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Christ returns after a solar eclipse and a blood red moon

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posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

I create an OP with the most insane claims, based on a stupid book
and i want all to react- after all we need a little attention, don't we.
I just don't want those who don't go with my bull# story to speak out...
I'm a pitiful person -I need a dead singer to write a song about that.

all are welcome to react to this reply, that is, of course, if you join me in my mental trip.

there's no christ. wake up. no one comes back.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 09:24 AM

there's no christ. wake up. no one comes back.
reply to post by NeverSleepingEyes

There is no Christ?

Prove it!!!

Wake up? I am fully awake otherwise I could not type this.

No one comes back? Prove it!!!

I will be awaiting your ALL KNOWING knowledge. I have coffee in hand and plenty of time my friend.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by MamaJ

there's no christ. wake up. no one comes back.
reply to post by NeverSleepingEyes

There is no Christ?

Prove it!!!

Wake up? I am fully awake otherwise I could not type this.

No one comes back? Prove it!!!

I will be awaiting your ALL KNOWING knowledge. I have coffee in hand and plenty of time my friend.

glad to see you were inspired by my post. unfortunately you don't really address it.
About prove: as I don't claim the existence of a person the burden of the prove isn't on me.
But since I'm such a nice little nasty atheist: how about at least 50 years of research into the coming about of the scriptures, the story, the myth, the lies? The man you call Christ was attributed such after his death, by an ex-roman spy, the one you call Paul.

hey, I like coffee too

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 09:40 AM
How many times has there been a lunar eclipse (blood red moon) and a solar eclipse in the past 2000 years??? Hundreds of times...

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by longtermproject
OP.... your forgetting one very important fact.... it clearly states in Revelations somewhere...... "NO MAN KNOWS THE HOUR NOR THE DAY OF MY RETURN" ....

Sorry to burst your bubble but predicting the return of christ is like playing the lottery.... someday, someone may get it right, but most likely just wasting your time playing

Did you know that Rosh Hashanah(feast of trumpets) is know as the day that no man knows? It is a two day feast and it also has a lot in common with the rapture and the Jewish wedding custom. After a betrothal in the Jewish wedding custom if asked when is the wedding the reply would be...I don't know, only my father knows. Here is a video that shows how Rosh Hashanah relates to the I have to go but will come back later and show everyone how the tribulation has not started yet but we are on the verge of it starting and how the Bible clearly states that the followers of Jesus Christ will be taken out in the beginning. There are so many verses about the Rapture. I will come back and post them.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 09:59 AM

glad to see you were inspired by my post. unfortunately you don't really address it. About prove: as I don't claim the existence of a person the burden of the prove isn't on me. But since I'm such a nice little nasty atheist: how about at least 50 years of research into the coming about of the scriptures, the story, the myth, the lies? The man you call Christ was attributed such after his death, by an ex-roman spy, the one you call Paul. hey, I like coffee too
reply to post by NeverSleepingEyes

Ha! You said you were a "nasty atheist".... I didn't. Just to clarify.

You are claiming there is no Jesus and I am asking you to prove it.
You know this as a fact and I think otherwise so I am asking you to prove he is not coming back as well.

I have done my research as well......

Everyone has their own opinion based on their own experiences from what their sense's tell them is happening in their own reality of existence.

For you to say there is no Jesus and we need to wake up makes it sound like you know more...I want to know what you know.

If you believed in the Sphagetti Monster I would not tell you he is not real...because I truly do not know but I do know nothing has really been written about said Monster. He did not claim to be the "Son of God" have many people write about him and survive in existence from memory banks and books. He did not die on a cross for you and I nor have I heard anything credible about said Monster. So....I do not believe in it but if you do....I will not say there is not a Monster until I can prove to you there isn't one. I guess I am just a nice little Jesus lover...I dunno. :Lol:

Will Christ return and you be shaken? It is possible.

Will Christ return and make eye contact with you? It is possible.

Will Christ come back and leave you to the Hell here on Earth? It is possible.

Will Christ never return? Many people believe He will as it is written many times over by numerous "mythical people".

Time tells us everything and we will know either in this life or the next what is "real" and what is lies.

