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The U.S. possibly the Whore of Babylon prophesied...

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posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 06:25 PM
Thanks for a very interesting read OP.

This is just my personal opinion but....

The US does play a role in the end of the world, but will not become the whore of Babylon until there is a woman president,if the USA is the whore of babylon, that is.

Let me just add, I have nothing against having a woman as president, just sayin that when I read this thread, thats what popped into my head.

edit on 14-9-2011 by Darkblade71 because: added to post

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by Beavers

Originally posted by windword
calling the USA a whore is a little unpatriotic. Let's blame it on the church.

how could you be patriotic to a country that just constantly commits murder all over the world?

when was the last time the US did something good for the world?

apparently we didn't even make it to the moon!

I disapprove and am ashamed of many of the things our government has done, but I can't condemn the entire nation. We have done great things too.

I don't understand what would drive a young man to leave his home and go to war, a war I disapprove of, but I support our troop. I don't understand the whole thing about the flag being sacred, but I respect it.

We can criticize our government, and rightly so, but I can't call it "The Whore of Babylon." It's really not that powerful anymore. NATA and the UN have more power than Obama. The military industrial complex is privatized in many areas, not run by any one government and is for sale, even to the Vatican.

edit on 14-9-2011 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 04:21 AM
reply to post by windword

ahh i see, makes perfect sense, thankyou for explaining

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 06:03 AM
reply to post by eywadevotee

"Some believe there are two prominent cities representing two prominent systems and both are called Babylon. The first is Rome, the head of the religious system in the first half, which is also entrenched in the political realm as she has always been ( 17:18). The other city is the capitol of the great political and commercial system of the last half of the Tribulation after the woman is destroyed (the religious system), and when the beast assumes his great power. This will be his primary headquarters, though a secondary headquarters will be Jerusalem, when he carries out the abomination of desolation. However, since the religious aspect, even as seen in Rome today, had its beginnings in ancient Babylon or Babylonianism, the great city mentioned in 17:18 most likely refers to the rebuilt city of Babylon because this city and this name personifies the whole system religiously, politically, and commercially."

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 06:09 AM

Originally posted by archangel2012
reply to post by eywadevotee

"Some believe there are two prominent cities representing two prominent systems and both are called Babylon. The first is Rome, the head of the religious system in the first half, which is also entrenched in the political realm as she has always been ( 17:18). The other city is the capitol of the great political and commercial system of the last half of the Tribulation after the woman is destroyed (the religious system), and when the beast assumes his great power. This will be his primary headquarters, though a secondary headquarters will be Jerusalem, when he carries out the abomination of desolation. However, since the religious aspect, even as seen in Rome today, had its beginnings in ancient Babylon or Babylonianism, the great city mentioned in 17:18 most likely refers to the rebuilt city of Babylon because this city and this name personifies the whole system religiously, politically, and commercially."

by the way... in case you havent seen this?? go to
there you will see pope pual sitting in front of an inverted cross.. there are several sites that show this event in 2008 jerusalem visit..

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 06:49 AM
Since we don't really know yet.... I will not say the OP is wrong.

However, based on what I read and have read, the Whore of Babylon is the Catholic Church.... the Mother of Harlots... all the other churches that came out of her...the Protestants, the Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, Episcapalion, Presbyterian, etc. are the Harlots.

A whore or harlot sells her wares for money....the ORGANIZED religions and churches sell salvation and lead many astray from the TRUE Church....

As time goes by and we approach the "Last Days"... the churches/harlots will be "in bed" with governments more and more. In fact, for status and security, they will sell their faith, their congregations, and any moral and political power they may carry.... in exchange they will bow down to the world government and submit to a one world religion.

The Whore/Harlot/Woman on the back of the beast is just that..... A powerful Catholic Church riding on a United Europe and world government.... a play or analogy of the old image of Europa riding on the back of Zeus as a bull....

