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So, You Hate TPTB. Whats your solution?

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posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 03:07 PM
The powers that be should be run by a moral direction, not just money. Many times we think that the government is moving to do good, when it is just a few greedy people manipulating the populace.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 03:08 PM
How many of us dream of being able to change the world? I would guess at some point in our lives, we all do. However, how can we be absolutely sure that by changing the world according to our view we make the world better?

There is no solution,The only thing that will make any difference is a divine intervention

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by sugarcookie1

Actually writting your representative can have an effect. I have seen changes in the world that I helped to bring about with my voice. When a person gets older they tend to want to see if they have any actual power. They do!

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 03:14 PM
Oh and in all reality we ALL are TPTB...

Those with the $ and Power, and us by the sheer numbers...

The real PTB are the few Enlightened ones who throughout history have always been here and always will be, but they have forever been crusified and murdered if they are discovered. Still as a collective 'we' the ptb bring them here through our need to advance, but even we run from the truth and hide in the shadows of complacency and control as it is what we have always known and is where we feel most comfortable. If we continue to live this way then we are not responsible, but really we are ALL equally responsible and none of us can run from that.

*PS can you tell me how to put spell check back on this new comp?* Duh...

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 03:15 PM
Interesting thread and maybe a bit over my head

Anyway I think the only way to have people all behaving nicely towards one another and carrying out their allotted roles in life without aspiring to anything more or different would be to create some sort of drug that suppressed that urge along with the propensity for violence. Some sort of drug lobotomy (or maybe actual surgery)

We'd have to develop some way of assessing personalities at 2-5yrs old and from there your role in life is decided.

So take away free will and the desire to win and there we'll have a mind achingly dull, well behaved, never changing society. Bit like bees. Bees are boring and they never write poetry or create works of art but their society works well.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 03:16 PM
The solution is that eventually mankind will outgrow the planet and the cycle of pestilence and disease will revert humans into a new dark age and a new renaissance hopefully. But many species have bred themselves into extinction. Man could very well do the same. The technology of death, the final solution, is growing in a lab somewhere, waiting...........

TPTB are a symptom, not the disease.

edit on 13-9-2011 by whaaa because: y9y

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by whaaa
The solution is that eventually mankind will outgrow the planet and the cycle of pestilence and disease will revert humans into a new dark age and a new renaissance hopefully. But many species have bred themselves into extinction. Man could very well do the same. The technology of death, the final solution, is growing in a lab somewhere, waiting...........

TPTB are a symptom, not the disease

As ominous as that might sound to some I feel it could be a wake up call.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by OldCorp
Thanks a lot for sending me on a journey through the world's legal systems that included a Wiki page describing Drawing, quartering, and emasculation.

Don't mention it

What are friends for?

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

You bop on people who suggest revolution but what more is there to do? Outside of violent upheaval, what HASN'T been done, or rather should I ask, what realistically CAN be done?

I proposed a topic about a month ago laying down my plan following a revolution and what response did I get? What did people care? Did anyone bother to critique that plan, point out problems with that plan, or inform why the plan would or would not work? No.

Let's get this out of the way right now - people need leadership. Contrary to what anarchist society might be fruitful and glorious in the minds of some, there will always be people that look for a side to choose and a person to follow behind and support, a person who can relieve them of some of the more important responsibility so that they might live life. Let's face it, if there was no system in place of leadership and protection, most of your life would be spent scrounging for food and protecting your family from violent anarchists who might not agree with your sense of morals.

So what do you do? You follow the Constitution. Or rather, you follow the idea laid down within that and the Declaration of Independence. The idea that all people should be able to live their life unquestionably how they want to, so long as it doesn't interfere with how someone else lives their life.

This means a few simple things - no murder, no stealing, no defiling someones name, no discriminating, and no getting in the way of what someone believes simply because you don't.

It is called freedom because it is supposed to be free for all, no just for those who are accepted. Then the role of leadership is simple - to deal with other leadership across the globe, to protect the citizenship from harm outside and in, while still allowing them to make their own decisions, and to manage a stable, flourishing market that all the people can thrive from and no one is given an unfair advantage.

Free society, free market, free life.

But... the current leaders don't want they. They have become accustomed to control in many different facets outside of what they were supposed to. They were given a piece of the pie and decided that they wanted the rest as well. They will not give it back. They will no meet us halfway. This is proven, this is simple, this is life. The only way were are going to obtain that way of life if if we TAKE it forcefully back and keep it.

Then it won't matter if you are a Jew, Muslim, Politician, Serviceman, Royalty, Clergy, Priest, Lawyer, Judge, Doctor, or scientist - because you will be equal and you will be allowed to practice whatever the hell you see fit so long as you don't expect others to forcefully have to follow in the precedent.

That is freedom and while you may not like the simple actions or you would much rather have something a little more detailed - that is as detailed as it need to be. I can even make it more simple for everyone to understand.

"To each their own."

That's it. You have what you have, you believe what you believe, and if you don't like my side of the story - then just leave me alone.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 04:08 PM
You need to ask someone a hell of a lot smarter than I am... for a solution...

But... I would like to know what happened to the TARP money....
Back if Feb it was reported that we (Gov) was near the break even point on banks replaying that 700 billion they just had to have... money that I will point out... is what took us right to the brink on this federal spending cap business...

Now what I want to know is... if that TARP money was repaid or close to being repaid... what happened to that money???? why wasn't it returned to where it came from??? why are we in more trouble today than we were in 2009???

Naw you don't want me in charge of Solutions because when they give their typical BS dance around the truth answers... I'm going to start shooting people

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
No, this thread is not going to be in defense of the dreaded "TPTB"
But rather an observation, statement of opinion followed by a request for your input.



