posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by The X
I apologize for sounding harsh about the no-planes theory.
I cannot discount any theory until some thing is proven, so it's worth consideration.
They have good cause to wonder if some of the MSM coverage was manipulated (mostly due to the odd color and cloudiness of an otherwise cloudless day)
and I agree that some of it may have been. Is it not possible that they took real footage of the plane hitting the South tower and replaced it with an
animation instead? I cannot rationally account for the seamless entry of the 757 as is disappears into the building while showing no deformation and
no wings or tail shearing away as one would have expected to see. The force of the impact should also have created more damage around the entry hole,
possibly breaking out windows for several stories above and below.
Here's what I believe about it:
That planes did hit both towers.
That some of the footage was intentionally doctored up to further confuse anyone looking for answers. This would also account for the seemingly
different angles of approach that vary from video to video. I don't know why I haven't read this theory anywhere before. To me it would account for
all the anomalies of the day without creating conflict with eyewitness testimony.
It's a false trail planted by the MSM to make people think that no planes hit the buildings and some of the 9/11 truth movement may be controlled
I don't condemn anyone for being open to possibilities other than those commonly accepted.
I think it's bad science to eliminate any probability until definitive proof has been found, one way or the other.
edit on 15-9-2011 by
Asktheanimals because: for clarification