posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 06:42 PM
i found this place when looking into roswell. i googled a particular person involved in that case, and looked for associated text and it came up ATS..
i have changed and grown knowledge on a daily basis since then... also, i am glad my boss enjoys it, otherwise the 2-5 hours i spend here every work
day would certainly get someone fired! but since then, i have grown into a lot of other things, there is SO MUCH going on here, it is hard to stay
focused at times... like whaaa said, i am glad i haven't been banned... guess they're just waiting for the ultimate wrong response... also, i am
awaiting the choppers and mid to come busting through any day now... well, that's what my boss says, and he's one of the old schooler's here... but he
doesn't know who i am
and just by the way, after look back, i didn't even post in the thread that brought me here... i got way too caught up here
and here
and then i found out the main interest to me was controversial history, like here (one of my favorite threads by the way) , and i made it in right before jared loughner went bonkers, so i looked heavily
into that once atser... but mostly i have stuck to dream theory and ufo's aliens, and history... this is the most interesting place i have ever
traveled... even if it's only virtually... i am forever changed...
deny ignorance!
edit on 12-9-2011 by schitzoandro because: add look back