BUT....for some of us we are just fine believing in an ancient Book filled with mysteries and riddles. It is fun actually to take a book like that and other books, combine them and see ....and ponder on....only to be mesmerized by the deep rooted spirit of A-HA..Moments.

For the sake of argument though....please do not act like you know everything because none of us do!!

I would have rather you said something constructive along side with the topic than to come into the thread and spout off as to be excited to start an argument.

For many generations Jesus was said to be coming soon. Because we have the internet and the knowledge is gathered much quicker these days it is possible that he will not come back in our lifetime. But....he may.

We do NOT KNOW. That right there is fact.

He will come like a thief in the night but there will be signs. Christians and non Christians know about these signs....are they happening now? Could be! May not be....we simply do not know.

Scholars are even debating this....we all are.

I hope He does come and save us from our self. Man is on a highway right now that is a death trap and I do not like the way I have to conform to this society where I do not agree with the laws or the powers that be. I cannot stand the fact my kids have to go to a building all day and learn what They want them to learn.

I do not like that fact I have to work for someone's pocket book to make them richer all the while I can barely feed my kids.

I hope and pray this Savior will come on a cloud, like a thief in the night, and take me and my kids to fairy land where there is plenty of everything and all we have to do is live in harmony playing harps and signing in meadows while walking to the perfect fishing spot.

I had to dream a little while I was at it.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 10:09 AM
the buzz around hollywood is that Jesus is indeed back and is scheduled to appear on the next season of "celebrity rehab".

these recent revelations have come directly from a man claiming to be Jesus's personal assistant..
see photo:

true story

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

So I found this chart pretty interesting:


(A direct link to the chart because it's too big)

A link to this website was provided by "kwell" on page 3. It is a pretty interesting website. Thank Kwell.

Sonoma State University - Luis Vega MA

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 10:21 AM

Ha! You said you were a "nasty atheist".... I didn't. Just to clarify.

that's correct :-)

You are claiming there is no Jesus and I am asking you to prove it.
You know this as a fact and I think otherwise so I am asking you to prove he is not coming back as well.

i didn't say a word about "jesus", i made a statement about "christ".


Everyone has their own opinion based on their own experiences from what their sense's tell them is happening in their own reality of existence.

i don't go for individual opinions based on individual experiences when trying to understand reality.


Will Christ return and you be shaken? It is possible.

possible? yeah, it is.
Plausible however?


For the sake of argument though....please do not act like you know everything because none of us do!!

i try not to. as a (social) scientist it would be very stupid to pretend otherwise

I would have rather you said something constructive along side with the topic than to come into the thread and spout off as to be excited to start an argument.

wanna become a mod?
i for one think it's very very very constructive to challenge "belief" as it might result in one or two people deciding not to fill their mind with names and attributes for the "yet to be known"


i would like to thank you (i'm sincere now) for your tone of voice: obviously we think very different yet you aren't really hostile. Much appreciated (and please forgive my tendency towards irony and sarcasm, can't help it)

edit on 13-9-2011 by NeverSleepingEyes because: messed up quotes. hope it's fixed now

edit on 13-9-2011 by NeverSleepingEyes because: fixing the quotes again

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by soundofathousandbirds
reply to post by lonewolf19792000


Well, so much for not getting your thread derailed!

Personally I find this an interesting topic and was unaware of that tetrad info etc. Thanks for that.

Whether or not God exists in the form we have been lead to believe is another thread altogether.
As for the bible, its an excellent read but apart from being more of a history of the Jews etc I find it difficult to take it as the word of 'God'. How can it be if it was written and manipulated by man?

Anyway, I for one will be keeping an open mind and looking out for a blood red moon

Yeah, thanks
. It has to do with a solar eclipse and a blood moon, i'm not sure what kind of solar eclipse, wether or not its just a partial or a full, but there will be some sort of eclipse followed by a blood moon either on the same day as the eclipse (which is what i think will happen) or soon after. This ofcourse has to do with the end of the Tribulation i think, because it is written that before the tribulation begins he will come like a thief in the night to take his 7 churches out of harms way before he pours out his wrath on mankind.