Please take note of that symbolism....The decorated harlot riding a red beast...look at the statue out front of the EU Parliment in Brussels.... And take note of the symbol on the currency...the woman with a ring of stars around her head...aka the EU flag...aka the ring of stars mentioned in Revelation....strong images here that keep showing up

Look at the EU Parliment building... a stylized copy of the unfinished Tower of Babel from a 16th century painting....EU=Tower of Babel or Babylon...Catholic Church will ride on the coat tails of Babylon...thus, the Whore of Babylon

"BUT WAIT, the EU is in disarray and the economies are crumbling...there and abroad." Yes, they are and this is why it is a very dangerous time. The last time we saw such turmoil was the 1920s and 30s.... and we saw the emergeance of violent and active political parties and factions...all which gave rise to Hitler.

As things crumble the world will say..." We need a strong leader and a new economic and political structure." Well folks, it is on the way. And we will see as much... a stronger and revived Europe with the help of the Catholic Church... and look to Germany...strongest in Europe now and increasing it's ties to the Catholic Church.

What about America? Read on in Revelation... any mention of America? No...not really, wonder why?

If you read asteroid/comet/"fiery mountain" falls to Earth killing 1/3 of the people and causing world wide calamity. Where does it fall and impact?....Where?

At the end we see mention of Rome, Israel, Egypt, Persia or Iran, Lybia and Put...Africa is there,...the revived Roman Government of the AntiChrist...we see the "kings of the east"...China...maybe India...Japan... we see the Muslim nations are mentioned in correlating texts and where does this heavenly object fall and who is so obviuosly missing from the end time scriptures? What lands and continents lose 1/3 of the earth's population.....

The western hemisphere...the Americas...the USA, Mexico, Canada, Brazil, Venezuala, etc.etc.etc.

The devestation described in the Bible corresponds to what science theorizes would be the result...

darkened skies, faded sunlight, moon turned to blood, strars fall from the sky, poisoned lands, rivers, oceans...1/3 of man would die...about 2.5 billion people...a third of the oceans would die....there would be sickness, disease, starvation, wars and rumours of wars as competition for dwindling resources arose...

The US troops in Iraq, Afghanistan would be stranded...with no back up from their homeland... China seeing a perfect opportunity to grab resources needed to sustain it's survivors moves...westward...through Afghanistan...Iran...Iraq...pushing the weakened impotent US forces aside...crossing a dried up Euphrates...on the way to Isreal... which we now know has one of the largest underground aquifers in the world...and gas... and oil...

Europe, trying to sustain itself moves to cut China "off at the pass" the cross roads of the world...Meggido Valley or Harmegaddon...Armageddon.
edit on 5-10-2011 by AlreadyGone because: spelling

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 06:51 AM
C'mon. Everyone knows France is the Whore.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by AlreadyGone

I must tell you, that is the most well thought out, and concise, as well as unique description of "The Whole Grand Finale" as I have ever heard.... Bravo to you, and kudos, as this is more than likely exactly how this will play out... Amazing, and truthful to say the least, we shall all see, but, we will come back to this one post someday, and many will marvel at your accuracy, of that I am certain...... S & F's for sure

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 07:25 AM
reply to post by freetree64

I am humbled. Thank you and I hope I am wrong...unfortunately, looking at the world news only seems to give credence to this line of thought. Your kind words are a blessing and I hope through OUR words, as we continue to posts here and elsewhere, we may touch someone's heart....instead of fishing with a net, we are fishing on the net...LOL.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by AlreadyGone

Yes, "Indeed"

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 08:03 AM
Reply to post by AlreadyGone

Brilliant post!


Give this person a cookie.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 10:21 AM
The moment the Whore Falls, and in one day, will be when both the US and the Vatican can vanish before our eyes. It is after the Whore Falls when the AC will take control, most likely with a "solution", this being the incorporation of Christianity and Islam with the focus on One World Religion. All other religions remaining would be overrun by Commerce and the need to live.

