posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 09:19 PM
The journal Nature does something like this no? They have short little questionares that scientists fill out, in this case usually the questions
are...interesting. I don't know that anyone is going to want to become embroiled in some debate tho, thats the problem I can see right off the bat.
However there are a few active researchers who post to ATS, perhaps they can be the guinea pigs so to speak? And maybe if it works out with them, you
can recruit some others by posting to the sci.* heirarchy newsgroups to see if there are any takers. Maybe post the questionaire itself along with a
return address (properly modified to defeat spam and noted that such modification has been done of course) to some of those groups? There are
definitly a number of active researchers who are also very active on different types of forums on the internet, like weblogs, newsgroups, discussion
forums and such.
Once the questionaires are completed, whats done with them tho? People will respond to them, sort of like news articles?
The most interesting ones would be the ones where the respondant participates in some of the discussion. I am sure that there are a number that would
like to do so, especially since ATS is, what, the 4th biggest discussion forum on the web no?