Slayer, it's despicable to put a picture of Europe at the head of this OP - everyone KNOWS that America is the REAL PTB, the Great Satan! If you don't believe me, pick any 3 ATS threads at random, see how far you can get into them before that pronouncement is made!

This is clearly an attempt at deflection and misdirection!

In all seriousness, you make a very valid point - There probably is no "real" PTB, simply because no one can agree on who it would be. Everyone sees the "other guy" as the bad guy - even those who claim to have "evolved" beyond strife, bloodshed, and boundaries. Even THEY have a set of "bad guys" to look to and point at, making one wonder just how "evolved" they REALLY are, and just how much they REALLY believe in what they preach themselves.

They all preach "we are one - love dove peace, beads bells, incense and Hare Krishna". We are one... well, except for those guys... (replace and insert "bankers", "America", "Bush", "Muslims", "christians", "religious folks in general", "military", "mercenaries", "the tax man", "Iran", "China", "corporations", "politicians"... the list just goes on... and on... and on...) My point here is, I have never, ever, met anyone who preached "the brotherhood of man" who was actually and in fact willing to accept ALL men as"brothers and equals".

They ALL have a boogie man, and all their boogie men are different. They ALL have someone to grind an axe against, "brotherhood of man" or not.

My own take? Simply have nothing at all to do with whomever you view as "TPTB". Starve 'em out, don't feed 'em. Bankers? Don't keep your money there for them to loan out and profit from, and don't accept loans from them. Politicians? Ignore them, AND their petty laws. America? Don't go there, and certainly don't spend your money there. Islam, Christianity, Religions? Don't attend their worship services, or give them "donations" of any sort.

If you don't like whomever you identify as "TPTB" simply stop patronizing them. If they bother or encroach upon you at all because you won't play with them, enforce your will to be left alone, as energetically as possible, plus 10%.

Never forget that extra 10% - that's the part that lets them know beyond doubt that it was a bad idea to screw with you in the first place.

Personally, and in keeping with the parting video, I'm close to identifying "society" itself, or "civilization" if you prefer, as TPTB, and am just a heartbeat away from practicing what I preach, turning by back on it and walking off.

People get crazy when you pile 'em up like insects in an anthill. Every one thinks HE knows what's best for everyone else, and is way too prepared to enforce it on them. THOSE sort of people are "TPTB", and that includes damn near everyone.

edit on 2011/9/13 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

Psst... don't tell anyone.... but our wives are the real PTB...
don't believe me... question their authority and they will make you suffer

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I know your right about so many things you've said here Slay. I don't have much time so I'm rushing this reply here my friend. I think you know I wait on one KING and I bow to only one KING. I know psychopaths gravitate to places of authority and believe the Bible refers to them as " The Wicked "

edit on 13-9-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-9-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 04:40 PM
OK note to self.

Avoid DaddyB being put in charge [of anything] at least not while he's armed and keep maps of the EU away from Neno.

Great safety tips..

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by DaddyBare
reply to post by nenothtu

Psst... don't tell anyone.... but our wives are the real PTB...
don't believe me... question their authority and they will make you suffer

So THAT'S why I sleep on the couch! I was wondering how that happened....

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
OK note to self.

Avoid DaddyB being put in charge [of anything] at least not while he's armed and keep maps of the EU away from Neno.

Great safety tips..

Prob a good idea... I don't share or play well with other's...
at least not with people who keep saying things like "No new taxes" and "Shovel ready projects"

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by LadySkadi
reply to post by SLAYER69

Now what?
What do you propose we replace them with and how will society function?

I don't know. Everyone will have a different idea of what they want to see and how they believe society should be. There is never going to be a one solution fits all.

Maybe, that's how it should be...


That is precisely why the "world without borders" crowd is doomed to perpetual disappointment. No one solution will ever fit all, however much this group or that insists that is the way it's going to be. People of a like mind will tend to group together, humans being basically troop animals, and when that happens, they WILL enforce their own de facto borders, regardless of what any one else says is "the way it should be".

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by neo96
i dont hate the tptb be unless you mean an out of control goverment who needs to be given an enemy because its too fat and bloated with stupity and corruption.

people call the tptb too many things thats for damn sure my only solution is dont listen to them and think for yourself.

never jump on any bandwagon without seeing where its going the human animal was a great term where there is hate there is love.

actually people just need to start thinking with their head.

Another excellent point. WE are our OWN PTB. Each individual. No matter how hard we try to delegate that responsibility to someone else that we can "hate", it ultimately falls on each of us, individually. We are our own ultimate authority, and we all make our own decisions in the end, regardless of what "law" or "coercion" put into place by any elusive "other".

They can slap laws and regulations in place all day long, but in the end each individual will make his own decision whether to obey and play, or strike off on his own and take the consequences. When folks realize that choice is theirs, and always has been, elusive "PTBs" become a lot less scary.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I believe in the end it should be about what is right for the planet we live on. Regain that entire respect for nature.

The First nations laws, namely Hopi indian/Dakota/Lakota Indian laws.

Personally, it's self-centred and delusional to try and make all the people happy. Instead, we need to make the planet happy. There will always be an authority required, we are part of the Animal kingdom and it is required.

A Great Leader can do more good than harm. Complete respect for nature, even more so.
edit on 13-9-2011 by LightAssassin because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by Signals
My solution is very simple Slay...

Spread information



"Resistance is Feudal". Yes, I intended "feudal" rather than "futile".

To resist anything at all is a tacit admission of it's power over you. Otherwise, there is nothing to "resist".

Rather than resist, ignore. Resist only when it's necessary to enforce against encroachment on your own boundaries which YOU have set, and then, only to the extent necessary to repel that invasion.

Plus 10%.

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