As you know the "church" is his "bride", and the Lord will not have his bride in harms way while he gives humanity an excercise in humility. Revelations and Daniel speaks alot about these things. For all the atheists that naysay that God exists i will say this one thing, that ALL of the prophecies ever prophecied, all about 7 have yet to come to pass. All the others were fulfilled in Christ's time, and he has yet to fulfill the final 7 and those are well on the way. Read Revelation and heed the message.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Doesn't the bible say that no one will be able to predict his return Or was that just dooms day in general?

Not that I take anything the bible says seriously. Just asking.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by longtermproject
OP.... your forgetting one very important fact.... it clearly states in Revelations somewhere...... "NO MAN KNOWS THE HOUR NOR THE DAY OF MY RETURN" ....

Sorry to burst your bubble but predicting the return of christ is like playing the lottery.... someday, someone may get it right, but most likely just wasting your time playing

I didn't forget that litte fact, i know it all too well. he said we will not know the hour or the day but he didn't say anything about us being able to triangulate a time period around when the event will occur. In fact, if Revelations goes like clockwork, the he will return exactly 7 years after the rapture, if the pre-tribulation rapture happens that is. In any case if massive numbers of christians all of a sudden disappear or turn up missing one day, then you shall know, he will return in 7 years and you have to survive hell on earth until he does. We've already been given the signs that were in the first happenings of the tribulation, as we were told we would know and have the signs thereof.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by Julie Washington

I agree, i saw that chart too and it is interesting. There are so many biblical events linked with solar and lunar eclipses and blood moon tetrads. Theres even a story of Joshua, when he was battling the caananites that he was running out of time and if daylight failed before the battle was won that he would probably lose the battle, so he prayed to the Lord and nightfall never came, the earth stopped moving long enough for him to win the battle.

I often wondered that as these biblical events always taking place during some sort of astronomical happenstance that the Lord might actually be on earth, just in a different spectrum or wavelength that humans cannot see with our primitave shortwave eyesight. This could alude to why when the Lord removes the "scales" from your eyes that you can see angels and fallen angels battling all around us, perhaps he allows said person a glimpse passed the physical realm.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 10:55 AM

i don't go for individual opinions based on individual experiences when trying to understand reality.
reply to post by NeverSleepingEyes

WHY??? I really want to know why you do not take into account your experience when pondering your reality. Your reality is based on your senses is it not?

I think if we laid out evidence I can prove with evidence there is a "Christ" by using others and my own experiences based on what we know as a collective consciousness. I cannot prove there isn't one though based on others and my own experiences. I choose what to add and choose what to keep out of the equation.

One thing is for sure. Reality is only true based on the eye of the beholder. Reality, time and space for me is different that yours. We all have our own perception of anything and everything. You and I could watch a show that is only ten minutes long. We will have captured different idea of what the writer conveys. I assure you.

We can only dream of the possibilities that lies beyond our own experience. There are many realms of dimensions and this is proven. There are plenty of things our eyes to do not tell us.


Why can we not see everything? Do we not have enough light?

There is no shred of evidence you can offer me that will say to me there is no Christ. There was a time I was mad, hurt, angry, grieving for a child. This sent me on a journey to prove to myself if there was indeed a Christ or not...if there was a God or not... I made up my mind through countless hours of research.

As an atheist there is no shred of evidence I can show you that will make you believe otherwise. You have proven to yourself there is no Christ and there is no God. of us is right. Or....can we both be right? I think we can both be right.

In this reality we find ourselves in there are many possibilities and many roads. The one thing I think we can all agree on though is there is a law of cause and effect. This said law says a lot within our reality of mumbo jumbo when really pondered and reflected upon.

I am at the edge of my seat in awe and cannot wait to see how this movie ends. I want it to end with an all loving happy ending for all. This is what I pray for.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 11:09 AM

I often wondered that as these biblical events always taking place during some sort of astronomical happenstance that the Lord might actually be on earth, just in a different spectrum or wavelength that humans cannot see with our primitave shortwave eyesight. This could alude to why when the Lord removes the "scales" from your eyes that you can see angels and fallen angels battling all around us, perhaps he allows said person a glimpse passed the physical realm.
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

For this reason I think it is important to read the Bible like a "book" , meaning from front to back so each time it is read the understanding becomes much clearer. We cannot humanize every word because it comes from the Universe's Eyes as well. The whole picture needs to be taking into account...not just a portion.

