posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 04:47 PM
It has been ten years now, in this time a couple of things i have noticed to recur are that forums that actually attempt the dissection of information
in a realistic fashion are closed down.
Faceless avatars like killtown have receded into the nether world from whence they came, still faceless, and now not needed as much to try and skew
any honest research that potentially could be going in the right direction.
Video of 9/11 and the occasional proof therein is becoming harder to find with some pieces of video going missing altogether, some work that people
have made themselves have gone the way of the dodo when youtube accounts have been arbitrarily pulled for sometimes baseless copyright infringement
allegations or other reason.
Is it fair to say that those responsible for the attack would want the most relevant information that gets close to achieving even minor penetration
into the fabric of the story gone in time, completely, from the internet.
Could an analysis of the type and amount of video/information that has gone from the internet and the types of accounts that have been pulled from
youtube for spurious reasons and the thrust of those researchers work be made to help provide a statistical approach to the type of work most likely
to be removed?.
Since around late 2007 information has been getting harder to find, please drop any items you know of in a reply that you have seen go missing, we
could at least try and form a working party to attempt to put each other in touch with research work we think is missing, and may only exist in
private collections.
One youtube i have not been able to find for a while is called "all 48 angles second strike embossed", a very informative video where someone took
the time to emboss in photoshop all the second strike angles, it showed with incredible detail the eruption of the explosions from inside the tower,
specifically how the explosion had one point source and was not over the three floors equally as you would expect a plane strike to produce.
This thread isn't to debate the pro's or cons of each theory but to try and work out just how much information has been redacted from the internet,
and if one particular kind of information has been removed more comprehensively.
The truth movement needs to work together, not pull in different directions, a collaborative approach from which we all might learn something can only
be beneficial.