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New Documentary will explain WHAT'S REALLY GOING ON IN THE WORLD! Please LOOK!

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posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by PhotonEffect

Originally posted by XplanetX
The timing of this production is quite interesting.

Problem ---> Reaction ---> Solution.

The same people that have created the problem are now going to provide the solution. Enough people in the western world are now becoming agitated enough for them to implement their master plan.

One world government
One world religion
One world economy

We have reached the critical number required. People are reactive and pissed off and are now ready to accept the new world order.

It is coming folks.

Really? And how do you suppose it will be implemented?

And who will control this One, New World Order? .....China?

It would never work. It's an impossibility. 6,000,000,000 people man.

One Government? Please, North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, China, Russia are but a few countries that won't oblige.

One religion? Right, try convincing the Muslims and the Jews of that one.

One world economy? Pick up a news paper.

Actually, that was the original plan but it seems it's falling apart.
The blue beam/false flag/alien attack will probably be used to cause even more confusion than there already is now, and that's the whole point, see?
Divide & conquer.
Yes, there will be a single world economy--everybody will be poor

America's government actually admires China's ability to control their people, they will probably use it as a template for the NWO. You think these people are stupid?

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 09:47 PM
When this comes out SPAM the video to as many people as you can,

Its about time people started waking up, the greedy are destroying this world and millions are dying for their greed, we are the people... and this is "our" world not theirs

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by wardk28

Funny how they never mention the media as being controlled.
I remember listening to Obama's campaign promises and getting some hope of real change from the Bush misadventures only to find out it was more of the same dressed up in a different package.

This is like "Hey everybody, there's free stuff over here! Everything will be fine just get on board with us"
I may be going the same place but given the choice between riding the bus with 60 other people or walking I'd prefer to walk.
More use of social networking to find who believes in dumping the Fed, dis-empowering big Corporations, free energy, etc.
Given the string Democratic party and SEIU union ties of the company presenting this I just can't buy into whatever it is they are selling.
It's a shame too because many of the things I saw listed I agree with:
End the Fed
Grow organic, grow your own food
Renewable energy

There's too many big players whose money is at stake to even let this sort of thing see the light of day unless they somehow wanted us to.
My suspicious nature has saved my hide more than once and kept me from going places or doing things that would have ended badly.

Maybe this really is as others have speculated, a pied piper to take all the disaffected and channel them in a given direction.
Of course the first thing you have to do is sign up which tells them that you agree with all of the above more or less, saying in effect "the big corporations must die, the Fed too".
If there truly is a NWO what better way to discover who their enemies are?.
Sign up? Mmmm, no thanks!

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 10:52 PM
To review what we know so far:

Foster Gamble and his company are a good bit unknown on the scene.

But we know someone is financing this project, or they couldn't afford the obviously high production quality shown in the trailer or going around to collect up all these live interviews with the not-so-rich-and-famous:

Duane Elgin, Nassim Haramein, Steven Greer, Jack Kasher, Daniel Sheehan, Adam Trombly, Brian O'Leary, Vandana Shiva, John Gatto, John Robbins, Deepak Chopra, David Icke, Catherine Austin Fitts, G. Edward Griffin, Bill Still, John Perkins, Paul Hawken, Aqeela Sherrills, Evon Peter, Angel Kyodo Williams, Elisabet Sahtouris, Amy Goodman, and Barbara Marx Hubbard.

I don't know every single name on this list, but this is a New Age Who's Who if I have ever seen one!

We have already seen considerable comments on certain of these persons who were featured in the trailer.

They all come across as earnest people devoted to a higher cause.

But we know the Illuminati are devoted to a higher cause too!

So are we seeing a blatant attempt to even further steer the New Age movement away from spiritual answers and into the never-never land of "free energy" materialism?

The 11/11/11 premier at a trendy converted dockside warehouse in San Francisco points to the fact that these guys obviously know something about marketing, and are aiming at an audience more well-heeled than yours truly, but including those who are aware that "we are being misled."

The added fact that they are launching this "movement" with a media event that has all kinds of symbology and emotional responses connected with it (I mean, Nov 11 is Armistice Day on top of everything else!) only adds to my perception that this is an attempt to manipulate more than it is an attempt to inform.

