posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 04:05 PM
I've noticed a lot of friends of mine (all girls) only eat meat that is from what they consider 'ugly animals. My x gf who is still my best friend
is a smart girl but she refuses to eat meat on the bone because then she feels like its from an animal! Like without the bones you assume the meat
grows from a plant!?!? Sorry I love her to bits but you know its from an animal so how is that different?
Also When we were together I wasn't allowed to eat duck or rabbit because they are 'sweet'.....yea sweet meat to EAT!!!!!!!
Anyway most people sort of just say 'awwww bless' at these girls who say 'I cant eat that because its sweet and cute!' as if other animals deserve
the fate of being eaten because of how they look. I know girls can be shallow (no im not generalising all girls, just that some can just like some men
can be) but with animals, really?
Are fully grown adults really so simple minded that they dont mind eating something that looks ugly, but think things that just look nice shouldnt
deserve the same fate? To the point where I am made to not eat anything cute in their presence. How crazy is this! On a lot of cooking shows like
'come dine with me' the same thing is shown. Just because meat is on a bone how does that magically make it not ok to eat? like a breast fillet for
example comes from a tree or a plant. And why o why does one animal deserve to die and other deserves to live just because of how they look? Can these
people not look past appearances even when it comes to animals they are consumed as food!?!?!? People suddenly have a moral crisis like all their life
they haven't known where meat really comes from? If they are like this with food, Lord help the men that they end up dating.
Im sure there are men who are just as bad, sorry if this seems to be a rant against girls but its only directed at a small % of girls I know and is
not generalising women at all. If I knew a guy who did this too I would be ranting just as hard at hum too.
Anyone else know people like this? I understand why they feel this way, but am amazed that they can't use the tiniest amount of logic to realise how
crazy and stupid this behaviour is. Instead when I question it they treat me like Im a weirdo for not caring about an animals well being if it looks
cute. sorry but meat is meat to me and I'll eat what tastes good no matter how it looks. The only thing I wouldn't eat is Dog and this is because I
have a very strong connection with all dogs (not just mine) and for me I'd feel sorta like I was eating another human (obviously not quite that bad,
but its coming from this same instinct)
ahhhhhhhhh 2,3,4 and relax