms", alan colms, does that exact same thing in support of kerry. they switch off saying it ever time they come back from commercial. so like i said, take it with a grain of salt and understand the makers of "outfoxed" had their own agenda wan making the film.

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 09:36 PM
Yeah FOX News is the only one that is skewed right? SAUDI ARABIA owns over 33% of NBC, CBS and ABC, talk about skewed agendas.

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 09:55 PM
The best way to judge the Fox New Channel is to watch it. If it wasn't for the Speed Channel, I would never change channels. I don't like all the shows. People like Susan Estrich, Dennis Hennican, Geraldine Ferrara, and Allen Colmes drive me crazy.

I like Bill O'Reilly, Juan Williams, Mort Kondracke, Britt Hume, Greta van Susteren, Neil Cavuto, John Gibson, Shepard Smith, Fred Barnes, William Kristol, CiCi Connelly, Brian Wilson, Jim Angle, Campaign Carl Cameron, Jim Pinkerton, Cal Thomas, Chris Wallace to name but a few.

The thing that liberals hate about Fox is that both sides are given equal voice and people are allowed to make their own judgement. After decades of liberal domination of the media, it must be devastating to have to listen to opposing views for a change.

[edit on 04/8/24 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 02:04 AM
After decades of liberal domination of the media?

Dude, when a news channel reports the news as it is (for example, a country invading another illegaly for a certain reason) and they report it as it is, without adding their opinions or reasons for them doing it, it is liberal?

But when a news channel justifies everything they report, and turns everything into an opinion piece (opinions can not be proven wrong), its fair and ballanced?

Opinion has no place in the news.

I suggest you watch the movie, rupert and his higher up's give the fox people a "message of the day" every morning telling them what to report, and which way to slant it. Go give it a watch.

The people who made outfoxed don't care that it is a conservative/republican news channel, they care about it being advertised as "fair and ballanced" when it clearly is not and they hope to take them to court for that very reason.

[edit on 25-8-2004 by electric squid carpet]

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 02:34 AM

I don't need to watch the movie. I watch Fox News. I have finely developed criticle thinking skills. I think for myself. Fox News has a bunch of Op/Ed shows. It has news report shows. It has Financial New shows. It has a audience participation show. It has a show that critiques the media.

It features liberals, libertarians, conservatives, anarchists, communists, homosexuals, theologians, rabble-rousers, movers and shakers, candidates, lunatics, cabinet members, private citizens and on and on and on.

when a news channel reports the news as it is (for example, a country invading another illegaly for a certain reason) and they report it as it is, without adding their opinions or reasons for them doing it, it is liberal?

Would you be referring to the invasion of S. Vietnam by the NVA? Or perhaps, the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq? I'm not sure I know what event you're speaking of. The invasion of South Korea by the North Korean and Chinese communists? The invasion of the US by illegal immigrants or Islamic extremists? Okay, I give up.

The people who made outfoxed don't care that it is a conservative/republican news channel, they care about it being advertised as "fair and ballanced" when it clearly is not and they hope to take them to court for that very reason.

Who cares?

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 02:53 AM

Would you be referring to the invasion of S. Vietnam by the NVA? Or perhaps, the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq? I'm not sure I know what event you're speaking of. The invasion of South Korea by the North Korean and Chinese communists? The invasion of the US by illegal immigrants or Islamic extremists? Okay, I give up. not referring to anything you just mentioned

Who cares?

Companies installed by the government and other privite companies who battle against false advertising and try to uphold fair journalism. Not to mention a fair proportion of the public.

All im saying is go give it a watch, its not a Michael Moore F/911 type of propoghanda movie, its ex fox news people telling their storys and the storys of other people trying to set up community news stations being crushed by the big guys (like rupert). It was a great watch.

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 03:01 AM
Well, Okay. I am not averse to watching the opinions of others. I just am very familiar with Fox News. I know what I am watching. I'm old enough and educated enough to see through the hype and what not. I know that everyone who show up on Fox News is not fair all the time. I send them emails to let them know when I think they cross the line. I let them know when I like what they do.

Now that you have seen the movie, why don't you spend as much time as possible watching Fox News. Maybe you can't watch as much as I do, but give it a shot. Frankly, I think you could become like me and find that it really does give the most balanced view around.

Look, any news service that gives Susan Estrich as much air time as she gets on Fox New cannot be biased toward conservatives. It just doesn't wash. If it was my network, I would have her whacked.
That's a joke!

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 03:05 AM
here's a challenge for everyone who is hyper critical of fox.

take a week and watch other news channels. and be just as critical. i think you'll find they have biases as well.

or are we going to pretend ONLY fox news does this?

if we were as critical of all news reporters and news outlets in general as we are of fox....well you figure out the rst of that sentence for yourself.

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 07:16 AM
I remember an academic inquiry that was made on the accuracy of news stations in which foxnews was rated worst and pbs was rated best. It's here in the forums somewhere.

And I watched foxnews a few weeks ago. They were acting as if Americans were the only people with rights on the planet...

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by TheBandit795
I remember an academic inquiry that was made on the accuracy of news stations in which foxnews was rated worst and pbs was rated best.
Now that has got to be the biggest laugh in the history of laughter. I think you must have gotten it backwards. I'm not saying that Fox is the most accurate, but there is no way that PBS is.

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 01:20 PM
I'm trying to look for it again. In the mean time I found this.

EDIT: I have a hard time finding it. Anyway, I hardly watch the news because I don't trust the media in general that much.

[edit on 25-8-2004 by TheBandit795]

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 02:20 PM
The problem with Fox isn't that it's blatantly conservative. There are liberal news outlets and conservative news outlets and that's a good thing, an obvious feature of a free society, etc etc... the problem with Fox is that it calls itself "Fair and Balanced" in what is one of the most ill-informed societies in the western world. Calling itself such, when it is not, lulls people into believing that their right-wing views are in fact moderate. It's a very devious and dishonest tactic, taking advantage of the political and current-events naivite of joe public. The end result is you get a country chock full of right-wingers thinking they're the norm and that every single other place in the world is full of left-wing loons. It would be funny if American politics didn't affect the world so.

As for the "message of the day" stuff, I think just about every news channel when you boil it down has something similar. There's no such thing as an unbiased press, no matter how hard they try. That's why I didn't really like the Outfoxed documentary- it accused Fox of stuff that I'm sure every news network does.

For those who think Fox News IS actually "Fair and Balanced" I would recommend a study, "A Measure of Media Bias," discussed in another ats thread which offers pretty strong evidence to the contrary.

-koji K.

[edit on 25-8-2004 by koji_K]

posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott

I like Bill O'Reilly...

[edit on 04/8/24 by GradyPhilpott]

I just saw the whole thing and I almost fell out of my chair when I heard this guy talk. Never in my entire life have I seen such a total asshole.

He's not only bullying his guests but he actually tells em to shut up, if he doesn't agree with the things they say!!!



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