Zeitgeist attacked profit and the monetary system. But it also attacked religion, and told us that "conspiracies" don't really exist, so that didn't work. This one is going for the energy industry, and it looks like it will concede that maybe "conspiracies" really do exist. But I don't think it's going to tell us the truth.

What all these "movements" give us is a way for the "bad guys" to be "kicked out" without actually leaving.

When the known manipulators on this planet step forward and apologize, I will consider the possibility that we have made some real progress. Until then I pray: "We don't get fooled again!"

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 10:07 PM
My mind is blown at how far out into space some people are with their cynicism and distrust. Some of the reasoning people are citing as to why this video won't work and we will all be crushed under the NWO foot is HILARIOUS! The NWO has lost already and they know it. They were never planning things nearly as complex as NWO fear mongers have suggested: almost all those "plans" and "coups" are the invention of extremely paranoid minds watching our corrupt leaders.

This video is attempting to wake people up and CALL THEM TO CHANGE THE WORLD THEMSELVES! That's all that's needed - certainly not sitting around pissing on every solution anyone puts forth.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by thebtheb
My mind is blown at how far out into space some people are with their cynicism and distrust. Some of the reasoning people are citing as to why this video won't work and we will all be crushed under the NWO foot is HILARIOUS! The NWO has lost already and they know it. They were never planning things nearly as complex as NWO fear mongers have suggested: almost all those "plans" and "coups" are the invention of extremely paranoid minds watching our corrupt leaders.

This video is attempting to wake people up and CALL THEM TO CHANGE THE WORLD THEMSELVES! That's all that's needed - certainly not sitting around pissing on every solution anyone puts forth.

classic line in the reality tv show survivor " paranoia will destroy ya!"

i have heard it all before of why it wont work or why it is a scam or how its a ploy to suck us in. Suck us into what exactly? and get our details? you really think they need to set up an elaborate scheme like making a bid budget movie that exposes the banks for what they are just in order to get your details and see your view on the topic? Seriously folks put the cool aide down. They can track your every movement on the net if they so cared to look. they dont need you signing online forms to know what your into. they have facebook twitter your google search history. trust me i worked for a web marketing firm i know all about how we are tracked with cookies.

Whats the worst that going to happen?? we will be enslaved??? have you looked around lately?? we are all pretty screwed. the environment is dying, animals are dying and we are dying in record numbers. If this wakes up 10% of the population thats 10%more to help the cause. Fear and paranoia saved you from the jungle animals but now its time to understand that we have nothing left to lose. death is the only thing you should fear and you shouldnt even fear that.

edit to add im not having a go at you i agree with you just wanted to share your stance on this topic.
edit on 10-11-2011 by TiM3LoRd because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 07:25 PM
well it comes out tommorow... Along with SKYRIM!!!!!!!!! OMG best day of the YEAR!
I can't wait I am gonna skip school tommorow and get up extra early...
better than christmas...

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 06:46 AM
its a scam to get people to sign up for and use the program "play it forward" which im sure if you do enough digging around you will see some link to the makers of the movie. No shortage of new age scam artists. At least they are getting more creative.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 07:53 PM
I just finished watching this. Rented it for $5 at If you don't want to pay the website has all of the documentary's info on its website.

It was 2 hours 12 minutes long. I've been following Nassim, Ron Paul, and conspiracies involving the global agenda for awhile, so none of the information presented was new to me. I'm glad I watched it. Definitely a good way to present the information to friends and family.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 02:32 AM
reply to post by thebtheb

I have now seen the film and must revise my initial reaction to the trailer and the web site.

I think this film came out very well.

It will not appeal to everyone. But if it is gotten into the hands of, and does make an impression on, the people it was designed for, then it could have a significant impact.

The New Age in it is very subdued.
There is no anti-religion in it at all.
I find it generally a very non-hateful, level-headed message.
I hope that people who would normally never consider joining ATS or listening to Coast to Coast or Alex Jones watch this film and actually change their thinking and their behavior as a result.
I think it's a step forward for the planet.

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 12:49 AM
Here's a Youtube link to the doc:

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