I do not think that Judaism has any "openings" in that if a person is not born to be a Jew they simply are not; interracial, homosexual, and any nationality with bi-unification of culture is considered Goyim even if it is cloaked in Zionism. The World is being used by a select few at the expense of everyone! This is my opinion and I suspect that we are living out the very Living Word of Scripture!

Reading Chapter 17 is so profound when considering the United States of the Federal Reserve! The move from Rome to Europe to ultimately residing itself in the Almighty Dollar is not too much of a stretch in understanding that we are Rome and we are Babylon! Our Business Leaders, Wall Street, they are described there after it falls; 17 and 18.

Into Chapter 18 the ramifications of this being true can only mean that we are completely wiped off the face of the map. No candles! No craftsman, no millstone! All of it lifeless and by fire! What could be so big that would take out an entire Country? or, does the Whore only represent NYC, WallStreet? but Fire? It would be either man-made (forced) or an act of GOD/cosmos (natural).

I tend to see her as surrounded by seas as meaning her fall is complete and all encompassing. Yellowstone could do that and would fall in with "fire".

The actual "call to come out of her" is overwhelming. Could we just abandon this Country if something terrible happened? I know the leaders could and would!
edit on 10/5/2011 by Greensage because: spelling error

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by AlreadyGone

The Antichrist himself will come out of Assyria, better known today as the area of northern Iraq (Kurdistan) Mosul/Nineveh, which is currently dominated by Islam. History records that both the Islamic religion and the ancient city of Nineveh were devout 'Moon Worshipers' – Moon god Sin and New Moon goddess Inanna/Ishtar (Artemis). This can even be evidenced today when viewing Islam's coveted symbol of a 'Crescent Moon' atop Moslem Mosques. Therefore, as Scripture reveals, (emphasis added)
The Prophet Daniel makes it clear that the Antichrist will derive his economic wealth by taking control of the Middle Eastern oil fields.
While the man who will become the Great Tribulation Beast Antichrist will most certainly be alive before the onset of the last half of Daniel’s 70th Week, he will in no way be the much-dreaded man Antichrist as described in prophecy. He does NOT become the Beast man Antichrist until he arises and is possessed (infused with power) by the fallen angelic Abyss Beast Abaddon/Apollyon, marking the onset of the Great Tribulation –
As the U.S. grapples to find a viable exit strategy from Iraq and the realistic possibility of a sustainable democracy appears to be unattainable, the Israeli government is currently involved in a diplomatic dance with the devil on its own behalf. To their own unsuspecting, future demise, Israel is expanding its long-standing relationship with Iraq’s Kurds and establishing a significant presence on the ground in the semi-autonomous region of Kurdistan. Israeli intelligence and military operatives are now quietly at work in Kurdistan, providing training for Kurdish commando units and, most important in Israel’s perception, conducting covert operations inside Kurdish areas of Iran and Syria, utilizing their Mossad, Israel’s clandestine foreign-intelligence service
Rev 18:4-5 — 4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. 5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
Is America really worse than other nations?
If we put In God we Trust on our money, have religious freedom to publish the message of the Messiah to the world for 200 years, and we are the richest country in history we better make good on it. But instead we spew our self-glorifying filth into the world and abort babies by the millions.
Other nations do this as well, but just do not know better or could not be expected to do better nationally. This is why ancient Israel was judged and virtually eradicated from remembrance until 1948, and say, ancient Egypt was not and is here intact to this day. Israel was accountable for receiving God's instructions, knowing them and doing them. Egypt was a nation of December 25th Ra sun-god worshipers, but nothing more was expected from pagans who never received the Torah, or "instructions" of God.
The fact that most American homes have a copy of the Bible carries a responsibility. Russia, China and every other communist or Islamic nations keep out the Bible and persecute all Christians that try to proselytize. Americans alone have the full scriptures and the free time and prosperity to study them and do them yet do not, and instead do heinous things and teach other nations to do the same. Down here in Costa Rica, they have the Bible, too (although very few decent Bible teachers), but you know what? Abortions are illegal! America is unique in her corruption compared to the good she should be doing and teaching the world.

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