We live on a Planet that spins rapidly. We the "atoms" spin as to the illusion that meets the perception of said spin. Some of us are more aware, some of us are more in tune, some have powers to move things, some of us can see into the future and knowledge is scattered about where there is no truth to be had. For this reason I rely on the Word more so than anything. It was written ....knowledge was chosen. In order to know and be all knowing then we would have to experience everything God experiences. How many life times does this take I wonder?

My son was so right.....we needed Life....not Knowledge. There goes the law of cause and effect.

I really do believe this law will cease when time does or when the circle of knowledge becomes our pitfall. Time and space races....knowledge races.... we still do not know what is what because all of it soooooo scattered among all perceptions of reality. It is too confusing and too sad. We have got to get to a point where there is no "death" and everyone lives in harmony. No need to work for food when we live in communities that focus on learning and taking care of the "village" by means of not money but by means of the heart. I can care for a whole village if money were not an issue.

We have been lead on a course that is filled with the ultimate slave. Money. We have all taken money and done careless things with it. We have not used our money wisely when we owe more for our house than it is worth. We can even buy a house, pay for it and the Government can come in and take it...just like that!

We are slaves...... one day.....we will be free. I long for this day!!!

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 11:16 AM
There is a HIGH chance jesus will come back for his brides this month. When Jesus came to earth he came to fulfill prophecy which are the Jewish Sabbaths. There are 7 Feasts and Jesus fulfilled 4 as of now. The big mystery in that the bible is to let us know we were chosen as his bride. If you research Jewish engagement and wedding processes, the bible will be clear on that. The 7 feast all represent the Marriage of Jesus. The cup of wine as a proposal and the engagement ring, Jesus paying the price for us, the Holy Spirit as an engagement ring and our good deeds as a wedding garment. The next feast will be the trumpets. No one will know the day and hour because the feast lasts for 2 days and 2 witnesses have to see the moon come out in order
for this to start that is why no one knows. But God said to keep the Sabbath Holy and know the seasons. Feast of trumpets this year is Sep. 28-30. If you add 1948(Israel Independence) + 70 (Daniel Prophecy) = 2018 - 7 year Tribulation = 2011. And the NASA forecast for blood moons align.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by MamaJ

i don't go for individual opinions based on individual experiences when trying to understand reality.
reply to post by NeverSleepingEyes

WHY??? I really want to know why you do not take into account your experience when pondering your reality. Your reality is based on your senses is it not?

nope. "my reality" doesn't exist. reality does. any attempt to try to grasp it using my senses is doomed to fail as it is nothing but a very subjective interpretation, the result of filtering, matching, ... bits of information in my brain.

this of course doesn't mean I don't "take into account (my) experience when pondering (my) reality". I'm a human bean, I can't but take my experience as a part of my attempt to understand external reality. The difference is that I tend to start from the assumption that senses are lying, experiences are no necessary reflection of reality (you should share these experiences whenever I'm feverish: they tend to be wild then

As a sociologist, whenever I claim to make a scientific statement, the first thing I have to do is to understand myself as a sociologist making statements... While I can have an experience (I can witness a person with a dark skin being harassed by police every 5 minutes), I can't take my interpretation of that experience (those fascist pigs harass those with a weaker socio-economic position) as a valid part of my understanding unless I deconstruct that experience, as that experience is the consequence of my positions, my mental state, my ideological choices...

I dunno if this makes sense. if not, I'll try to reformulate.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 11:22 AM
christ is nothing more than a cryst-al reflecting the illusory worlds light in 3D.

Let there be light.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by Jim Scott
The Sun is darkened and the Moon is as blood during a lunar eclipse, not a solar eclipse.
The period to look for is after the year 2030.
During the original crucifixion, there was a lunar eclipse on Passover, but it only half covered the Moon.
The next lunar eclipse on Passover about 2000 years after the first crucifixion Passover will be a completely covered Moon at exactly midnight.

Guess what happens then.

let me guess: nothing?

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by gaurdian2012

I say this with Joy, "I would gladly follow him when he returns!"

That's who my friend...

But I do plainly see where you are coming from, you are making sense and pose some good questions in your post.

The Answer?

Coming soon, I promise my friend.

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