posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 01:35 AM
On this site, i regularly see posts about time speeding up, about perception of time, and how it is changing.
Also, I have experienced in my life many who claim that time moves faster and faster as you get older. I have definitely experienced this to an
extent, the past 6 years (18-24) seemed to go by much faster than the 6 before it. Now, some claim that this is due to a given amount of time being a
larger portion of your life when you're younger. Some claim that it is because when you're young, you are experiencing many "firsts" that leave a
much larger impression on your brain than when they are repeated over and over throughout your life.
While time has definitely seemed to move faster as I have gotten older (although I am still relatively young), I never was quite sure what to make of
it. Tonight, however, I experienced something very strange, which I have never experienced before. Here I am, sitting at home at 2am, listening to
music and relaxing. I pull up my music player (listening to Sigur Ros - Untitled 4, totally irrelevant) and start looking through some albums to see
what I feel like playing next. My eyes glance to the "now playing" bar before I decide. I watch the seconds tick off as the song plays, and I
suddenly realize that I have never seen seconds move so fast. ever. the song seems the same, but I was literally staring in disbelief at the seconds
Understandably a bit freaked, I decided to pull up a web stopwatch. I click start, and again, the seconds seem to be moving much faster than I feel I
am accustomed to. Maybe it has just been a really long time since I have watched the seconds tick off on a stopwatch, but it seems very odd to notice
how much my perception of time has changed. I remember "1 mississippi, 2 mississippi" from when I was a kid, and I feel like I have to fly through
it just to keep up. I feel like I only get half-way through it if I say it at the pace I remember from my childhood.
Just a bit of reflection on time, perception, and perspective. Any thoughts on the matter?